Outerra forum

Anteworld - Outerra Game => Tech demo, support, updates => Topic started by: SuperCell on September 01, 2014, 07:54:10 pm

Title: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: SuperCell on September 01, 2014, 07:54:10 pm
Is there any way I can play with old drivers? For FSX sake, I only run 13.4. All my other games are compatible with it. :)
Title: Re: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: cameni on September 02, 2014, 01:44:49 am
We set a driver warning when there's a serious bug in the drivers, but I think it's continuable, isn't it? You may see some graphical glitches, missing shadows etc, but as long as there's no shader compiler error, it should work.
Title: Re: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: SuperCell on September 21, 2014, 05:22:40 pm
Yeah it's the open gl shader compilation fatal error... is there a fix for that?
Title: Re: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: cameni on September 21, 2014, 05:40:59 pm
Fix would be the new drivers, since the bug is in the old ones ;)

In some cases we can work around the bugs in older drivers, if it's something that can be done easily. I'm not getting the error with 13.4, so it may be also HW specific - could you please post your eng.log, so we can see what error it is, and what exact driver version and GPU?
Title: Re: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: SuperCell on September 21, 2014, 10:26:25 pm
amd radeon hd 7850 1gb
drivers 12.104-130328a-159787C-ATI
catalyst version 13.4

my eng is just default... as i haven't played since the reinstall

num_jobproc_threads = 1,
renderer_config =  (renderer_config) {
   screen_width = 1280,
   screen_height = 720,
   fullscreen = false,
   swap_interval = 0,
   msaa = 1,
   debug_mode = false,
   debug_async = true,
   refresh_rate = 60,
   disable_composition = false
videos_dir = "videos\",
screenshots_dir = "screenshots\",
terrain_shadows = true,
tree_shadows = true,
wnd_x_pos = 0,
wnd_y_pos = 0,
wnd_hide_titlebar = false,
mouse_exclusive = false,
sim_mode = false,
fov = 81.42881,
fov_v_separate = 0.0,
proj = 0,
enable_hid_logging = false,
mouse_sensitivity = 1.0,
joy_sensitivity = 1.0,
mouse_invert = false,
flightmode_invert = true,
pause_in_sandbox = true,
debug_keys = false,
cfg-version = 4853,
bloom_power = .03,
bloom_threshold = 1.0,
min_obj_size = 5.0,
sound =  (sound_config) {
   global = 1.0,
   ambient = 1.0,
   vehicle = 1.0,
   effect = 1.0,
   music = 1.0,
   hrtf = false
use_hmd = true,
video = 1,
ssao_quality = 2,
shadow_quality = 2,
stereo =  (stereo_config) {
   eye_separation = .064,
   convergence = .064,
   resolution =  (float2) {
      x = 0.0,
      y = 0.0
   K =  (float4) {
      x = 0.0,
      y = 0.0,
      z = 0.0,
      w = 0.0
   aberration =  (float4) {
      x = 0.0,
      y = 0.0,
      z = 0.0,
      w = 0.0
   reduce_grass = false,
   override_resolution = false,
   force_hrtf = true,
   stereo_type = 0,
   swap_sides = false
controller =  (cam_ctrl_config) {
   pan_min_angle =  (float2) {
      x = -1.570796,
      y = -.785398
   pan_max_angle =  (float2) {
      x = 1.570796,
      y = .785398
   panning_speed =  (float2) {
      x = .01,
      y = .01
   view_min_angle =  (float2) {
      x = -1.570796,
      y = -.785398
   view_max_angle =  (float2) {
      x = 1.570796,
      y = .785398
   view_delay = .1,
   fm_roll_coef = .4,
   fm_turn_coef = 1.25,
   fm_turn_delay = 4.0,
   fm_filter_delay = .5,
   um_filter_delay = .02,
   hmd_turn_coef = 1.0,
   hmd_pitch_coef = .2
Title: Re: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: cameni on September 22, 2014, 01:17:39 am
That's eng.cfg, eng.log is near it. Hard to discern with Windows hiding file extensions.
Title: Re: Old AMD Drivers
Post by: SuperCell on September 22, 2014, 11:24:45 pm
http://textuploader.com/o9dk (http://textuploader.com/o9dk)