Outerra forum
Anteworld - Outerra Game => Tech demo, support, updates => Topic started by: Helen on November 06, 2016, 10:10:07 am
I've tried 3 times now to download this but each time it fails and i just get a part file called Anteworld-16.6601.exe.part
Is there somewhere else I can download Outerra from?
I have had that problem in other situations (perhaps caused by the antivirus). Seems that after downloading the system can't rename the file, removing the ".part". If the file is not 0 bytes (478 Mb in this case), try renaming it yourself.
That appears to have fixed it, thanks. I checked the file size which was ok at 478Mb so I renamed it to just .exe - now to see if it will actually install and run on my ancient PC... (probably not but you never know)