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The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

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Hey everybody.

My name is Paul Moffat, im 33 years old and from Tauranga, New Zealand.

I stumbled across Outerra by fluke on the internet whilst just browsing around, not sure how I managed to avoid not knowing about it for so long as I am an avid fan of simulators especially flight based simulators. Like Falcon 4, Lomac, IL-2, MSFS, X-Plane and even Orbiter (space simulator) just to name a few.
I also a fan of the upcoming and in development game Star Citizen/Squadron 44 - I really hope it lives up to the hype.

I'm pretty keen in aviation, and would like to finish my PPL sometime when I can afford it. Currently working for a company called Placemakers, in their frame and truss manufacting plant - building walls and roof trusses for houses and commercial buildings.

I'm also extremely interested in computers, have been programming with them since I was about 8 years old. I'm no expert though as my experience is spread over the years with a lot of time in between. I lost major interest with it for a while when a harddrive crash killed all my projects, programs, reference materials and lots of other files. I have programmed in Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java and even Assembly. I like programming games such as Robocode and Redcode [corewar]).

I've got a bit of website development experience. A whilst back I was trying to build a website using HTML and CSS (another casualty of lost files). I even tried a bit of ASP but eventually got into PHP - felt less monopolistic (Microsoft). Lately though I've just adopted a CMS system. I tried Joomla and Drupal but found Wordpress to just be easier and more compatible with the server (their security settings) hosting my site.

I am also into 3D design which is ironic because I couldn't draw to save my life. I've played around with many game editors and found developing game environments and buildings to be quite entertaining. Such as DCK (dos)/Doom Builder (win) for Doom/Doom 2/Heretic, Duke Nukem 3D Level Editor, Half-Life Editor, UnrealEd, Crysis Editor (sandbox). That experience led me to try out actual 3D modelling programs where I trialed 3DS Max 6 and Maya PLE initially.

I eventually found Blender. Despite its weird interface (earlier versions) the modelling aspect, key configuration or something - it really clicked with me I dont know how or why. Alot of people seem to have trouble with Blender. I was the opposite. Don't know if its because im left-handed, naturally backwards or what,  but it feels alot more natural then 3DS Max which just feels wrong now (I tried it again recently - it felt like I was trying to write with my other hand). Whatever works I guess and being free I really benefit from that :)

I am not overly experienced in 3D Modelling but I do have several years of on/off experience (like all my computer experience). My texturing experience though is VERY NEW. I tend to design things and avoid the texturing part. I do hope to contribute toward Outerra though in the way of 3D modelling so I am currently making an active effort to further my skills in Blender so I am capable of meeting the design quality which an engine such as Outerra naturally aspires for.

I thank you for reading my post, and will see you around the forums :)


Hello! I am going to start off with a bit about myself (Duh)

I live in Utah in the USA. I am a Male. I am 15 and am just going into high school. I have been with a computer from the age of 6 to 8. Ever since then I was obsessed with the idea of a perfect game in which you could go around a life sized Earth and do multiple tasks that you could do in real life. As I grew older I realized that such an idea was a tad bit absurd and would not be possible for a decade or two. Of course I found Outerra. I like the idea that the developers are designing it as a game engine, so then unlike other AAA companies that make great engines for their games, they never release them for public use. Today I know that Outerra is just using a bit of its potential, and I cannot wait to see what happens to the engine and maybe some games that will come out of it. Keep up the good work devs! I have some interest and skill in simple programming, game design, and I am more skilled in 3D modelling. Personality: Cynical, Pessimistic, Thinks that he is smarter than he really is, Weak, Neurotic, Has Anxiety and Depression disorders, etc. And yet, I just brush all that crap off and think that it is good for me. Anyway I hope that you enjoyed this Passive Aggressive post that is detailed in some places and not detailed in others.

Just a quick note is that I really do not go back a proofread so expect some continuity errors.


you dont have any mental disorders - its called puberty in the rest of the world and is normal for many peoples. Act normal and you will be treated as normal. So you said you are with computers at the age of 6 to 8. That means, that you just started with computer related topics. Have fun with them, maybe you are the skilled person of your dreams in 15 years ;)

Hello thanks you for allowing me into this community.

Have been a long time Outerra fan thought to take the plunge and register and see where it takes me.

I have taken more and more interest in graphics engines and Outerra is out there with the likes of Unreal4 and others favs.

So here I am thanks again.

Wellcome, Razzor!


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