Outerra forum
User mods, screenshots & videos => Aircraft => Helicopters => Topic started by: KW71 on March 30, 2015, 07:56:53 pm
Updated December 17th, 2015
The long anticipated Apache alpha version is finally almost here! What first began as Cameni having the idea to improve the textures on the original model, has turned into a much more elaborate collaboration between KW71, Acetone, myself, and others. With the help and support of Outerra, this project promises to deliver not just an awesome helicopter, but this will also be a milestone that demonstrates some of the features and vision behind a platform that will support sea, land, air and space simulation. The objective of this alpha release is to expose the Apache project to the community in order to get feedback and, of course, for your enjoyment!
Without further adieu, I'm honored to announce that the alpha version of the AH-64D Apache Longbow will be released by Outerra in the next update! We are aiming for a release before New Years, but possibly shortly afterwards due to time dependencies and the holiday season.
This project is dedicated to Cameni, Angrypig and all of the Outerra developers, for their diligence and hard work to build an engine that is now leading the way into a new age for both gaming and professional simulation, such as demonstrated by TitanIM. This project is also in dedication, and hopefully serves as an inspiration, to our incredible community of enthusiasts who stand behind this next generation world engine! =D
Stay tuned for a video and updates in the coming week. I promise, you won't want to miss this update!
The release will include:
AH-64D Apache Longbow, modelling and textures by KW71, programming and flight model by Uriah!
Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM) Washington State USA scenery (earth90), by Acetone!
Urban houses and buildings package, with textures by M7, and modelling by KW71 and Uriah!
The Apache features:
Olive Drab and Desert Tan liveries
Highly detailed and animated virtual cockpits for pilot and co-pilot/gunner
Extended controls for all available system functions
Navigation, anti-collision, and formation lights, and rotating searchlight
AH-64 JSBSim flight model [Work In Progress]
Turboshaft turbine engines, APU, start-up and shutdown
Electrical and aircraft sub-systems
Pilot analog instruments/indicators - Attitude, Speed, Altitude and Pressure indicators and Magnetic Compass
Four MFDs with dynamic elements
- FLT - Flight page, with Bank Indicator, Attitude Indication Pitch Ladder and Flight Path Vector
- ADF - Automatic Direction Finder page, with Compass Rose and ADF Bearing Indicator
- WPN - ARM/SAFE Status, Weapon Mode, Gun Status, Missile Launcher Rail Icons, Rocket Launcher Icons, Flares and Chaff Status
- FCR GTM - Fire Control Radar Ground Targeting Mode
Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor (M-TADS/PNVS) with DTV, LLTV and FLIR sensor modes, and IR laser designator
TADS Head Mounted Display
30mm M230 Chain Gun (with basic ballistic computer)
Hydra-70 unguided rockets and AGM-114 Hellfire laser guided missiles
Flight Manual (PDF)
Built-in interactive training missions (flight, navigation and weapons employment)
Please note, that some of these features are still under development, and I may not finish all of them in time for the alpha release, but I'll try my best! Also many features will not be fully functional, and do not represent the final version for the Apache or similar features that Outerra intends to implement. For example, the dynamic elements on the MFDs currently use animated meshes, while in the future Outerra will have an API for MFDs and HUDs. Another example is the weapons which currently explode on impact with the ground but do not destroy targets, while in the future there will be a damage system and interface for that.
KW71, Uriah and team!
Don't stop what you are doing. Do it to all the things.
Nice !
Outerra vehicle overhaul!!
Very nice, very nice. Great work on the details!
Let's get these MFDs working! With the upcoming extended controls, and subsequent 3d click-able cockpit, we can easily map out the OSB buttons to provide different output depending on what screen is selected. The horizontal OSB buttons select MFD mode, and in the script shows the selected screen mesh and hides all others, and also sets the mfd_state variable to the current screen ID number. The vertical OSBs interact with the screen options, depending on the mfd_state. We can bind keyboard commands for the OSB buttons until the clickable cockpit.
I found a consistent method to illuminate an MFD display, by making semi transparent masks, defining the material opacity to 0.99 and adding a wide angle spot light behind the screen with the sport direction vector facing the pilot. This will back-light the display, and can work with display ckntent/graphical user interface by using opacity maps.
I will make an MFD demo including simple GUI and script as an example which can be adapted for any aircraft or vehicle such as this.
You can also add camera positions close-up to the MFD screen, toggled with V key currently, but can soon be modified to dedicated keys for each MFD or any other instrument panel. This would be similar to DCS/FSX.
Again, great work! Can't wait to check it out.
Awesome work KW71 ! I love the details, especially the pixel effect on the MFD :)
The new details are nice! So you have the original 3d model? If so, Have you ever use a curvature map to use as a mask to generate wears?
Thank you all guys, for your comments!!!
Uriah, I would appreciate any indication in how to model every part so is operational.
For example:
- Do you only need one mesh per MDF?
- When the instruments become click-able, are going to have animation? ... If so:
- Guess I need a different mesh, name and origin for every click-able button, right? ... if so:
- Could some one tell me which buttons are going to be click-able... (APU, batteries, etc.) We would become crazy trying to make operationals all of them.
For the MDFs I have a black background and a translucent layer infront, thinking that a some point emissive textures could arrive, but your method sounds great.
M7, I don't understand... ¿What is a curvature map ... to generate wears?
Another screenshots:
A curvature map is a map baked from a mesh that show the curvature of a surface by light shade for convex curves/edges and dark shades for concave curves/edges. Flat surface are 50% gray. I use a program called xnormal to bake them.
It's an invaluable tool to make mask for adding edge wear
AO map can also be usefull for adding stuff like dust in cracks.
Oh, never heard of that curvature map, but sounds really useful! I have seen xnormal before, but never call my attention as I bake directly in max or blender, but now I'm gonna check it out.
I could use this curvature map just in the main body and components, because almost all the rest of the stuff is sharing uv locations.
Thanks M7!!!
I had not much time this couple of weeks...
Seems to be coming along nicely!
The seat texture looks very good - all the textures in fact. It's a really nice job :)
That looks ace mate! :) keep up the great work :)
Thanks, guys!!! I appeciate your words!
Impressive! Could you do the same thing with the bus? A nice interior would do wonders for the immersion when driving it in the Rift :D
Thanks, Varldsligist.
This work will take a few more time, and I have some work after it, so the bus is not in sight right now.
Working in the new collective stick... tricky shapes.
Niiice!!! Looking great!
Nice! It must have been a pain to model this thing...
Good luck with the second half of the stick :)
Hi, guys!!!
wow really nice!
Are those two levers on the far left for engine RPM setting ?
The ones right above the yellow button?
The ones right above the yellow button?
exactly ... or its just the engine/rotor-brakes ? (like MI-17/8 has above the pilots head - just haven't, seen that birds cockpit in detail before, so was stunned by those two things there)
"Are those two levers on the far left for engine RPM setting ?"
Yes. One lever for each engine, guess. The third (the small one) says " F R I C T " (?).
Yes. One lever for each engine, guess. The third (the small one) says " F R I C T " (?).
... found a confirmation on some forums ... im quite surprised, flew just some sims of MI-24 and the Kamov. I thought all helis have the RPM-control on the collective via a axial-rotation style (twist grip) controller.
http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/military/read.main/68963 (http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/military/read.main/68963)
I had the same reaction than you, when I realized of that. I thought people where not playing with RPM when flying copters... Perhaps that just apply to standard models (with fixed steps in the collective stick) because I found this (search for RPM):
Hi, guys!!!
Step by step...
(click to enlarge)
This is amazing :D
Outstanding, top notch, super deluxe! 8)
Thank you both, guys!!! :)
Very very nice. I hope it gets some lights!
Very very nice. I hope it gets some lights!
Thanks!! Sure it will!!
Awesome work KW71!
If you will ever need help with the scripting, just tell. :)
Thanks a lot Levi !!
I looked at all the pictures and followed the developments of the project ...
You're a Magician of graphics ( ... and they are very envious :) :) :) )
A thousand congratulations !
Thanks andlfy!
If the dirty glass doesn't let you look, what can you do?
Open the hatches!!
As you can see in the first page of this topic, it is "Team Work" now!!!
congratulations .. great job.
Yes, looks more realistic. Nice job Gentlemen's! (http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Sonstige/bravo_happy.gif) (http://www.smileygarden.de)
Incredible work :)
The AH-64 is going to be the best aircraft in the game, it's a big change when you think it was the less detailed model, without even sounds.
Thank you guys!!! We appreciate your words!! :)
Thanks! 8)
One thing I will say is the flight model has been completely re-built, and now includes a working turbine engine, APU and electrical system. In order to fly the Apache you will need to learn the startup procedure, to turn on the electrical supply, start the APU, and start the main engines in order to spool up the rotor. With this is mind, I'll be releasing a comprehensive Flight Manual.
Best regards,
I will love it when clickable cockpits arrive, as (usually) strange keyboard commands are not my thing. :)
This screenshot doesn't even come close to doing the new tail justice. KW71 doesn't stop... adding... details... ever! :-)
Keep it up and we'll have the best Apache ever created for a game, if we already don't!
Hey Uriah, Nice work! I like that Outerra is moving forward in development. Will aircraft effects be something attached to the model, or will these be built into the Game engine later? Things like Tire smoke on touch down, Vapor trails, engine smoke, etc. Is there a damage model for use in Combat later? -Woog
Thanks! :D I can only take credit for development of the code, the improvements to the 3d model and textures are all KW71's work!
Particle effects such as you mention are something that will be native to the engine and added to an aircraft or vehicle in JavaScript. There are already smoke effects, but they have not been released yet, and will likely need to be optimized for performance reasons before being made available to the public.
A damage model is something I am working on for the Apache already. There are two sides to a damage model, the flight model and the physical 3d model. However, there are some functional aspects which need to be addressed in order for this to work at the level necessary for combat simulation. I plan to build a basic damage model for the alpha release of the Apache (illustrated in the images below), and a more sophisticated one in the future which will include hit boxes to model damage/failure of internal sub-systems and components, such as electrical sub-systems, engines, fuel tanks, etc.
Best regards,
(http://i.imgur.com/40LBrLd.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/byTGQ8C.jpg)
(http://i.imgur.com/SgWGTlD.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/xkDvTxY.jpg)
I need to really study up on Outerra. I have spent most of my time modding FSX/P3d, and also X-plane a little. Is there a "paint kit" available yet, or is KH71 still tweaking the model? I would love to do some repaints of my local JBLM based Apaches, although most of ours are now the new AH-64E models with the upturned exhaust, and higher rated engine output.
Nothing has been released yet, but I expect we will be disclosing a release date and list of features soon. Once it is released you will easily be able to create custom skins.
I'm from Washington myself, so I look forward to seeing your JBLM scenery! :D
If you have any questions, I am usually on the #outerra IRC channel. http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?action=chat
Anyone else love the warning on the front of default 64D
I dont know if this is old or anything, but if it is still being worked on, i couldnt be more happier. I am a huge helicopter fan myself, and i prefer rotary much more than fixed wings.
Anywho, this has been like a long wait for a christmas that may never come, but i wont lose hope :)
Keep up the good work, modders. The whole forum owes you a great deal of thanks for even doing this.
Hi there!
Your words are much appreciated. A lot of hard work goes into this stuff, especially when you're developing core functionality from the ground up. I like to think of it as, I'm not simply working on a single aircraft, but constructing the blueprints for building blocks which will enable those to come to build better things! :)
Don't loose hope! In fact, check back soon. ;) The AH-64 is a very active project, and we have a surprise on its way!
In the meantime, be sure to check out the screenshots we posted on the previous page in case you missed them.
Best regards,
I dont know if this is old or anything, but if it is still being worked on, i couldnt be more happier. I am a huge helicopter fan myself, and i prefer rotary much more than fixed wings.
Anywho, this has been like a long wait for a christmas that may never come, but i wont lose hope :)
Keep up the good work, modders. The whole forum owes you a great deal of thanks for even doing this.
Thanks, MrWohoo!! I also prefer copters... Are much more interesting to fly, IMO. We are making progress on this... slow but firm.
As my friend and team mate said, there are surprises on its way!
Well i didnt expect such a wonderful response :)
I was just wondering if the craft will have accurate flight dynamics ?
By that i mean.. well, we all know a traditional rotary aircraft with one rotor and an anti-tourqe rotor, does not want to fly. Its like balancing a few tonnes on a pinhead trying to hold it balanced :P
How about the vortex effect ? The state you get when the airflow runs through the blades but get trapped in a vortex around the outer edges of the blades.
Negative blade Stall ? The state you get when you are going faster than the rotary blades can push airflow through the blades. You will basically nosedive down and, well, stall :P
Ground Resonanse ? Its more likely you will get this from an aircraft with skids, rather than wheels, since wheels dampen eventual vibrations etc.
Anti-tourque effect ? Pedalwork.. lots of pedalwork :P
Just a few things ive rarely seen games implement, even fully commercial helicopter aircraft simulators ( except professional ones).
Again, thank you for your awesome work. However this turns out, it will be brilliant :)
Hi again,
I have already made considerable progress on the flight model, however there are the obvious issues of complexity when moving from traditional aircraft to rotor/VTOL aircraft.
Stability necessitates modeling two primary types of systems, the Stability Augmentation System and the Intermixing Unit. I am working towards understanding these systems and implementing them.
Modelling vortex interactions isn't the problem, getting accurate data on specific aircraft throughout the flight envelope is the problem. As you have seen, I have plenty of data on the UH-60 Black Hawk, but have had considerable difficulty obtaining data on the Apache.
Retreating blade stall is an interesting problem, which I understand the basis of, but haven't quite grasped how JSB is modelling rotors to begin with in order to determine how to proceed in attacking this problem.
When you say "ground resonance", can you describe more fully what it is you are referring to, or point me to some relevant information.
From the current state of the Apache flight model as it stands in Outerra, what I have already is a step in the right direction, but will require much more work. I plan to get back into the flight model more once we have released an alpha version of the Apache and I have time to focus on it exclusively.
I hope that answers your questions.
Best regards,
Here you have a video describing visually the ground resonance effect. Its quite horrifying if you get it; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NEGiblNFO4
Its something i hope i never ever get.. The only way to get out of it is to lift off as quickly as you can.
Heres the Wiki; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_resonance
And yes, i saw that post on the UH-60.. mindboggeling maths..
But yeah, this answers most of it. You're a great scripter, keep up the good work :)
EDIT: I dont know about you, but i think i would get alot of information if i made myself my own helicopter, like this russian pensioner;
After a little research, it seems the basic cause of ground resonance is a dynamic interaction between the rotor forces and the ground contacts, namely asymmetric lift and flapping moment of the rotor disk, causing a feedback loop that increases the magnitudes of the forces. Flapping moment is property I can set in the rotor, so I will have to experiment with changing the value.
This video provides a good illustration of the dynamics involved in mast bumping and flapping moments.
I was surprised by how much force ground resonance can exert and resulting catastrophic failure of the airframe, such as in the case with this CH-47.
I also plan for the rotor blades to have a damage model, resulting in physical damage and affecting the aerodynamics forces of the flight model if they collide with the ground.
Another thing I need to be able to model is turbine compressor stall. I was recently able to get an example of a flight model which uses a turbine engine, however I'm still having issues with this example in terms of the a system called "rpm-governor", which causes power loss when collective is increased.
Good thing about the 64 and 60 because they are rigid rotor systems you won't get mast bumping, but flying the TH-67, OH-58A/C and UH-1 it was a serious concern and had to listen for a high pitch ping/ring. Never got into a mast bumping situation so I don't know exactly what it sounded like.
Hey there,
Good to see you around!
It is great there are so many pilots frequenting the OT forums! :D You flew the UH-60A primarily if I remember correctly? Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the Black Hawk! In fact, much of the work I've done on the Apache flight model has been applied to the UH-60 FDM as well. I'll try to get a new versions up of the flight models for both the AH-64 and the UH-60 sometime this coming week. It would be great to get your feedback.
I certainly need to do more research about the aerodynamic differences between each type of rotor system; fully articulated, semi-rigid and rigid.
From my understanding, in a rigid rotor system the flapping moment occurs by means of blade flex instead of articulated hinges. Specifically, with a rigid rotor system, does the rotor disk's collective lift vector change angle relative to the airframe in the direction of cyclic, or is it only the pitch/roll angle of the aircraft that changes?
With a semi-ridged or articulated system, the rotor disk tilts in the direction of cyclic, so does differential blade flex due to cyclic pitch have the same effect with a ridged system? It seems logical that the load, and therefore the flex, on each blade changes with cyclic pitch, and if forward cyclic is applied there will be an average differential between the fore and aft blades.
If anyone knows of any sources for aerodynamic data or a mathematical model of the Apache, it would be extremely helpful. I have found some, such as the basic specifications for the main rotor and tail rotor, but am lacking sufficient quantitative data. I have enough data on the turbine engines and APU, but have almost nothing about the gear ratios for the transmission/gear box. I'm also having a hard time determining the center of gravity location and the moments of inertia (empty weight) for the AH-64D Longbow and/or AH-64E Guardian.
Best regards,
Oh god i love cheesy US Army training videos :P
In all seriousness, that video teahced me more than i already knew, so thats good for a change.
The rotoblade damage model would be, quite frankly, quite fun! having good fun with that damagemodel in DCS flying the helicopters. So i reckon it'll do good for all :)
Now when you say turbine compressor stall, you mean total engine faliure, following autorotation ?
The RPM-Governor is especially handly when flying with a slingload or heavy gross weight, so i do think that is an requirement, especially in combat enviroment (not quite sure, but its logical (Too lazy to look up the facts atm ))
Anyways, we had a good chat about this, still amazed theres someone out there who actually knows what hes talking about :)
Cheers Uriah and KW71 !
Turbine compressor stall occurs when the power demanded to maintain the required rotor speed is greater than the engine can supply, which can be a function of change in collective over time, among many other factors such as altitude or gross weight. In the event of engine compressor stall you would decrease collective, to take some of the load off the turbine, so the speed of the compressor and the rotor can pick back up, then collective would be increased again to gain lift, or else you would get into a situation where autorotation would be necessary.
Anyways, we had a good chat about this, still amazed theres someone out there who actually knows what hes talking about :)
Actually, I learned much of this from krcm1981 here, and my limited understanding of physics and aerodynamics! 8) Getting feedback from pilots is very critical, maybe more so than having fancy data, because a lot of the technical information available is difficult to understand without practical experience.
Best regards,
This guy breaks down helicopter mechanics pretty well, give these vids a view
Nice thank you! Great resource.
I'm going to have to take a lot of notes. 8)
Hi, krcm1981!!
"U.S. Army CW2 Ret.
153DD UH-60A/L Aviator MedEvac"
Being in the U.S. Army and entering in this forum, is like being a doctor and entering in an old people's home!! =D
So, doctor krcm1981, do you think you could helpme with some photos, so I can model things accurately? I have tons of pics, but there are always those hidden corners or unseen angles that prevent me to finish things the way I should.
Hi, krcm1981!!
"U.S. Army CW2 Ret.
153DD UH-60A/L Aviator MedEvac"
Being in the U.S. Army and entering in this forum, is like being a doctor and entering in an old people's home!! =D
So, doctor krcm1981, do you think you could helpme with some photos, so I can model things accurately? I have tons of pics, but there are always those hidden corners or unseen angles that prevent me to finish things the way I should.
Hey KW71,
Unfortunately the few pics I have left after a computer crash are not that great, I never thought to take pics of all kinds of things while I was actually flying the 60(it was just a job), I regret that every day now because I realize how special it was and the memories that were once everywhere in my head are fading from memory faster and faster as the years go by. Also to clear up info for everyone, I was not a Dr, After flight school I took the MedEvac Pilot/operations course at Fort Sam Houston because I was going to a MedEvac unit. My specific MedEvac unit didn't have any Q models just A models, a lot of the material gave specifics on the Q(Designated UH-60 for MedEvac mission). We still had the carousel with four litter shelfs and most if not all medical equipment for the medic to use but didn't have most of the customizations of the Q airframe/interior. For any potential future Army Aviators specifically High School Student getting ready to graduate, you can go through the High School to Flight School program the Army has, that's the route I took. If anyone is interested I can start a off topic discussion, let me know. I'll also post 60 pics in the 60 thread here.
Ha ha! Yep, I guess is a common misconception... In this case I thought "People in the US Army should be walking between all kind of war vehicles every day"... Not at all, of course... I used to work for a telecommunication company (organizing the radio bases setups), and my friends use to ask me for good cheaps phones... Of course I had no idea...
Thanks anyway krcm1981, and welcome aboard!!!
A glance to the new tail rotor.
is the lamination detail at the rotor roots actual polygon detail or bump mapping? it looks superb.
Hi, bongodriver! Is bump mapping.
hehe ... yet a "detail freak" ... wish every success Amigo. :D
The court, we are on the road to explore soon with a properly equipped Apache to OT-Earth.
Thank you for your effort. ;)
Ha ha!!! Thanks, AH-DG!!! :)
This guy breaks down helicopter mechanics pretty well, give these vids a view
I watched all of that. Thank you very much :)
I hope i can take my PPL(H)-CPL(H). it would really be a dream come true :)
Hey MrWohoo,
You mentioned you were working on a scenery mod for JBLM, any progress you can show on that?
We're think of making the default location for Apache training missions to be launched from JBLM, as I'm a Washington/Seattle native myself, and the area is great for showing off Outerra's beautiful terrain.
The plan is still tentative, and nothing is finalized yet. If we go ahead with this location, it will be released by default in OT cache along with the Apache alpha version, and Acetone is going to be building the roads and I am going to model some buildings for it. If you already have done working in this area, maybe we can all collaborate on it.
P.S. I annotated a map of Western Washington for those of you who've never been there. One great bonus is that there is already an OT default location nearby, labeled OT 2, which will serve well for training missions to fly between two waypoint, even though it is fictional and JBLM is not.
Uhm, i am sorry to disappoint you there, but i have no projects ongoing with Outerra at this moment. I am not working on any terrain mods, nor any other mods for outerra.
Perhaps in the future. I'm from Norway, across the pond anyways so.. :)
I think you're mistaken me for someone else, im a nobody anyways :P
Heres my Homestead.
Kristiansund N - Norway
Its not much, but its something :)
I think you're mistaken me for someone else
Ha ha, sorry you are right. My brain must be failing me today! :P
EDIT: I'm not completely crazy though! It was Woogey, which is slightly similar to MrWohoo! =D Okay maybe not, but that's how it worked out in my mind.
No Worries :)
But off topic here, but has anyone of you made yourself a cockpit simulator ?
I was thinking of doing that, but im struggeling to choose between simple or advanced ( basically standing there with a bunch of wires thinking "i have no idea what im doing" sorta deal)
Simple would be to get a seat, joystick & throttle ( in my case its the A-10C Warthog, its high quality heaven), rudder pedals and a Oculus Rift kit.
It would be awesome in for example Arma3, Xplane, Outerra etc.
Opinions ? :)
Haha, I have nothing to show yet no, still in the planing/Learning stages. The trees already in Outerra would make for a great Pac NW map. This is also why I asked about citiescapes. Is there any way to fill Lake Washington with water? Also I live near a very distinctive lake called "Tapps" It is used for VFR Navigation by all the Military guys after they crest the mountains on there way back to base. Is there any way to make this lake a Reality?
Mr. Woohoo, I personally have a "basic pit" as you call it. I have a 23" touch screen for the pit, then a 40" LCD for my outside view with a TrackIr 5. Peripherals are covered by a TM Warthog Hotas, and Saitek Combat rudder pedals. I have plans like you for a Rift in January when they come out. I want to mount it to a helmet, on a flip down mount like NVG's.
I too play Arma 3. Maybe we will get lucky, and ARMA 4 will be built in the Outerra Engine! Maybe we should all push to make that a reality? That combo could blow all the other Milsims away!
P.S. I annotated a map of Western Washington for those of you who've never been there. One great bonus is that there is already an OT default location nearby, labeled OT 2, which will serve well for training missions to fly between two waypoint, even though it is fictional and JBLM is not.
Hey Uriah, I am new enough to not know the answer to this question that I touched on in my last post. It looks like water is only rendered at sea level in your map? Lake Washington is a Mud Hole, next to it Lake Samamish is the same, and the Columbia river quickly dries up as the elevation rises. Can these be remedied, or are we waiting for further platform development? -Woog
Haha Arma 4 in Outerra :P Well, it would be quite interesting with Outerra engine as a military simulator.. i do wonder if they could fix the bad physics they have in their own engine :)
But yeah, i have the Hotas Warthog A-10C joystick and throttle, with Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals and TrackIR 5.. I was thinking of buying a joystick with force feedback, but i havent been able to fine one yet, which is irritating. make an extender for said joystick and voilà :)
Also, thinking of buying 3-4 pistons for pitch/roll..
all in all, i reckon it'll be good !
Hi Woogey,
Well that is just fine with us, we're going to finalize plans for the default Apache location, including a simple training mission with defined parameters and objectives, and JBLM is location at the top of the list currently. Acetone I consider to be arguably the most experience person in the community in terms of building detailed scenery mods, I am sure he'll do a great job, and I'm excited to have him on-board for the project.
For lakes and rivers there are currently two options, you can either use the lake meshes, created by KW71 which can be found here: http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3058.0. THe other option is to use the new OT river system, although it has directional flow currently which might look funny for a lake.
River and lake data is planned to be imported from OSM vector layer for the entire world and procedurally generated, along with roads if you didn't know that already. Literally the entire world. Procedural geo-typical buildings are also a planned feature, using OSM data, at some point in the future, and Outerra has been working on procedural vegetation since the beginning of OT.
We'll add all major rivers and lakes to the Washington scenery for sure, using what methods are available to us at the time of release. I don't think there will be cities in this scenery mod, unless Acetone decides to go all out, but that would be pointless because the earth dataset (90m) is going to change at some point to a more detailed/higher resolution dataset (76/30).
I know this scenery conversion has taken the AH-64D topic off on a crazy tangent. However, the as a Home "Map" for the Apache, I find it to still be relevant. ;-) A buddy, and myself have been working hard on a JBLM scenery for FSX/P3d which is why I thought it would be fun to transfer as much as possible into Outerra. However, the process we are using is largely UN-feasible for Outerra. With that said, I would like to contribute as much as possible the research I have done for both Fort Lewis/ Gray AAF and McChord AFB. My thoughts were to start small, by only including custom buildings that were represented on the FAA airfield diagrams.
As a Side note I would also like to purchase the Seattle and Tacoma city models, and develop them out with new custom textures and hand placement. For this, I will need assistance, and mentoring. All this I would like to donate to the Project. I am not looking for a profit source, only to learn and perfect my skills.
A Note on OSM, I have been busy placing building footprints for both the Puget Sound area, and also for the San Diego/SoCal area. The U.S. OSM database is very inconsistent, and I try to focus on areas in the final approach zones of my favorite airports, and also along shorelines near Shipping Ports. If a Forum Moderator, would like to move this conversation, may I suggest we create a Pacific NW Map sub-category? -Woog
New Gunner TEDAC (TADS Electronic Display and Control):
"The TADS Electronic Display and Control (TEDAC) is the modernized replacement for the Optical Relay Tube (ORT) located in the co-pilot/gunner (CPG) crewstation of the AH-64 Apache Helicopter. The TEDAC presents the CPG with high resolution sensor video from the Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight (M-TADS) (known as "Arrowhead").
TEDAC replaces the ORT's small CRT display and direct view optics with a large 5" x 5" flat-panel cockpit display that utilizes active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) technology. This higher resolution display improves the CPG's ability to engage targets while providing greater situational awareness and more survivable space in the cockpit.
In comparison to the ORT, TEDAC provides substantially higher reliability. Moreover, its modular design and improved fault detection allow for simpler two-level support. These improvements reduce system maintenance and operational downtime by 50%"
Source: http://www.lockheedmartin.com/m/us/products/TADSElectronicDisplayControl.html (http://www.lockheedmartin.com/m/us/products/TADSElectronicDisplayControl.html)
Wow, nicely done..
Looks really good :)
Are the screens just temporary placerholders ?
Wow, nicely done..
Looks really good :)
Are the screens just temporary placerholders ?
Thanks, MrWohoo!
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean with "temporary placerholders"...
Wow, nicely done..
Looks really good :)
Are the screens just temporary placerholders ?
Thanks, MrWohoo!
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean with "temporary placerholders"...
I think he's wondering if the screens are fakes or actual moving displays.
Wow, nicely done..
Looks really good :)
Are the screens just temporary placerholders ?
Thanks, MrWohoo!
I'm not sure if I understand what you mean with "temporary placerholders"...
I think he's wondering if the screens are fakes or actual moving displays.
Ah! Placeholder at the time being.
What i ment was if the screens are static placeholders for a futire update, or if theyre Live Feed, which by now sounds a bit redonculus since Outerra dont have anything remotely close to a PIP :)
The answer to that question is both yes, and no.
Yes, they the MFD screens are placeholders. We do not yet have the capability to render fully dynamic displays.
No, they will not be completely static, and each screen will have certain functionality, although somewhat limited.
I intend to release semi-functional pages for the pilot (FLT and ADF) and for the co-pilot/gunner (WPN, FCR and TEDAC).
Here you see the ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) page on the right with working heading and bearing indicators, as well as the FLT page on the left in the pilot cockpit. ADF compass shows the heading and the dashed line shows the forward azimuth, or relative bearing, to the selected waypoint. I have developed a basic navigation system which is intended to provide the basis for a few built in training missions. You'll be able to select between pre-defined routes which includes a number of waypoints, and relevant information will be displayed on the FLT and ADF pages. With the extended controls you'll also be able to turn the MFDs on and off and adjust the brightness, but you will not be able to switch screens.
Best regards,
I've seen this scene many o times out at Hanchey Army Airfield Ft. Rucker and I must say, Spot On! So awesome!
Thanks buddy! :D
KW71 made it so that everything looks as it should when the Apache is a static object (before the script runs), so the rotor is set to a 45 degree angle, and the rotor plane (motion blur) isn't visible. We're getting closer!
Is blade flex able to be modeled in outerra?
That looks like you have a good start on Gray AAF @ JBLM? I got as far as placing the Runway, that's it.
Blade flex can be modeled in the FDM in terms of disk loading and flexibility coefficient of the blade, but the difficulty is animating it. Currently we don't have advanced animation support, which would allow us to include an animation of the full range of the blade flex and set the animation frame based on the current flex property, but we have tried doing this and can't get the animation to play. Levi made it work by splitting each blade into multiple segments, and rotating them slightly, which is something we could do. We also need the rotor plane motion blur to flex with the blades, which complicates things slightly. I am more prone to wait for animation support so we can do it right and not waste effort on something which will need to be replaced in the future.
Yes that is Grey AAF/JBLM which Acetone is working on! :) What gave it away?
Completely understand, and blade flex is a minor to non issue detail
The angled parking, and the hill in the back round. About the Apache's will you be able to give us the option of a removing the Mast Mounted Radar? In reality, only around 20% of the fleet have the Radar mounted. The rest can view what the radar equipped birds see through a shared datalink.
That's affirmative, we do plan on having versions without the the FCR mast! :)
Ready, Woogey!!
We have worked on that, and now is optional.
Is blade flex able to be modeled in outerra?
Here is a demo made by Levi:
The same method is used for the Aibus A380 and the Ask-13, for wing flex :)
That looks like you have a good start on Gray AAF @ JBLM? I got as far as placing the Runway, that's it.
Since you managed to guess the location, here are some additional screens of the whole area :)
Still WIP.
Parking area. Hangars are here to fill the scene, it's just temporary.
Detail of the road placement. Since the area was anything but flat, it was the hardest part of the work.
Outerra desperately needs some wide area flattening tools.
wOw...very f...g nice work, Kamrades!
Is blade flex able to be modeled in outerra?
Here is a demo made by Levi:
The same method is used for the Aibus A380 and the Ask-13, for wing flex :)
I miss Levi!
I miss Levi!
Why, what about him? :o
I miss Levi!
Why, what about him? :o
... :o
Because he has become so quiet relatively, and he was one of the most talented and prolific content creators for Outerra, of which the helicopter shown in the demo video is just one example.
Because he has become so quiet relatively, and he was one of the most talented and prolific content creators for Outerra, of which the helicopter shown in the demo video is just one example.
... oh ... he must work on something ... that silence just means something big, im sure of it.
have him about 2 weeks ago an email skilled, but still no answer ... I hope nothing has happened to and he is arguably on.... ::)
Hey Guys,
I just noticed this oversight on the Apache D model. As I know you guys have countless pictures, I have to assume this is just part of the Work in Progress. If this is the case please ignore this post. The D model has substantially different "Sponson's below the Cockpit. As seen in this image. However, forward of the wing, the sponsons are different left and right. They are not a Symmetrical design. I have attached a Link to a Russian site that has a Lot of good Close up detail shots of the sponsons, otherwise known as Avionics bays.
Sincerely, Woog
Yes, Woogey, that's on sight too. Right now the Apache is formed by old elements from the current Apache, and new ones. In the end every single component will be new.
"They are not a Symmetrical design."
Thank you very much for the tip and for the excellent photo references... you can never have too much of them. I appreciate any advice. :)
How did I miss all of this?
Hi John,
Not sure, but stay tuned! :D
Cannon almost finished.
Thats a nice looking gun :) (50. cal? )
GOOD LUCK animating that thing !
awesome .. good job friend
Thats a nice looking gun :) (50. cal? )
Thanks, MrWohoo! Is 30 mm.
GOOD LUCK animating that thing !
Haha!!! I know what you mean!!
awesome .. good job friend
Thanks aWac9!
Can we fire this thing yet?
Incredible :D
Can we fire this thing yet?
Not yet, but perhaps soon... :)
Incredible :D
Thanks, buddy!
That is truly some gorgeous 3d modelling.
Truely good work..... We do however need to establish a process to create different LOD's.
Maybe now's the time.
That is truly some gorgeous 3d modelling.
Thanks, bongodriver!! :)
Truely good work..... We do however need to establish a process to create different LOD's.
Maybe now's the time.
Yep, we are working on that too... ;) (and even without LODs, the tri count is now just about 10% higher than the current Apache).
Can we fire this thing yet? 
Actually... yes I have it working now and after much trail and error the gun tracks the camera center of screen point, so where you look it will shoot. Also added extended controls for Master Arm and Weapon Select. 30mm M789 high explosive ammunition is limited to 1,200 rounds and recoil impulse effects flight model in the correct force vector. I love physics! 8)
Oh yeah!!! So is it only straight ahead or look and shoot?
Look and shoot, which is how it actually functions with Apache's head mounted display and Target Acquisition Designation Sight (TADS). I tested this functionality with the Oculus Rift DK2 and it works great.
The only problem is that the gun muzzle points directly to the point on the ground you are looking at, so I'll need to develop a ballistic computer to calculate bullet drop and airspeed shift. I already have some of the equations necessary to make these calculations, which will need to adjust the pitch and yaw of the muzzle depending on the following variables; ballistic drop, line of sight slant range to target, pitch and yaw angle to target (local ref), and the longitudinal, lateral and vertical speed of the aircraft. At the moment, if you have a high forward airspeed, the rounds impact ahead of the target, in the direction of flight, and below the target in the direction of bullet drop, and obviously the greater the distance, the more exaggerated this becomes.
VERY cool!! 8) 8)
Look and shoot, which is how it actually functions with Apache's head mounted display and Target Acquisition Designation Sight (TADS). I tested this functionality with the Oculus Rift DK2 and it works great.
The only problem is that the gun muzzle points directly to the point on the ground you are looking at, so I'll need to develop a ballistic computer to calculate bullet drop and airspeed shift. I already have some of the equations necessary to make these calculations, which will need to adjust the pitch and yaw of the muzzle depending on the following variables; ballistic drop, line of sight slant range to target, pitch and yaw angle to target (local ref), and the longitudinal, lateral and vertical speed of the aircraft. At the moment, if you have a high forward airspeed, the rounds impact ahead of the target, in the direction of flight, and below the target in the direction of bullet drop, and obviously the greater the distance, the more exaggerated this becomes.
You guys are awesome.
Uriah and KW71 are cooking an awesome gift for the Outerra community with this Apache Longbow, but as everybody knows, a gift is nothing without gift wrap.
I already mentioned I was working on something, but here are some details.
Joint Base Lewis–McChord is a US military base located in WA state, south of Seattle. The scenery was supposed to includes the Gray AAF airfield shape only, but things went wild and...
Well let's say it's larger now.
My plan is to keep working on it until the full base and surroundings are covered. All models are custom, made by M7, KW71 and Uriah.
View of the main airport
South area, Mt Rainier in the background (where one of the OT default scenery is located)
North area, lots of houses, area still WIP
Lakes are custom models too
The nice freeway overpass created by KW71 just for the scenery ;)
And finally, some fine details (KW71's work too). Custom markings :)
Really nice work!
really nice,, that.
Holy hell...
Been busy, haven't you? =D
Are you able to drive over that overpass yet, or would you fall through?
Looks great!
Are you able to drive over that overpass yet, or would you fall through?
KW71 made a collision mesh for it, so you can drive under it and on it :)
However, there is no tire friction on collision mesh right now, so you should better have some speed before, or you'll end up stuck on it :)
Hopefully we will be able to fix a model related bug soon (creating artifacts when low min_obj_size values are used). I can't wait to show the full area.
Here is an other picture of the Lakewood/ Steilacoom area, looking west. Far away, Olympic national parc is visible:
Been busy, haven't you? =D
Not that much in fact :)
Despite not working fully yet (especially in overlay mode), the new editor speeds up things a lot :)
You didn't even bother to put in the curves of the corners of the intersections...
Not that picky I see. :))
Of course that's no simple task at the moment haha.
How about planting trees/foliage in the urban areas? Would make them look more convincing.
Can we even plant trees?
Can we even plant trees?
Only as objects (if we had some tree objects), as far as I know. For good performance, it would be better to have the stock trees plantable.
Can we even plant trees?
Only as objects (if we had some tree objects), as far as I know. For good performance, it would be better to have the stock trees plantable.
It won't make a lot of sense, since the only issue with default trees is that they are not 3D. Outside of that, they look perfect at medium/high distances. 3D trees as models will require an insane amount of work for barely good results, as they will look average compared to the rest of the vegetation.
Would be nice to have trees as a border option (like sidewalks, ect.) when we have more advanced roads parameters :)
a tree is a 3D flight simulator does not seem very practical.
but if the game is "ARMA"Weapon type, then adds value if the trees are in 3D. immersion is different and you need to see that the leaves move in the breeze.
Nor is it necessary that the visual field is broad, suffice few hundred meters.
I think it would be possible to add decorative types árablos 3D without the kids invest energies in it, I've seen some other GNU license.
This eg
if I wrote something stupid,,,, not respond to the message :)
Still want that wide-area flattening brush/tool though....... :)
It's quiet in the forums today.
McChord Airfield (background) and a close sub urban area (WIP).
Don`t spoil us, Acetone!
OSM will never be that good!
Don`t spoil us, Acetone!
OSM will never be that good!
It won't have to be, when people can go in and modify at will............. :)
Hi, guys!
Radio silence doesn't means inactivity. The alpha stage is relying too much in geometry. In the final version all the components will have baked normal maps, which will result in nicer shapes and lower poly count.
Thanks to the combined brilliant minds of Uriah and KW71, it's now possible to enjoy JBLM without models flickering and textures problems.
Now, depending of the time I have (before some specific content release), I will keep adding things here and there and expand the area to the north :)
Amazing! :O
Truly Awesome :)
The long anticipated Apache alpha version is finally almost here! What first began as Cameni having the idea to improve the textures on the original model, has turned into a much more elaborate collaboration between KW71, Acetone, myself, and others. With the help and support of Outerra, this project promises to deliver not just an awesome helicopter, but this will also be a milestone that demonstrates some of the features and vision behind a platform that will support sea, land, air and space simulation. The objective of this alpha release is to expose the Apache project to the community in order to get feedback and, of course, for your enjoyment!
Without further adieu, I'm honored to announce that the alpha version of the AH-64D Apache Longbow will be released by Outerra in the next update! We are aiming for a release before New Years, but possibly shortly afterwards due to time dependencies and the holiday season.
This project is dedicated to Cameni, Angrypig and all of the Outerra developers, for their diligence and hard work to build an engine that is now leading the way into a new age for both gaming and professional simulation, such as demonstrated by TitanIM. This project is also in dedication, and hopefully serves as an inspiration, to our incredible community of enthusiasts who stand behind this next generation world engine! =D
Stay tuned for a video and updates in the coming week. I promise, you won't want to miss this update!
The release will include:
AH-64D Apache Longbow, modelling and textures by KW71, programming and flight model by Uriah!
Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM) Washington State USA scenery (earth90), by Acetone!
Urban houses and buildings package, with textures by M7, and modelling by KW71 and Uriah!
The Apache features:
Olive Drab and Desert Tan liveries
Highly detailed and animated virtual cockpits for pilot and co-pilot/gunner
Extended controls for all available system functions
Navigation, anti-collision, and formation lights, and rotating searchlight
AH-64 JSBSim flight model [Work In Progress]
Turboshaft turbine engines, APU, start-up and shutdown
Electrical and aircraft sub-systems
Pilot analog instruments/indicators - Attitude, Speed, Altitude and Pressure indicators and Magnetic Compass
Four MFDs with dynamic elements
- FLT - Flight page, with Bank Indicator, Attitude Indication Pitch Ladder and Flight Path Vector
- ADF - Automatic Direction Finder page, with Compass Rose and ADF Bearing Indicator
- WPN - ARM/SAFE Status, Weapon Mode, Gun Status, Missile Launcher Rail Icons, Rocket Launcher Icons, Flares and Chaff Status
- FCR GTM - Fire Control Radar Ground Targeting Mode
Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor (M-TADS/PNVS) with DTV, LLTV and FLIR sensor modes, and IR laser designator
TADS Head Mounted Display
30mm M230 Chain Gun (with basic ballistic computer)
Hydra-70 unguided rockets and AGM-114 Hellfire laser guided missiles
Flight Manual (PDF)
Built-in interactive training missions (flight, navigation and weapons employment)
Please note, that some of these features are still under development, and I may not finish all of them in time for the alpha release, but I'll try my best! Also many features will not be fully functional, and do not represent the final version for the Apache or similar features that Outerra intends to implement. For example, the dynamic elements on the MFDs currently use animated meshes, while in the future Outerra will have an API for MFDs and HUDs. Another example is the weapons which currently explode on impact with the ground but do not destroy targets, while in the future there will be a damage system and interface for that.
Uriah and team!
Thank you for your work, this is fantastic!
Thats more like it ! 8)
Current status of the JBLM area.
When I think it was supposed to be the runway of Gray AAF, and maybe, maybe, some buildings around ::)
This is CRAZY stuff guys.. Not enough mean in thanks word to say thanks for all this incredible job.
I have a silly question. All the screens like radars, etc, will be a still image, or will be working for real in this alpha realease?
Again. THANKS to all this team working in this awesome project.
There are some dynamic elements using meshes for the MFDs (Multi Function Display). In the future a special API will be used.
Sweet sweet sweet!!!
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
(http://alanbetts.com/image/1/1200/0/uploads/earth-1279720047.jpg) <--- TO DO! ;)
HORSE POWER: 1,696shp
First of all, let me be very clear, this AH-64D Apache Longbow is a virtual model, and is in no way endorsed by, or in any other way affiliated with the manufacturer.
Secondly, and in reference to my first point and in regards to your argument of cost, as a virtual model, it will be released for free to anyone already having a license to run the tech demo of Outerra Anteworld.
That said, you make one accurate assumption, the Apache is not a luxury aircraft, and I would like to point out that such a statement would be like comparing it with a private business jet. In fact, just as the Apache does not accommodate a cup holder to place a king sized soft drink in and freedom fries, and neither is it built for family occupants, neither does a private jet have a 30mm chain gun, 70mm rockets, or laser guided missiles, and it is obviously against federal law for a civilian aircraft to carry weaponry in national airspace.
As a moderator, I have to uphold the rules and terms agreed to by all members on this forum. While I personally don't think your post violates any of the forum rules, and I am therefore not going to remove the post, I would like to ask you to read the Registration Agreement (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?action=register) when considering future posts. Lastly, while I don't personally consider this post to be defamatory to KW71, Acetone or myself, others might consider it trolling or off-topic. You have every right to hold an opinion and preserve your freedom of speech, and thank you for your cooperation in keeping this forum a friendly environment for everyone.
Registration Agreement, first paragraph:
"You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum."
Now, let's get back to the topic of this project! :)
Best regards,
Uriah George
P.S. Thanks to everyone for their support of this project, we are all very excited about its upcoming alpha release, and more details as well as a teaser video will be posted very soon!!!
K whatever
P.S. Thanks to everyone for their support of this project, we are all very excited about its upcoming alpha release, and more details as well as a teaser video will be posted very soon!!!
Yep, thanks everyone :)
Actually, some new informations:
I was concerned about what would result the landing of a civilian aircraft in an army base. After a few searches, it appears the outcome of this situation would be rather unpleasant for the said pilot, so I decided to add some civilian airports here and there (real ones, don't worry).
Here is a preview of the more advanced, Tacoma Narrows airport, a nice little location, just a few miles north of JBLM (you can actually see the buildings in this picture).
Hey D'Duck from which madhouse you have flown this time, or are all these moneybags
are brain amputated? =D Go nevertheless times elsewhere trollsknave.
Good work, Acetone! But let me give you a tip. If you set up the houses, do not
hesitate to a subfloor among them. Looks a lot better after that and real of all. ;)
A quick glimpse of the new civilian airport in this area. You can expect a longer video in the next few days, showing more urban content :)
Nice job on the airport! I notice the road joins are very smooth as well, which I know can be fairly frustrating to get right. Looking forward to it!
The Apache team wish you a merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas to all.
Happy holidays!! :D
all those toys would be a good ornament for my Christmas tree. =D
Uriah ..... can send that version of outerra ?? :P
Christmas presents can be strange things. Some are not what you would have expected, sometimes for the worst, but sometimes for the best. Here is the Christmas gift from the Apache team, and it's probably not what you were expecting - but we hope it's a cool one anyway =D
One of the models had a camera bug and the pilot view was locked to the horizon, not following the aircraft roll. The result is surprisingly cool.
It's also the first public video of the new Apache. I hope you'll enjoy the astonishing work Gerardo and Uriah did with this aircraft :)
Obviously, all content is WIP :)
Under the high pass!!! :))
magnificent. I want one of those armed to the teeth.
great work of the entire team congratulations and thank you very much,,
oha !!! Looks awesome! Have they made beautiful ... and thank you for your effort! ;)
There is just one advice after seeing this :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs_OacEq2Sk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs_OacEq2Sk)
magnificent. I want one of those armed to the teeth.
great work of the entire team congratulations and thank you very much,,
Did you say.... "armed to the teeth" ... ? =D
yes sir,, that's a good teeth
I am happy today. ^-^
Did you say.... "armed to the teeth" ... ? =D
ähmmm...far too little ammunition for the bird :P =D
Christmas presents can be strange things. Some are not what you would have expected, sometimes for the worst, but sometimes for the best. Here is the Christmas gift from the Apache team, and it's probably not what you were expecting - but we hope it's a cool one anyway =D
One of the models had a camera bug and the pilot view was locked to the horizon, not following the aircraft roll. The result is surprisingly cool.
It's also the first public video of the new Apache. I hope you'll enjoy the astonishing work Gerardo and Uriah did with this aircraft :)
Obviously, all content is WIP :)
Thanks for posting this awsome video Acetone! I finally had a chance to watch the entire thing. I fixed the level horizon "bug", but it is actually incredibly easy to "un-fix". By the way, you totally hit the ground under the overpass! 8) That means you are officially the team stunt/test pilot!!! =D
ähmmm...far too little ammunition for the bird :P =D
Well, the stores pictured above actually greatly exceed the full loadout capacity. What is shown is nearly all of the total inventory, for example the Apache could carry up to 38x Hydra-70 rockets at once, or 16x AGM-114 Hellfires, or alternately up to four drop tanks. Certain models can also be fitted with wing tip launchers for the FIM-92 Stinger (4x) or AIM-9L/M Sidewinder (2x).
But you do have a point, enough is NEVER enough! Not shown are the decoy flares and chaff! ;) You can also add or remove the Fire Control Radar (AN/APG-78).
By the way, all of the external stores, ammunition, fuel and additional equipment are dynamically accounted for in the weight, center of gravity and drag in the flight model, so they will effect the performance, handling and system functionality.
Best regards,
Here is the finished Hydra-70 2.75 INCH M151 Rocket:
A few screenshots from McChord Air Force Base with the new 90 x 90 meter hangers. The hangers use only four small grey value albedo textures, and the color variations are achieved by modifying the materials. The textures are tiled, with only 256x256 and 512x512 textures for the walls and doors and one 1024x1024 for the roof. Performance and quality is the name of the game! :))
Whats that plane ?!? :o
Boeing C-17 Globemaster III. It is a low poly static object with 4 LODs. Eye candy with good performance! :D
love the details of the 64D
This thing is a grand spectacle. Bravo
Very nice, like the loadout options. Is it possible to make it shoot realistically ingame atm or we still waiting for more munitions features to come out for that to happen? (customizable ballistic scripts?)
Very nice, like the loadout options. Is it possible to make it shoot realistically ingame atm or we still waiting for more munitions features to come out for that to happen? (customizable ballistic scripts?)
Thanks! Sorry, I somehow missed your comment. And I apologize to everyone who has been waiting, it has been a very busy couple weeks. I'll have an update on the status of alpha release of the Apache by tomorrow.
As I mentioned on another thread:
Im i understanding correctly? These missiles you have mad are acually already guidable, or?
I have simulated laser guided air-to-ground missiles, AGM-65 and AGM-114, which are working well. Fire and forget seekers, such as radar guided and/or air-to-air, are much more complicated in terms of the interface with the engine and their guidance algorithms. Currently, I can designate a target with a laser and the missile will attempt to hit the spot on the ground where the laser/camera is pointing.
Bombs, rockets, and missiles are simulated using the same JSBSim physics as aircraft.
Here is a video demonstrating missiles being fired from bongodriver's EuroFighter Typhoon.
Nice, I did notice the missiles sort of don't follow the same direction/energy of the plane resulting in them going through the wing a bit initially on launch?
Also do you find the weight/gravity of the flight mechanics realistic? I really wouldn't know myself but it seems aircraft has a fair bit of throw when doing sharp turns like the wings are not cutting into the air correctly to change aircraft direction?
Just an observation. Lastly I found with one of the jets in game the autocannon wasn't automatic but semi-automatic firing, not sure if that can be corrected or not, let me know.
Nice, I did notice the missiles sort of don't follow the same direction/energy of the plane resulting in them going through the wing a bit initially on launch?
Actually, that is because the first two missiles (AGM-65 Maverick) have guidance code which has two specific flyout profiles, LOBL high and LOBL low (LOBL = Lock On Before Launch). They first attain level flight during the boost phase of flight, (while the rotor motor is burning), and once the rocket burns out they change into the cruise phase. In LOBL high it attains a glide slope in order not to loose too much velocity, but not loose too much altitude, while in LOBL low it descends to a lower altitude in order to impact the target at a low angle. With the seeker locked onto the laser spot/target, the AGM cruises until a predetermined distance from the target, at which point it enters terminal guidance. In LOBL high the terminal guidance attains a high angle of descent at a shorter distance from the target, in order to impact at approximate a 45 degree angle. In LOBL low the guidance maintains a low angle glide slope locked up with a trajectory to intercept the target. In both high and low modes, the seeker tracks the laser spot, so the laser designator can lead the missile onto a moving target. The other missiles in the video were AIM-9M Sidewinder, which do not currently have guidance for air-to-air working properly, and since they are not locked onto a target, they simply fall. The missiles I will be releasing may not have all of this functionaly yet, simply because I don't have a good interface which would allow the user to select guidance modes. You can currently select between air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, as well as select the weapon to fire, and turn on/off Laser Arm and Master Arm. I'll need fully functional MFDs in order to do it all properly.
Also do you find the weight/gravity of the flight mechanics realistic? I really wouldn't know myself but it seems aircraft has a fair bit of throw when doing sharp turns like the wings are not cutting into the air correctly to change aircraft direction?
JSBSim flight modelling is not easy, to say the least, and even more so difficult for helicopters than traditional aircraft configurations. The only modifications I have made so far to bongodriver's EuroFighter were to implement the weapon system setting the correct mass and drag depending on what external store is on each station. It will take many months of work in order to build even a medium fidelity FDM. Currently the weight, wing area, thrust and other metrics are all approximately correct, however the lift and drag coefficients are not correct at all, and need to be calculated. Right now at high alpha (Angle of Attack), there is too little drag and too much lift. Even though the EuroFighter has super-maneuverability, with high static instability, it should not be able to perform 15 G maneuvers, and doing so would certainly kill the pilot and tear the wings off! :)) A proper fly-by-wire system would limit the aircraft's ability to exceed around 9 Gs, but an improved flight model will make the most difference in terms of an accurate flight envelope.
Just an observation. Lastly I found with one of the jets in game the autocannon wasn't automatic but semi-automatic firing, not sure if that can be corrected or not, let me know.
This is already fixed thanks to SteelRat's simple JavaScript code, but should probably be a parameter of the fire method on the engine side in the long term. Advanced ballistics will be implemented at some point in the future, to account for such effects as ballistic coefficient, spin drift, wind drift, etc.
Hope that answers some of your questions.
Cheers for the reply. 8)
Hey Uriah \ KW71 . Im seeing great progress to become one of the highest detailed, physics perfect helicopters in Outerra\ any other game for that matter. I'm still watching, lurking from behind the windows of your constructionhall.
I was wondering when we, us small anticipating peons, can try out the alpha (?) of the helicopter ?
Cheers :)
Hi, MrWohoo!
We know the official announcement was made long time ago. I know "A.S.A.P." may not sound enough, but is what I can tell you now. Thanks for your patience... it will pay! :)
Hi, MrWohoo!
We know the official announcement was made long time ago. I know "A.S.A.P." may not sound enough, but is what I can tell you now. Thanks for your patience... it will pay! :)
This Apache Project is in the middle of a very big Outerra update (OSM Rivers, Weather, 25m terrain, and more things). Anybody can imagine how to handle with all of the fixings required for all this data and programation..
The time to wait is the price for see things we never saw before.. For do things nobody did before..
A entire planet Engine, now covered with entire OSM rivers..
I know here all the comunity know that, and wait with patience. I will never und those people outside (not in this forum) saying outerra takes forever, or its dead with no changes.. Are they blind?? Anybody is doing something like that there outside??
Outerra is being the first.. They are the fastest doing this kind of product.
And said that..
I cant wait to see all the changes!! xD
Including your Amazing apache.. This will be the best update since many time
Hi, MrWohoo!
We know the official announcement was made long time ago. I know "A.S.A.P." may not sound enough, but is what I can tell you now. Thanks for your patience... it will pay! :)
Hey man, no worries. We have the greatest patience to you and your counterpart :)
Aslong as you dont make the startup as difficult as the russians.. because.. If you want to steal a russian helicopter, you need to steal the instruction manual and an instructor aswell :P
https://youtu.be/lfHU25sNWjI?t=145 (https://youtu.be/lfHU25sNWjI?t=145)
In hindsight, i never did manage to start the MI-8 in DCS...
Woot! Now there's an FPS mode so I can run the route around Gray AAF like I used to at the crack of dawn. Which was terrible. Never do it, it sucks.
Anyways, all of this looks amazing. I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the Apache or the fact that JBLM is capable of being in the game now, as it's a place I've lived and served. Will the JBLM model include both Main post and North Fort?
Aslong as you dont make the startup as difficult as the russians.. because.. If you want to steal a russian helicopter, you need to steal the instruction manual and an instructor aswell :P
https://youtu.be/lfHU25sNWjI?t=145 (https://youtu.be/lfHU25sNWjI?t=145)
In hindsight, i never did manage to start the MI-8 in DCS...
... whats so difficult there ? ... checking switches battery/DC - fuel tanks n valves - start APU - start engines - turn on generators n switch DC/battery - turn down APU - switch on all lights n instrumentation. You keep these "blocks" of tasks in mind and a few attempts on your own should do the trick. Besides, aside the fact that MI-8 has its systems all nicely at one place abowe second pilot (and you actually need to remember just those witch you dont turn on), its the same procedure as in the Kamov or the mi-24 :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXQ4YhQsh0Q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXQ4YhQsh0Q)
At turning off, just rotors to idle and cut all fuel-valves ... then all switches.
As long as the labels are in english! =D
Hey Guys,
I know this is an Apache thread, but also seems to be the only place where JBLM/Gray AAF is showcased, so I thought you might like to see these photos taken 8-21-16. There are some VERY nice shots that show off the entire Army side of the base. https://www.flickr.com/photos/16thcombataviationbrigade/albums/72157672600306926/with/29067924926/
Hey Guys,
I know this is an Apache thread, but also seems to be the only place where JBLM/Gray AAF is showcased, so I thought you might like to see these photos taken 8-21-16. There are some VERY nice shots that show off the entire Army side of the base. https://www.flickr.com/photos/16thcombataviationbrigade/albums/72157672600306926/with/29067924926/
Wow, nice! We had a very hard time finding references pictures of the base. The best source we had was the satellite images from google maps, + some pictures, most of them old. Really cool, thanks a lot :)
There are some great High Res shots there! How do I get the current Apache and JBLM ADD-ONS? I couldn't find a link for them anywhere? Also I hear TITAN IM Will very likely be releasing a consumer Version of their sim for us civilians here in the near future, maybe even by the end of the year. Does anybody know how closely Titan is still related to Outerra? Will the Apache and the JBLM scenery work in that Sim? I marvel at the possibilities That Outerra brings, but also Crave imediate gratification! I would love to be up and flying sooner rather than later. More than that, actually operating in a cohesive multiplayer environment, with a purpose.
How do I get the current Apache and JBLM ADD-ONS? I couldn't find a link for them anywhere?
Hi, Woogey!
They haven't been released yet. As the Apache is more than just an improved 3D model thanks to great Uriah's work, we have been delay due some technical reasons, and JBLM scenery is meant to be a pack with the Apache. Let's hope we can have all ready soon.
Well hello there again KW71 and Uriah and ofcourse all others who are apart of this wonderful project. Its sad to hear that you have run into a technical glitch but i do hope you will get over it eventually :)
I'm just hoping that youre all OK and are living happy days.
Cheers !
Thanks, MrWohoo!! We are in the still in the path... perhaps in a parallel track, for now, but eventually the Apache should see the light :)
The Apache is one of the jewels of Outerra. An amazing job and I am convinced that attract many fans OT,
This thread must be taken always alive.
apache add a video I made long ago 2014 and I remember how much it cost me to master the rotor. we will rescue
I was remembering how many videos apache had done, and I'm rescando some. I think the concetraré here, even if they are repeated in a post forgotten.
this was the version: and published back in September. 2014
I rescued! :)
This was published in January 2014, at that time, we were in full color transition and changes. the sky reminds us all the way round.
I'm liking this library :)
and this was most recently,, was a year ago.
Note evolution
This video was another version 0845233
published in 2015
the pink color of the letters at the end of the video was that coindió with the problem of mipmap. ^-^
This is still the best helicopter sim for the oculus rift on the market! So looking forward to the upgraded Apache and JBLM.:-) When this goes up on Steam I'll be one of the first to repurchase it!
Hi, krcm1981!
Glad to hear about you!
Hi, krcm1981!
Glad to hear about you!
Had some serious issues with my pc and couldn't play for the longest time, but I'm slowly starting to get it all back online, putting on the rift(DK2) and hopping back into the cockpit is still mind blowing and fun. I missed it.
This is still the best helicopter sim for the oculus rift on the market! So looking forward to the upgraded Apache and JBLM.:-) When this goes up on Steam I'll be one of the first to repurchase it!
Ah man i want Oculus\Vive so bad, but my old 770GTX is getting outdated. Also need a new mobo. Saving up for a 1080 and a CrossfireZ, and then i can buy the VR goggles.
Youre a lucky guy..
Its been a while since we last spoke, and i am so sorry for double posting. Its just that TitanIM has come to my attention and i am so excited for the desktop version, so im asking if the AH-64 will be for TitanIM aswell, i belive ?
Hi there!
Mmhh... this is a project for OT, so I could not speak in their name at all, about the use they will have for this bird.
Hi there!
Mmhh... this is a project for OT, so I could not speak in their name at all, about the use they will have for this bird.
Well, the full details around the consumer version have not yet been released. But they, as stated on their website, will release a version for fun, alongside the military and industrial version.
If so, it will be a happy little place for modders to roam around in, therefore, i asked you.
But, it is your awesome mod, and if you do not want in on TitanIM, it is entirely up to you :)
But, it is your awesome mod, and if you do not want in on TitanIM, it is entirely up to you :)
No, is not that I don't want to see the Apache on TitanIUM. The point is that this is not just a regular mod. Is supposed, at some point, to be included instead of the current Apache; I'm making this model for the developers, and in consecuence is not up to me...
No, is not that I don't want to see the Apache on TitanIUM. The point is that this is not just a regular mod. Is supposed, at some point, to be included instead of the current Apache; I'm making this model for the developers, and in consecuence is not up to me...
Well in that case, i understand why this isnt as easy as it might seem.
In any case, i applaud you, and Uriah, for taking your time to make this for the devs.
Any more info on this WIP please? I know it is an old post but would love to fly this helo!