Outerra forum

Anteworld - Outerra Game => Tech demo, support, updates => Topic started by: bugsblake on May 22, 2013, 11:57:23 am

Title: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: bugsblake on May 22, 2013, 11:57:23 am
hi. i downloaded some vehicles from here but none of them had thubmnails in the vehicle selector so i added my own. all was working as i tested each one as i did them! but now a few of them dont show anymore yet i didnt change anything after? even the truck t817 has stopped showing yet i did nothing to that! ive checked the folders and the gif's are still there! any idea why this might have happened? thanks
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: M7 on May 22, 2013, 02:00:52 pm
I had somehow the same thing, some vehicle thumbnails just didn't show up. But then i clicked on the aircraft tab, then back on the vehicle one and for some reason,  they are all showing up now.
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: M7 on May 22, 2013, 02:13:25 pm
looks like that trick only worked once. Now i can click on every tab and the thumbnails  won't show up.
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: cameni on May 22, 2013, 02:20:01 pm
Hmm maybe it stops working properly when you have too many of them. Does scrolling do anything? There's a code that requests thumbnails when they come into view, maybe that fails in some circumstances.
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: M7 on May 22, 2013, 02:34:52 pm
Scrolling doesn't do anything. Thumbnails of planes and helicopter work fine. I can also see the Tatra813 and a thumbnail i did for   the ford 150. Anything else just won't show, even the two T815-7.

It's really weird cause one time only, i could see them all.

edit: oups! i just saw  all of them for a moment again, closed the tab and reopen .... and still missing thumbnails. I do have 22 vehicles in the tab.
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: ZeosPantera on May 22, 2013, 04:20:42 pm
I have a bunch of vehicles and no thumbnails work. I assumed it was a 4000 series issue so I never reported it. I have a ton of vehicles.
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: bugsblake on May 22, 2013, 04:57:39 pm
yh my problem is just how M7 says! all showed the once so thought all was fine, then gone!

@zeos: most cars dont have the thumbnail, you have to add them your self! ;)
Title: Re: some thumbnails stopped working?
Post by: ZeosPantera on May 23, 2013, 01:39:52 am
Yes but the ones with thumbs.. don't work.