I thought we should have a dedicated screenshot thread for all those breathtaking moments you capture on film while cruising around the world.
In Orbit Sunrise (Over Nebraska, distant mountains from CA)
Grand Canyon
California (West of LA)
I will see your screens and raise you..
8x8 on a mountain
Scary weather in New Zealand
Alien Purple Sunrise.. or set.
In Orbit Sunrise (Over Nebraska, distant mountains from CA)
It's..., it's beautiful! :D
Swiss Alps
Swiss Alps
At a first look I said it was real and the below one the outerra version, but then I took a look again and I saw "Outerra" ;D
At a first look I said it was real and the below one the outerra version, but then I took a look again and I saw "Outerra" ;D
Hah I thought the same too. If you don't focus on it you can easily mistake it for the real one.
The snow looks really good. 8)
From Oia, Santorini, Greece:
Here are some shots I just took.
First a mountain in/near Iran with normal lighting and Atmo settings.
Now with altered settings of bad-ass-itude.
An awesome place to take video but not until the snow line is tweaked.
Also here it is with some fog. http://i.minus.com/imH78nlqf1xoF.png (http://i.minus.com/imH78nlqf1xoF.png)
Must be the mount ararat. 8)
Haven't seen Noah? ;D
Messing with the road tool in the alps :D
Just took another look. Nice work,alialiali. 8)
Loving the sunsets
Loving the sunsets
Going to be a complete change to that shot when the mountains actually cast shadows.
Very nice shots! ;)
Thanks guys, more to come :)
Just a simple HDR test (click on the pic for fullsize) :
(http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg201/scaled.php?server=201&filename=hdr01i.jpg&res=landing) (http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7349/hdr01i.jpg)
Nice one!
Amazing shot!
My ultimate goal is to get every vehicle in one shot and to make it look awesome.
I love especially the second shot! Outstanding Zeos!
My first screenshots. Outerra is really amazing.
Experiment with some different Trees. 8)
really nice images pico.
Lol, you had very interesting idea with changing 2D trees texture. ;)
I found a Texture Pack with this Trees. Not all are useful but some of them are really nice.
Here is the Link:
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Tree%20Texture%20Pack (http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Tree%20Texture%20Pack)
Army streetparade ;D
(http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screen13368267jiso8b0t6n.jpg) (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net)
It Must Be Love :D
Or a unique configuration of conjoined twins... :P
Or further proof that Army Intelligence is a contradiction in terms. ;D
...more Tree Experiments. 8)
The last one looks awesome. :D
Ho-wha-ho-the-waaaat... *collapses on floor foaming from mouth*
Incredible that those are all 2D.
Needs more.. CACTI!
Seriously looks amazing with the palm trees. You forget that it is Outerra and not the cry-engine. Even with 2D trees.
The engine just keeps getting better.
It Must Be Love :D
A night at the roxbury.What is Love.Jim Carrey. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpwK3vFGJp0#noexternalembed-ws)
Yeah, I have no shame :P
*Edit* Bleh, no external embed enabled on this version ... brb ...
*Edit 2* Bleh, can't find the better video that will enable external links. :(
Somebody actually has to type "What is love?" first... You skipped that part. ::) ;D
Somebody actually has to type "What is love?" first... You skipped that part. ::) ;D
Actually, I wasn't aware of the SNL skit until Star Wars The Old Republic, and ran across this Easter Egg in the game:
SWTOR: Night at the Roxbury easter egg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBfgXqQyprY#ws)
And yes, that really is in the game ... /sigh
Haven't watched SNL since the mid-90s :D
lol For a second there I thought you were talking about Star Wars Kinnect. Have you seen the dance videos from that? ::)
Flying over Himalaya is just awesome !
(http://s14.directupload.net/images/120521/8apr4ytf.jpg) (http://www.directupload.net)
Yeap...looks really awesome! 8)
Atlantis is revived ;)
;D Haha That looks exactly like the flooded city in Drownington Cove in the game, FUEL!
Hawaii, a strange island not marked on the google map!
Around him, a little FPS drops ... be careful! ::)
(http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/5310/outerra2012061902552218.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/571/outerra2012061902552218.jpg/)
looks scary !! ;)
Hawaii, a strange island not marked on the google map!
Around him, a little FPS drops ... be careful! ::)
looks scary !! ;)
Build a fort there and be protected from both zombies and players who run Outerra on a toaster. ;D
Zombies in rowboats?
Crater in Arizona :D
Just a pic of the Tatra, taken in the Outerra test build with the reworked object rendering pipeline:
Back on a sort of topic..
When property goes up for sale. I call all of Taiwan.
beautiful Alaska:
I made a little Movie. 8)
Outerra Alpha Test "Follow" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXqLz8S8j6Q#ws)
Just for Fun. I like to fly deep over the Ground.
Ah.. So that was you.. I posted that on the subreddit last night.
I love this space station 8)
I made a little Movie. 8)
Outerra Alpha Test "Follow" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXqLz8S8j6Q#ws)
Just for Fun. I like to fly deep over the Ground.
Oh, I see! Another roadbuilder. ;)
Great job made! 8)
Amazing video Pico!! Nice work!
Photobucket is going to start allowing full resolution/quality uploads soon without scaling them down. I might stick with Minus, which already does this, though. I don't know. It's quick and simple.
Nice shots...Outerra looks really amazing! :)
Why, Hello there.
I think I've just seen a screenshot of the last echo one might ever hear. One does not want to see a light at the end of that tunnel.
Zeos....do you have any way of measuring framerate with that polygon Godzilla onscreen?
Early morning at Stoumont
I did a testflight with these temp buildings 200 000 verts each group, smooth as silk.
Outerra is polygon Bonaza it seems :)
Relly nice pictures here! :)
We will have to put there some statistics to see how many triangles are in the scene. I think we have some counters in there already, but they don't count the generated geometry (like the grass) yet.
We will have to put there some statistics to see how many triangles are in the scene. I think we have some counters in there already, but they don't count the generated geometry (like the grass) yet.
I think I passed 5 mill verts, the challenger tanks is 800 000 each, if could get my hotas working (G-940) I would test a bombing run he he.
Buildings ar smooth even if fly close up, ofcourse this will change with collision/physics, but very promising.
Zeos....do you have any way of measuring framerate with that polygon Godzilla onscreen?
I have FRAPS running all the time. It doesn't work for recording outerra but occasionally the frame rate counter works. I don't think the drop was too much. I sit at a normal 30-35fps in the mountains and I dont think it dropped below 25 with it.
The problem with that tank isn't in the poly count, but the number of meshes and thus draw calls it requires. 11k is insane. Most of that time will be spent on the draw call overhead.
Knowing nothing about modeling.. Is that something that can be easily tweaked in a modeling program or is it the fundamental way the model was constructed?
Knowing nothing about modeling.. Is that something that can be easily tweaked in a modeling program or is it the fundamental way the model was constructed?
You would have to do a lot of work I guess from the little I´ve looked at that model.
This one is 199 entities, 130 000 verts, spawed 30 of em, still ok framerate.
Might even be to mucho if rigged/physics, and many of them on screen moving.
Wow.. What looks like fabric over the wheels? I'm guessing just modeled fabric?
Wow.. What looks like fabric over the wheels? I'm guessing just modeled fabric?
Yes it´s a simple smoothed mesh, I don´t think Outerra support tesslation yet on objects.
I see seppen, you get the same shadow bug appear the closer you get to the model. Closest Clanger, top of the skirt, under the rope.
Any idea how to stop that?
I see seppen, you get the same shadow bug appear the closer you get to the model. Closest Clanger, top of the skirt, under the rope.
Any idea how to stop that?
Noticed that myself, but never looked into it since I´m sure it will be fixed in due time if not an Nvidia driver issue, new one out yesterday 306.23 so I´ll try that one. "Edit" same error with latest drivers.
Might that shadow be reacting to some hidden geometry? I haven't noticed it on other models.
Now we need some more Artillery pieces and a military tent or two..
Oh, Sandbag Walls!
More buildings ;D
The large hipoly one has passed via Sketchup, it´s slower then Max but keeps the material settings, no support for DDS though :(
More and bigger..
More and bigger..
If no interior parts there shoud be no problem with much bigger stuff, all have furniture/rooms/doors etc so FPS exploration should be possible if bake some lightning to the interior.
Can you upload that rear house. I'd like to see it in person.. sort of. The white one with the glass roof.
Can you upload that rear house. I'd like to see it in person.. sort of. The white one with the glass roof.
OK give me 10 min it´s 60mg, and 1500 parts because of Sketchup import, so it will take some minutes to load in Outerra, I´ll upload a better ver tomorrow.
That is fine. No rush.
That is fine. No rush.
I´m generateing a new DAE file, can´t find the original, and Minus won´t let me upload the PKG file (much smaller 14mb:(
I´ll save it all out from Archicad again, gonna check if can make it cleaner.
Need to get rid of the textures again.
Cool panther Murk, is there a Panzer IV in your arsenal?
More buildings ;D
The large hipoly one has passed via Sketchup, it´s slower then Max but keeps the material settings, no support for DDS though :(
Looking good! Realtime shadows help a lot :)
Seems I can´t upload to the minus link anymore, The DAE is made from max so some glass is faceing wrong way.
This is the package folder for another building.
Cool panther Murk, is there a Panzer IV in your arsenal?
Yes our group have a lovely panzer 4 G, created by vexman. skinned by snorri :)
Regarding interiors... what I would do, I would bake in some ambient lighting inside external 3d package, baking it in the texture. I bet it would look sweet. Mirrors Edge have done similar thing if I'm not mistaken, but that only works for daylight conditions.
Seems I can´t upload to the minus link anymore,
Yeah only one person so far (you I assume) has been able to get a model in there. There are a bunch of contributors and still only the two models I uploaded and yours.
Regarding interiors... what I would do, I would bake in some ambient lighting inside external 3d package, baking it in the texture. I bet it would look sweet. Mirrors Edge have done similar thing if I'm not mistaken, but that only works for daylight conditions.
I wish I could acess the lightmaps from LumenRT, it´s a couple of mouse clicks, and very fast if not need high quality.
Planning on testing out 3ds Max texture bakeing if possible to do for a complete model.
USS Gettysburg and the MS Finnstar in the background. I still have some texture issues. :(
HD image (http://imageshack.us/f/705/outerra2012091919202130.jpg/)
HD image (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/outerra2012091919204552.jpg/)
i have some houses but all without texture, if i take it with textures then i get a lot of errors.
http://minus.com/lOIPKl8FFGk8F (http://minus.com/lOIPKl8FFGk8F)
There is a dog there.. I like it.
here is the dog again
http://minus.com/lBVyq8uEBQPCn (http://minus.com/lBVyq8uEBQPCn)
i have some houses but all without texture, if i take it with textures then i get a lot of errors.
http://minus.com/lOIPKl8FFGk8F (http://minus.com/lOIPKl8FFGk8F)
Did you have convert the textures with the NVidia texture tool? But nice buildings!
what is nvidia texture tool?
Cameni wrote in the description (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1253.0) for the Importer you need to convert the textures with the NVidia Texture Tool (http://code.google.com/p/nvidia-texture-tools/) to the dds format.
I find this one very useful since it convert entire folders into DDS format.
A pity Sketchup not support DDS :'(
I hope Outerra will support 2 sided poly´s in the future, for interiors.
http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/programs/convim.htm (http://www.mnwright.btinternet.co.uk/programs/convim.htm)
thank you , but I have no idea how this works
I find this one very useful since it convert entire folders into DDS format.
A pity Sketchup not support DDS
sketchup outerra test (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sxPhAgjpis#ws)
All the textures on the house were applied in sketchup and exported via dae in sketchup :)
I find this one very useful since it convert entire folders into DDS format.
A pity Sketchup not support DDS
sketchup outerra test (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sxPhAgjpis#ws)
All the textures on the house were applied in sketchup and exported via dae in sketchup :)
Great!, but if I try to apply a dds texture I can´t select it (not suppoted), spill the beans of the secret 8)
Export the model as a dae.
Open the dae file, I use notepad++, replace the .jpg with .dds, save. That's the dae file done.
Go into the folder with the jpg's in and convert the jpg's to dds, make sure the jpg's size is divisible by 4. When you export the model from SU the textures sizes (jpg) are some times odd sizes. They need to be of a size that is dividable by 4.
All good :)
what do you mean with jpg´s size?
i´m look out of the window
http://minus.com/lFHAqfAlRo0Cx (http://minus.com/lFHAqfAlRo0Cx)
I have updated my post, I hope that helps.
Export the model as a dae.
Open the dae file, I use notepad++, replace the .jpg with .dds, save. That's the dae file done.
Go into the folder with the jpg's in and convert the jpg's to dds, make sure the jpg's size is divisible by 4.
All good :)
Thank´s :), wanna bang my head for not thinking of that (scream), I thought I would mess up the dae file when saved it.
You are welcome, I have added the instructions to youtube as well.
God.. Don't let youtube fix your shaky videos.. Makes you want to vomit.
God.. Don't let youtube fix your shaky videos.. Makes you want to vomit.
I let it mess up my testflight vid too :(, will have to up a new ver when I got some more proper textured buildings done.
Finally got my hotas setup also :)
Strange thing with the tube vid is choppy framerate, and slow loading, do I have to adjust settings somewere?
I have a 50mb line, but it´s still slow in 1080HD, stops 2 times for loading.
More buildings, this is 250 000 verts, and 130 entities no interior furniture though.
Each door needs to be 1, if going inside and same with windows if destroy em etc.
Perhaps possible to get it down sub 100, depends on collision also.
You need to snip off the fake grass front yards. Outerra has all the grass you need.
You need to snip off the fake grass front yards. Outerra has all the grass you need.
I kind of got attaced to it since it was the only texture that looked right in the first attemt ;D
Seems the uv´s work, so will try some large Arroway textures next, thes are tiny 256, and 512 ones.
PS: I´ll try to find a nicer land lot, since it´s Aspen Colerado he he.
YEHA!!! my first model with textures :D
http://minus.com/lQOavrfh7Pvqq (http://minus.com/lQOavrfh7Pvqq)
and the second :D
http://minus.com/lbgeYtakHORcqr (http://minus.com/lbgeYtakHORcqr)
YEHA!!! my first model with textures :D
http://minus.com/lQOavrfh7Pvqq (http://minus.com/lQOavrfh7Pvqq)
You´re on a roll 8)
I´m haveing some problems Outerra picking up my old textures, think I need to clean out the cache or reinstall.
I need a town for my airport, but I think the roofstuff are better used on more detailed buildings, so will change it.
70+ textures he he.
I need a town for my airport, but I think the roofstuff are better used on more detailed buildings, so will change it.
70+ textures he he.
Snow on the ground but not the roofs? Get on it!
I need a town for my airport, but I think the roofstuff are better used on more detailed buildings, so will change it.
70+ textures he he.
Snow on the ground but not the roofs? Get on it!
I can fix that :)
But most important is 2 sided faces, or my way with build it as it´s in real Life he he.
I´m lazy if honest, so want Outerra to support 2 sided faces, but if not I can adapt.
Snow I can fix anyday, bet It need to be Outerra adapted :)
These tanks needs buildings to destroy, so would be nice to test limits of physichs in small scale?
I know Life is a balance, so we must soon test simple physichs (I´m getting drunk so sign out:)
would be nice to test limits of physichs in small scale?
I know Life is a balance, so we must soon test simple physics
I think some simple spawnable primative shapes with collision boxes would do.. I would love to roll a bowling ball down a mountain into some stacked boxes. We would need a way to manipulate the objects first. IE HL2 Grav Gun.
WWII Cannon for PZ I
http://minus.com/ltZxnmJrga3HT (http://minus.com/ltZxnmJrga3HT)
new outerra pic´s of my models.... ;)
http://saccara18.minus.com/ (http://saccara18.minus.com/)
new outerra pic´s of my models.... ;)
http://saccara18.minus.com/ (http://saccara18.minus.com/)
Looking good, what modelling software are you using?
new outerra pic´s of my models.... ;)
http://saccara18.minus.com/ (http://saccara18.minus.com/)
Great work Saccara18 :)
Testing more buildings, and a carrier with loads of instanced planes on it.
Very nice stuff. I can't wait until there are a few hundred people like you all going after a city or landmark.
Boy I wish we had water reflections...
Testing more buildings, and a carrier with loads of instanced planes on it.
This is some nice work done !
Very nice stuff. I can't wait until there are a few hundred people like you all going after a city or landmark.
I´m thinking of starting on some modules, if there is snapping/instancing/copy planned for object placement.
A castle can look very complex even with a mix of a few premade modules.
But not sure what is the best approach for collision etc?
Should be more effective then 1 large model I guess, but you knever know.
Testing more buildings, and a carrier with loads of instanced planes on it.
This is some nice work done !
With subdivition most of my shadow problems went away, and performance seems unaffected, but collision might change that :'(
We all knew this day was coming....
Low FOV truck is just ... sex.
...lol, very cool. ;D
Oh god. Full scale Mechwarrior game... *drool*.
...lol, very cool. ;D
A huge mech that would be something to walk around with in due time :)
The rigging should be easier to do then a Human since more mecanic he he.
Need to test if can import some Inventor robot models/animations to Max for future use.
I have some already animated mechs if any one wants to do some testing with them. I even have this mech too
http://www.dexsoft-games.com/models/robot2.html (http://www.dexsoft-games.com/models/robot2.html)
Oh god. Full scale Mechwarrior game... *drool*.
Oh and bro. They already do.
http://mwomercs.com/ (http://mwomercs.com/)
Mech Warrior Online.
Current state of the project:
Animated all surfaces (elevator, aileron, rudder), wheels and gears, pilot' head, some instruments. Flight model is bearable now (though far from ideal). Needs to be done - animation of cockpit controls and some more instruments, landing gear retraction (not available in this version of OT), pilot hide when in cockpit view (can't be done as well).
wow ddenn, excellent work. Is this plane amphibious in real life?
Yes, it is. This is Shavrov Sh-2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shavrov_Sh-2). I'm wondering, when we can fly and sail in one vehicle in Outerra :)
Great work ddenn, would love to take it for a testride in due time 8)
Oh god. Full scale Mechwarrior game... *drool*.
Oh and bro. They already do.
http://mwomercs.com/ (http://mwomercs.com/)
Mech Warrior Online.
HA no... Have you actually played it? I have. It's a more visually exciting World of Tanks and hardly anything more. Terrible...
... pilot hide when in cockpit view (can't be done as well).
Werry nice job ! As for the cockpit wiew: would be to try fixing the cockpit wiew camerra on the tip of the nose between the eyes, (whyle the whole head would turn to sides looking around). The same thing would be able to be used in IR-OPT tracking devices for militarry/police planes (as in thermal-night devices for planes and helis) where the trackinghead would be turned too, just from its lens position ... that would do some reality in non-static head wiewpoint.
... like the AEROFLOT sign too. Would be great to make a script for changable textures for airlines/plane numbers (of course for other modell clases too) whyte a easy way to import new sign/unit textures for this purposse. Just need to define an extra special area for them on the modell.
Bad and awesome things are happening in the arctic
None shall pass..
The Uncanny Valley
Darkness fell
Is there an ghost standing in the water ?
Is there an ghost standing in the water ?
HAHA! You spotted the man I spawned under the sea.
Army streetparade ;D
(http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screen13368267jiso8b0t6n.jpg) (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net)
After facepalm comes the faceface.... :o
My First Import, Got some work to do (i.e. learn how) to adjust the textures to make it more realistic.
That Bird lol.
I love C.130 belive it ot not.
That's an OV10 Bronco
An Hawaiian anomaly?
No, it's a pleasant place to build an adventure camp. ;D
It's still a work under construction and just a few people visit that place as yet ;)
Haha. Love that bridge.
Yeah, it's a masterpiece as Illusion ;)
My First Import, Got some work to do (i.e. learn how) to adjust the textures to make it more realistic.
Nice. That will be a zippy little bird to fly around in. Does Anteworld support individual throttles?
Looks like your main gear knuckles need a bit more spring stiffness. Forward gear tire is a bit big too. The OV-10 tends to sit either level or a touch nose low. I did an OV-10X for X-Plane, with measurements and details taken right off a real OV-10. Add five bladed props and it's practically a jet. :)
An Hawaiian anomaly?
No, it's a pleasant place to build an adventure camp. ;D
It's still a work under construction and just a few people visit that place as yet ;)
I'm trying to imagine Anteworld at its current state with multiplayer... Seeing people driving around and making cool structures and cities to drive around... Would be hard to find them though.
I'm trying to imagine Anteworld at its current state with multiplayer... Seeing people driving around and making cool structures and cities to drive around... Would be hard to find them though.
We're discussing Multiplayer (Client -> Server) here: http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1369 (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1369)
I'm trying to imagine Anteworld at its current state with multiplayer... Seeing people driving around and making cool structures and cities to drive around... Would be hard to find them though.
We're discussing Multiplayer (Client -> Server) here: http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1369 (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1369)
Haha, yes. I was reading that before I posted that comment.
This is my first post on this forum, and my first screenshot.
The Sedan crater in Nevada, surrounded by trees:
Location: 37°10′36″N 116°2′48″W
Grand Canyon
Nice work! Did you recolour the trees? or find another texture?
I found another tree texture and reworked it to work with OT. But I don't like result much, mipmapping makes them look ugly at some distances
Someone made a bunch of tree changes a while back. Don't remember who but check out the results.
http://imgur.com/a/ZPZFk (http://imgur.com/a/ZPZFk)
Yeah, i've tried to meddle with the trees but stopped at recolouring them as I could not find textures that would create any better picture than the default. Probably because there is only one tree type and I don't have the resources to make better ones like Zeos's ones. Maybe he could share those ones they look really nice.
It was the user PICO.. I just found the post I had on reddit for them. http://www.reddit.com/r/Outerra/comments/tuxm3/some_modified_2d_tree_textures_thanks_pico/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/Outerra/comments/tuxm3/some_modified_2d_tree_textures_thanks_pico/)
Awaiting biomes
Nice trees and amazing shot!
Red Ring of Death.. It comes for us.
Can we please have a "Like" function in the forum? All of these screens deserve one!
Gotta turn on Fullscreen, man...
Nice shots! :)
Truck jumping 8)
Trucks for sale ;)
The Art of flying 8)
Well....Yeah....its a form of....err...ART!
Senility setting in already sam.. Shame.
I had a similar bout when I spawned 14 8x8's and then set them all to drive in circles. It was funny.
(http://img4.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screen136259583hs9n7t8aw.jpg) (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net)
Mountain Railway
(http://img4.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screen13625959350g8fjwds.jpg) (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net)
Flying Railway
(http://img4.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screen13625965lmcfwv8t6a.jpg) (http://www.fotos-hochladen.net)
I think something's missing... ;D
I think something's missing... ;D
Ehm, you mean the powerline? ;D
Flux Capacitors.
I`m crying....
Also, Imported my E36 Model. Having some difficulties making it a land vehicle. Isn't there are resources/wiki pages about vehicle creation?
And Material setup maybe?
This video may be of some help: http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1326.0 (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=1326.0)
Some docs about importing and physics can be found here: http://xtrac.outerraworld.com/ (http://xtrac.outerraworld.com/)
Finally working! Played around with materials, have to convert my texture to dds yet.
Looks really nice, looking forward to see the textured model!
I tried more on making vehicles, once you learn it's easy :)
For angrypig: This time I did like you told me, parenting the wheels without using bones and it worked with no problems.
I'm having a slight problem, the center off mass is offset in 2 directions, I fixed it only in 1, how can I set a second value for another axis?
The model is not mine. I downloaded it from thefree3dmodel.com , it's a van from Alan Awake game.
I tried this
return {mass:2500, steering:3.0, steering_ecf:60, centering: 3.0, centering_ecf: 40, com:{y:-0.8,z:-0.1}};
It just changes the first direction. Anyway I keep getting a console warning about a center of mass error. By default it's the vehicle mesh origin? Cos in Blender I set it right, but in Outerra it's slightly offset on the front.
By default it's the mesh origin (or the origin of the parent group). If you are getting an error, it means you are moving the center of mass outside of the vehicle's bounding box.
I have added other CoG values like this
And it works. Like Cameni said it will post and error if you try and move it too far.
It's a nice day and I'll climb the way to the khyber pass
1 (http://up.picr.de/14068027dz.jpg)
So I climb...
2 (http://up.picr.de/14068032nj.jpg)
...and climb
3 (http://up.picr.de/14068034kz.jpg)
...and climb
4 (http://up.picr.de/14068039om.jpg)
...and climb
5 (http://up.picr.de/14068042fr.jpg)
...and climb
6 (http://up.picr.de/14068048uc.jpg)
...and climb
7 (http://up.picr.de/14068050pd.jpg)
...and climb
8 (http://up.picr.de/14068051vu.jpg)
...and climb
9 (http://up.picr.de/14068053xo.jpg)
...and climb
10 (http://up.picr.de/14068055hb.jpg)
...and climb
11 (http://up.picr.de/14068057ya.jpg)
...and climb
12 (http://up.picr.de/14068059ix.jpg)
...and climb
13 (http://up.picr.de/14068083re.jpg)
...and climb
14 (http://up.picr.de/14068092ol.jpg)
...and climb
15 (http://up.picr.de/14068094yz.jpg)
...and climb
16 (http://up.picr.de/14068097jx.jpg)
...and climb
17 (http://up.picr.de/14068108az.jpg)
...and climb
18 (http://up.picr.de/14068116qq.jpg)
...and climb
19 (http://up.picr.de/14068118wu.jpg)
...and climb
20 (http://up.picr.de/14068120ph.jpg)
...and climb
21 (http://up.picr.de/14068130ig.jpg)
...and climb
22 (http://up.picr.de/14068134yg.jpg)
What in the dickens going on here?! Holy shit!! The BMW-connection in front of us and the railway-connection behind us!!
23 (http://up.picr.de/14068135op.jpg)
OMG they shot with skyrockets to us!!!!
24 (http://up.picr.de/14068136ke.jpg)
25 (http://up.picr.de/14068138jx.jpg)
26 (http://up.picr.de/14068140gb.jpg)
27 (http://up.picr.de/14068141jv.jpg)
...and then.....crash to the desktop monitor.
Game over. ::)
Very nice storry : P ... the first screen is epic, can we get it in hi-res ?
I love this one:
Well those images are damn sexy. I like it. I haven't seen such a nice shots. Congrates Sam :)
Very nice storry : P ... the first screen is epic, can we get it in hi-res ?
Just that one
http://min.us/lSqH24ahZTifn (http://min.us/lSqH24ahZTifn)
Wow...awesome pics Sam! 8)
The rivets on the wing of the apache are inverted.. See the way the light on them is backward..
Some random images:
This ones showing almost all the biggest static models (thanks to the creators and for sharing them ;) ):
The Lamborghini Gallardo is right there...(hope you can find it lol)
...maybe they're inverted rivets :P looking good though!
...and looking good Foxiol!
According to this chart.. http://www.st-minutiae.com/misc/comparison/comparison_large.png (http://www.st-minutiae.com/misc/comparison/comparison_large.png)
That ship is bigger than any other ship.. Measuring in at 24,140 meters across (15 miles) where that InterStellar Executor Class Star destroyer is only 19,000 meters long.
Then you have to decide if you want to count the mothership from independence day.
Hi Foxiol, great screens! The third pic is awesome!
The rivets on the wing of the apache are inverted.. See the way the light on them is backward..
Times have changed.... ;)
Somewhere along nowhere
A trip trough a verry challenging landscape. 8)
It remember my to my expedition trough the Sahara Desert at 1978 with a old army truck. 8)
Again a lot of Pics. ;)
Really nice screens Sam. :)
Where did you set camp? Did you have enough supplies?
Where did you set camp? Did you have enough supplies?
Have you seen that truck? He's full with the whole stuff like fuel and all that uncivilzed stuff. All what you need is some bottles of beer and some cigarette packet and the iron will to go and go and go. And yes, you have to sleep under the truck together with the snakes and the scorpions. :P
Oh I'm sorry, I'm not ride a horse like a Marlboro-cowboy. I drive a truck like a pissed off adventure-seeker. ;D
. And yes, you have to sleep under the truck together with the snakes and the scorpions. :P
Lol In that snowy place you won´t even see a single snake or scorpion at all...and good luck sleeping on the ice...I would prefer to stay in the truck! ;)
. And yes, you have to sleep under the truck together with the snakes and the scorpions. :P
Lol In that snowy place you won´t even see a single snake or scorpion at all...and good luck sleeping on the ice...I would prefer to stay in the truck! ;)
No, there stinks from cigarette smoke.... :P
Yes, I know about that nonsense. I mixed that trip with my journey through the sahara 1978. But there we never slept under the truck too. ;D
(http://s47.radikal.ru/i115/1304/73/64813bfb8096.jpg) (http://www.radikal.ru)
(http://s59.radikal.ru/i163/1304/bc/595dd42366ba.jpg) (http://www.radikal.ru)
Nice meteor crater ;D !
Nice meteor crater ;D !
thx :D
Gotta love Outerra! :D
Nice shots! :)
Mig-29 ?!!? ... and im the last to know ? :o ... and why is it flying at Mig-25/30 altitudes ? ;D
One more for you, Brano! ;D
Work in Progress
(http://i.minus.com/jQZIhm07YZAur.jpg) (http://i2.minus.com/iQZIhm07YZAur.jpg)
WoW great shot :)
IT IS THE FUTURE!! or past..
Okay guys, how can I change the colour of the smoke?
@SpaceFlight: I did the exactly same thing because of this:
High Altitude Stratosphere Flight MIG-29UB - Edge Of Space (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcgLH8CFEZM#ws)
@ddann: Great models!
Hold Shift + Ctrl while shooting
Made some texture test with an improvised structure. I pretty much tested all types of textures available in the matlib with this building. I love the possibilities for rendering.
Made some texture test with an improvised structure. I pretty much tested all types of textures available in the matlib with this building. I love the possibilities for rendering.
The glasure effect is nice ... but does make the buildings look like antic indian/middle-east pottery architecture. Doe in the sunlight reflection, it makes it look really nice - and if i may ask - where you got the texture pattern from ? Is really nice.
Yeah, i have an odd liking for these structures. They look quite unique.
The glasure effect is nice ... but does make the buildings look like antic indian/middle-east pottery architecture. Doe in the sunlight reflection, it makes it look really nice - and if i may ask - where you got the texture pattern from ? Is really nice.
Yeah the possibilities for reflections mixte with normal maps make for pretty convincing rendering i find. I think i might have some fun with more improvised/fantasy/futuristic structure.
The texture is a moorish design i found at cgtexture.com
The texture is a moorish design i found at cgtexture.com
... I should have known that. Thanks for inf. There would be a nice thing to try in the future whyte such textures. Picture in place of words :D :
... they tend to use such nice, mathematics-like patterns whyte nice lightning and scattering effects ... and architecture.
... dont really thing the model complexity can be made at such level, doe such lights can be a nice impression improvement.
(ignoring the "testing" textures themselves) does anyone see anything odd in this picture?
The leopard with the alien head?
That's what I see, too!
What leopard you talking about - it's a "crocodile cook running somewhere" :)
I wonder if it can make me bacon and eggs then?
What leopard you talking about - it's a "crocodile cook running somewhere" :)
Kelvinr, you definitely hiding something! :)
SHOWDOWN! I put my money on the animals ;D
that alien leopard / grass looks painted on. If that is so, that would be an amazing addition!
Wait? Crop circles in Outerra!? :D
ZeosPantera, can you drive those bulls? :)
(Don't forget the "Mooo" sound as the horn)
(http://imageshack.us/a/img62/5705/screen1366783057.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/screen1366783057.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/a/img199/1920/screen1366782789.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/199/screen1366782789.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/a/img12/5532/screen1367523277.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/12/screen1367523277.jpg/)
(http://imageshack.us/a/img96/6564/screen1367517408.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/screen1367517408.jpg/)
The second reminds me of the HL2 citadel ... and it is looking good ! ;)
Very nice...sad that when you want to change or delete the huge model of the ship, you just can´t. I have it in one place and It is really easy to find it even when I am "lost" flying with the Mig.
bought Outerra today and started building a small Japanese style village in Middle-earth near minas tirith.
this engine blew me away. the possibilities are endless with the right modders and developers
i imagine huge medieval battles or enormous space ship invasions ;)
but right now i don't seem to find many mods on this forum. is there any other place that i might have missed?
Very nice. Like the road on 7th screen.
To Cameni:
Already mentioned this before, but just in case - would be nice to be able to export roads and object transformations (maybe even including the object models)and share them as package.
Previously we mentioned this option as Layers, but for first time it might be done just as object transformation data.
First of all it will give opportunity to save your own work - as I would make my home town already (Buildings already shared in Outerra), as well as some Airports where I flown to, but this will (wish) is killed by understanding that I will loose that in first reinstall (or update).
Theoretically you store this info in Outerra anyway. So extracting this info in some simple format (preferably human readable) and importing back (even by external exporter/importer) would give that extra will for users to build massive places (fill up the Outera world).
It would be cool if we could drag and select (or click) the objects we want and then have them copied-pasted on the world or export them as a group.
Today i made some screenshots of the tower i made in blender. The whole package will be released when its done.
That setting reminds me of the Titan Quest intro, where some Medusas came out of e temple, located high in some greek mountains.
Some poorly modeled or poorly textured familiar faces.
No sign of the Bebop on the model warehouse.
hmm ... that reminds me, the transportation trough the solar system in Cowboy Beebop was interesting. Would be nice to have such kind of short worm-hole generators between planets ....
(http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h398/John1731997/screen_1371146792_zpsb4d9f211.jpg) (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/John1731997/media/screen_1371146792_zpsb4d9f211.jpg.html)
SpaceMarines ? ?? :o
Not sure but anything coming from space and on fire does not sound good!
Getting around the mountains
Not sure but anything coming from space and on fire does not sound good!
Didnt actually everything we now, that came from the space to Earth, catch fire in more or less amount ? (electro-magnetic wave particles excluded of course) :D
How did you get that image anyway, or is it some not talked about OT thingy that came whyte the crater-generator tool ? And if, how did Cameny and AngryPig made an interstellar meteorite (or space debris) tracker beam go unnoticed ? There is something hidden in Area51, is it ??
I just fired the crater gun from space!
Hello everyone! I'm just starting to learn the simulator.
Outerra looks just fine. :)
Great model of the MiG-29 from Denna
OMG. I've been flying around for hours in the MIG29, listening to the Top Gun Soundtrack. I use TrackIR through freeview (the old version that works) and nvidia surround on 3 1680x1050 monitors. A joystick and Saitek Pedals. I'm loving this!
Here are some widescreen snapshots. Totally Unmodified. That is such a fantastic model of the MIG, and the Outerra engine just blows my mind.
I wanted to record a video too, but my computer crashes because of the resolution. ((Core 2 Duo 3ghz, GeForce GTX 660 TOP, 32Bit Win7, 4GB Ram (3effective)) But the Outerra engine runs at this high detail just like clockwork. Dunno bout the fps - fraps isn't liking Outerra. BTW, is there a way to show debug data like that in Outerra?
These pics are truly amazing in full size (right click them and view picture), and they are fabulous as triplehead widescreen wallpapers . Not to speak of how it feels flying this thing in realtime.
My best $15 spent ever! (Can you tell I'm silly-happy?)
- Dag gum I have to eat something...
I wanted to record a video too, but my computer crashes because of the resolution. ((Core 2 Duo 3ghz, GeForce GTX 660 TOP, 32Bit Win7, 4GB Ram (3effective)) But the Outerra engine runs at this high detail just like clockwork. Dunno bout the fps - fraps isn't liking Outerra. BTW, is there a way to show debug data like that in Outerra?
Is one of the crash reports you sent from the video recording crash?
You can get FPS shown with ctrl+F12, but sometimes that shortcut is blocked by other programs.
Glad you like it :)
Cameni, hi. Thx for the shortcut! Must have missed it. Yes i think if i remember correctly some of the crash reports i sent were from trying to record video. I always try to include a comment for you guys on the crash reports. I think my computer just couldn't handle the 5200x1050 video recording that time.
Loving the sunsets
Going to be a complete change to that shot when the mountains actually cast shadows.
I am very new to this forum and the product but wanted to give this a try so I bought the paid version since I just upgraded to to 2xGTX780 video cards. I will be rendering in 1080P max detail and was wondering if mountains cast shadows now?
They don't, yet, for that we need to combine the existing shadowing algorithm for objects with a different one, more suitable for large terrain.
They don't, yet, for that we need to combine the existing shadowing algorithm for objects with a different one, more suitable for large terrain.
Sounds like a rather time consuming job! Is there a rough ETA like 6-12mths?
Really hard to tell when, there are lots of other features with a higher priority. There was a preview of terrain self-shadowing (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=986.0) way back, but that was just a test of how much nicer it will look, once there's an algorithm capable of handling it.
Really hard to tell when, there are lots of other features with a higher priority. There was a preview of terrain self-shadowing (http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=986.0) way back, but that was just a test of how much nicer it will look, once there's an algorithm capable of handling it.
Thanks for the reply, those images really do look good! I wish I hadn't seen them, it adds so much depth and realism to the environment.
Going on to the destruction level : ;D
Salvo UP !
Salvo UP !
Heads DOWN!
Awesome shot! :)
Just standing in the shade.
Just standing in the shade.
What a nice shade-umbrella-panzer. And works even in rain. :D
Nice pic Zeos, the tank looks great!
I wanted to share this with all of you. I do not know what the farthest distance from Outerra's Earth people have traveled, but this is the farthest I have been. At the time I took this screenshot using the Steam Overlay, not the screenshot used within Anteworld, so I'm pretty certain it will not contain GPS coordinates.
I was messing around with the Mig, trying to achieve a higher altitude than 160,000 ft. The game glitched and launched me into space. I became disoriented very quickly and had to pause the simulation. This was all I could see once I found a view of Earth. My Altitude read 9.01e9ft. Exploring Outerra has made me feel that our world is large and beautiful, but this view only made me feel like its so small.
A commenter on Reddit quoted Carl Sagan when he saw this image, I feel like it works really well with this image.
“Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."
http://i.imgur.com/opffGyx.jpg?1 (http://i.imgur.com/opffGyx.jpg?1)
That pic will rock when other planets start to be putted into OT ! ;)
My New 7970 says hi..
well isn't that one heck of a hello :D Tell her welcome to the present from my gtx 670 ;)
670 is so last gen. 770 is where it's at. 8) 4GB that is.
well since nvidia decided to still just release titanchips with less power i ' m saying it's not yet the future
It's never the future... :-[
no certainly not ;) but i think you got my point
That AMD sucks at drivers? ;)
Say hello to my duel GTX780's!! Nvidia is where it's at!! I also render in 3D using stereoscopic and that's definitely the most immersive environment to travel in... truly awesome!
My settings and my road.
Holy damn! I thought that was a river!
Holy damn! I thought that was a river!
Still need to wait a lot for those ... ;D ;D
Wheres the road Zeos ? It looks like an very nice place on earth.
670 is so last gen. 770 is where it's at. 8) 4GB that is.
I have 760. :(
My settings and my road.
The settings look awful in midday though, and you can see the stars. :3
The settings look awful in midday though, and you can see the stars. :3
I never looked up. hrm.
The settings look awful in midday though, and you can see the stars. :3
I never looked up. hrm.
Need some MPC planes to look up .. ;D
Here are my screenshots. Absolute high res at 3600x2025 down sampled to 1920x1080
How on earth did you achieve that high a res for screenshots? I thought that feature wasn't available yet.
How in Outerra did you achieve that high a res for screenshots? I thought that feature wasn't available yet.
How on earth did you achieve that high a res for screenshots? I thought that feature wasn't available yet.
I added the resolution on the Nvidia control panel and it was an option that came up in game. I need more add ons!
lol Adblock Plus was blocking your screenshots... what...
Pretty neat screens ...
Yes, awesome pictures!
Yes, awesome pictures!
thanks lol i can't wait for more add ons ;D
Holy sh-. I was like hm...just grass..Wow!
Dinosaur. Just saying it is a great thing.
Distopia world getting close ? ;D
Making Camp for the Night
Youre making Jurassic park come true ? :D
Making Camp for the Night
Nice! Now you need that t-rex to run after that jeep ;D
The Gang is all here.
Just took that screenshot at 3520X1200. I'm still amazed at the quality of the images, it feels so natural and real.
I set my detailed grass and grass to extend beyond the limit set in-game. I think it is at 150m and 75m.. I also run a much lower FOV so it is needed.
using my virtual desktop screen :D
You should keep it full res and upload it to minus .. or www.min.us (http://www.min.us)
You should keep it full res and upload it to minus .. or www.min.us (http://www.min.us)
OK i did :D
link to it: http://min.us/lGboCdGrwPWiA (http://min.us/lGboCdGrwPWiA)
I found a river!
Pretty cool!
Imgur stripped the positional info out of the pic. Where is this mythical river?
+49°26'54.753 +0°13'20.349
In the first image I filled out the river using fog though ;)
On that note, I think the fog color sliders are broken, do they work for anyone else?
Here is a pic hosted on minus.com, should be able to load into outerra.
http://i3.minus.com/igwfbtR8np7Xd.jpg (http://i3.minus.com/igwfbtR8np7Xd.jpg)
Also, sexy contour lines:
All these screenshots are amazing. Outerra sure is next gen material. I can't wait to see what it'll look like when it's complete!
Also, sexy contour lines:
How did you do that?
Also, sexy contour lines:
How did you do that?
In the Outerra user folder (location can be found in data.cfg), you need to open eng.cfg and change debug_keys = true
Then look through iomap.cfg for the controls (scroll to the bottom). Contour lines are ALT + N
The Bismark! It had to be a super wide pic :)
Battle for Norway begins :D
Battle for Norway begins :D
;D yes, kill alle hamster!
These are the 2 of the first models i imported with sketchup 2013 pro which has an FBX export option ( pro version), everything is so easy compare to using the collada export(which often get crappy shapes) . Everything comes right the first time now except for the size, still havent figured out why it import 10 times bigger, like this t-34.
Just the right size.
These are the 2 of the first models i imported with sketchup 2013 pro which has an FBX export option ( pro version), everything is so easy compare to using the collada export(which often get crappy shapes) . Everything comes right the first time now except for the size, still havent figured out why it import 10 times bigger, like this t-34.
What are your units set to in Sketchup? What are the default units of models in Outerra? I think setting those to be the same will fix that problem.
Yes there's the units that sketchup is set to, then the units of the model and when exporting you can also choose which unit to use. But the pro trial has expired so i cant test it anymore. But just to say that the FBX importer rocks compare to collada, at least where sketchup is concerned.
Nomore California weather, welcome to the baltic sea! :D
Yep.. I put that right up on the subreddit http://redd.it/1rp8a1 (http://redd.it/1rp8a1)
A few screens from the Antarctica region:
Flew just over 54 miles, as the Cessna flies to get these snaparoons. These are from the highest peak in my fair lands of Ireland, Carrauntoohil, Kerry. Hope y'all like! What an adventure! ;D
(http://i.minus.com/jbeALQrIscy8H1.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/beALQrIscy8H1)
(http://i.minus.com/jbtUuthmy8fpNa.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/btUuthmy8fpNa)
(http://i.minus.com/jJDRzPusYr5Mv.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/JDRzPusYr5Mv)
(I don't know how to display the pictures themselves, just the links since the files are too big to upload. If anyone can tell me how, I'd be in your debt and will correct it as soon as!)
EDIT Thanks Cameni for the help! :)
Minus.com has a "forum code" option when sharing an image, just copy & paste that ;)
Ah, I didn't have an account! Silly me!
Nice place and screens there Godot !
Thank you very much! Shame my graphics card (GeForce GT 620M) isn't the best! I don't quite know what settings I should use for an optimal experience.
EDIT: Coordinates if anyone should like to drive round some lovely hills; +51°59'55.530" -9°44'35.109"
A few screens I just took, toying with the time of day and year, of the planet's ceiling, Sagamartha, Mt. Everest :)
(The quality was greatly reduced when linked from minus :( )
Sun Crowned Everest
(http://i.minus.com/jgEbXGuyYWMhF.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/gEbXGuyYWMhF)
Sun Peeking from Behind Everest
(http://i.minus.com/jrSfBS319eYQP.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/rSfBS319eYQP)
Daybreaking Everest
(http://i.minus.com/j1w8aDwvMfJHL.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/1w8aDwvMfJHL)
Midday Everest
(http://i.minus.com/jbmYqlwL63ubxP.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/bmYqlwL63ubxP)
Nightfalling Everest
(http://i.minus.com/judc3VBHXd5yZ.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/udc3VBHXd5yZ)
Here's my Scotland race track at sunset.
(http://i.minus.com/jPpY0z5SvxOxO.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/PpY0z5SvxOxO)
Nice gadgetoid! Those bumps further on look like a right aul bit of fun!
I like to spawn them in low orbit and watch gravity do the rest.
A Sahara desert expedition:
Sahara Desert?!
No no, it must be the Gobi Desert :P
From the looks of it, yes. :D
A texture replacement could fix it i think. But i'm glad there are biomes now, even if not completely accurate at this point.
Also, there are too many small rocks generally on the surface of the Earth in OT imo, but thats something that can be tweaked.
Minecraft style gameplay with vehicles and planes would be awesome.
The cool thing is, the scale is big but the "map" is not infinite in OT. Imagine you had a base with a dozen or so players, and a group would decide to make an expedition to gather some rare resources.
They would have to explore and travel for a couple of real world days, to reach the location of the desired resources and then return to base. Meanwhile, those who stayed at the base would expand it and build and craft there etc. Would take some coordination and it would perhaps instill a sense of adventure. And when groups of players are scattered around the Earth, a war would not occur that easily at first.
Kind of what i thought of when taking these pictures, lol.
I like the new material system! :D
(http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h398/John1731997/screen_1392481299_zpsb9cc8d1f.jpg) (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/John1731997/media/screen_1392481299_zpsb9cc8d1f.jpg.html)
More desert.
Mercenary out of fuel:
Enjoying the view:
(http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h398/John1731997/screen_1392487315_zps35555e25.jpg) (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/John1731997/media/screen_1392487315_zps35555e25.jpg.html)
They're hunting Lumpmen...
They're hunting Lumpmen...
... OH NO ! Those nightmares again ! .... i hope no one makes them now, when characters are there. :D
What are lumpman?
What are lumpman?
Just take a look ... (spoilers)
http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=750.msg8971#msg8971 (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=750.msg8971#msg8971)
P.S.: I was just playing around, when this little thing revealed the real identity of the mercenary person :
- its the headless rider! I always wondered what he does nowadays. :D
The hidding of head for FPView is a good trick, but may scare some people later. :D Would be nice to have some option to render shadows for hidden object parts too it seems. ( also might be interesting once a multiplayer comes :D )
What are lumpman?
Just take a look ... (spoilers)
http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=750.msg8971#msg8971 (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=750.msg8971#msg8971)
Wo! That's just freaky. Was that actually in the game or is that photoshopped? Like the real world aint strange enough now Outerra is becoming plagued by the unexplained.
What are lumpman?
Just take a look ... (spoilers)
http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=750.msg8971#msg8971 (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=750.msg8971#msg8971)
Wo! That's just freaky. Was that actually in the game or is that photoshopped? Like the real world aint strange enough now Outerra is becoming plagued by the unexplained.
:D :D ... just keep an eye on the down mists ... :D :D
DooDooDooDoo DooDooDooDoo
(Awe, I raised the contrast of my display. They don't look as spooky as they used to. Didn't realize they were smokey creatures.)
Special Ops in the himallaya. It pretty fun to spawn an instant squad and jog around as someone else here mentionned. I love the new fog. It does make for interesting mood in pics i find.
You know, I still don't know how you guys control multiple "vehicles" at once.... or at least keep them moving. :-s
For footman, its pretty easy you press 8, hit w and shift to get him to sprint, press 8 while jogging, hit w and shift ..... Again and again . They will jog in a perfect line forever. I guess you could use escape to reposition yourself and possibly create multiple lines.
Yeah it is basically. Nail your foot to the floor and jump out. I have set many vehicles out on their own while I chased them down. And currently player models act like vehicles.
The clones assault :)
Add some panzers, mortar fire and ketchup ! :D
clone wars hehe xD
Yep.. The scaling seems about right.
Also this ..
It must be a very dangerous area, that Outerra. ::)
lol... I'm guessing it took a surprisingly short amount of time to find that picture....
I figured out to search
"My Jeep" in google and sure enough. Everyone poses with their jeep.
No search for bald guy with jeep? :P
They do not have to literally ... "pose", dont they ?
:D :D :D :D
Found some nice chinese temple in the sketchup warehouse to go with Levi's downtown. I find that the new reflections system makes this intricate architecture stands out. The texture for the most part is from photo that are not flatten so it's kind look like a mess up close, but from a distance it look amazing i find.
Need to adjust a few things then i'll make downloadable.
We need to start the collection up again. http://www.reddit.com/r/OuterraAddons/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/OuterraAddons/).. Get it up there.
Found the a more appropriate background for this one.
The clones assault :)
Fun fact :
- Spawn a soldier
- Press forward
- While you walk, start firing in front of you
- Keep the forward key and the fire mouse bouton pressed and, in the same time, press enter (can be hard to do)
Your soldier will keep firing and you will be able to enjoy the laser shaw in UFO mode :). I need to test that with hundred of them. But beware, lower your volume first.
It actualy makes balistics quite more impressive than in first person view ;)
Cool!!!! and It's even more fun at dawn or dusk. Here i set another group that is firing back from a distance.
Worst AI ever.
Worst AI ever.
... thats obvious ... there just my evil MINIONS ! You cant expect them to be useful, if they already follow my evil world domination plans ... thats why there are lots of minions !
Also - its a nice tracer-round party - we definitely need an machine-gunner invited. ;D
Ahh, people and their minions. :-D
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
Just some pictures.......
...more Tree Experiments. 8)
No words, only tears :'(
It's.. so beautiful, it looks sort of fake, like all the foliage is just a photo, yet at the same time it looks like real life, this engine is beautiful.
The random shrubs and trees make a HUGE difference.
outerra makes a building site look good! :D nuff said! :P
outerra makes a building site look good! :D nuff said! :P
House building - frame by frame, nail by nail - simulator ! Whyte all the safety hazards stuff of course ...
The desert flora is really great !
outerra makes a building site look good! :D nuff said! :P
It will be a very very big day when lighting other than the sun is added to Outerra. I vaguely remember that there was at least one emissive gauge on the Cessna, but even that is gone, now. :(
I vaguely remember that there was at least one emissive gauge on the Cessna, but even that is gone, now. :(
There was the Outerra billboard too.
This is Outerra. It is a strange place. Advancements come and go.. Never to be heard of again.
3D Trees
Ground Lighting Occlusion
Volumetric Clouds
I saw them once.. in a dream.
This is Outerra. It is a strange place. Advancements come and go.. Never to be heard of again.
3D Trees
Ground Lighting Occlusion
Volumetric Clouds
I saw them once.. in a dream.
So then must be the time now to wake up... :P
Can only wish.
What the campfires of Eldoran ? ... No more rampaging for you, we will see those vile beasts be slain on the plains of ME-DEM !! :D
To-scale moon.
To scale moon where? Did you import a model?
That Moon looks great!
Gotta love the moon. Cant wait for the official one to arrive though. Wonder if I'll find that secret alien base that is supposedly hidden on the far side of it :)
Framerates over the Grand canyon :)
A little mil-tech ...
Have to have a wingman :)
Hey that some nice formation floating there :)
Production Halted but not forgotten...
Bumped into this on the web. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtqbU2QhSOA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtqbU2QhSOA)
and you posted it twice? He posted it on the forums himself.
and you posted it twice? He posted it on the forums himself.
1) I posted it once. The screenshot thread said there had been no posts in 120 days so I cancelled and it posted anyway.
2) I looked in the two logical spots for a video: the video thread and the screen shot thread and saw nothing.
Bumped into this on the web. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtqbU2QhSOA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtqbU2QhSOA)
This is the nicest one that till present I have seen!
Very much model clarifies, but she looks artificial a little. You can try for the surfaces
to make another BumpNormal Maps. ;)
Ship - Ahoi!...go on a Rendezvous with the Hood. ;D
Whats that tower ? ...
Whats that tower ? ...
This is the outposts of Admiral Döniz. ;D
Moon landing
HA! Is that new jersey?
Space Battleship Bismarck, almost reminds me of a WH40K Imperium warship.
I found this in New Zealand. I couldn`t resist.
(http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h398/John1731997/screen_1399911205_zps564dd280.jpg) (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/John1731997/media/screen_1399911205_zps564dd280.jpg.html)
Not sure what has changed here, but it seems the ground looks more crisp than before (here in the desert)?
Or has it to do with recent changes to the biome colors? Or has nothing changed at all? :o
River to nowhere.
Sea-level valleys are the only river-like places in Outerra at the momment, unfortunately.
So, I think I found the Iron Throne?
In a golden color emerges hours and
Outerra has photographed.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/14159105159/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/14159105159/)
And in this video of a C130H
flying a C-130H from the 36th Airlift Squadron, Yokota AB Japan while conducting training operations during Red Flag Alaska 13-1.
http://youtu.be/je4PLZI8jEE (http://youtu.be/je4PLZI8jEE)
Just for Fun. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3IOewwtT9Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3IOewwtT9Y)
Hey ! AH-DG French ? Si oui, moi aussi ! :D
Question : How did you get the moon and the spaceship ?
¡¡ fantastic !!
Hey ! AH-DG French ? Si oui, moi aussi ! :D
Question : How did you get the moon and the spaceship ?
No, I'm a German. I have neither moon or spaceship,
because at the moment this does not interest me. :)
Just for Fun. :)
Downhill Bob (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEwwdM91xyM#ws)
nice video, pico. ;)
That was SWEET!
Winterland. I didnt noticed before, but craters gets snowy as well. All is missing now is some winter looking leafy trees and snow full conifer.
Good screenshots everyone! I love that my repaints of Levi`s plane are used! :D
Thank you all. Do you want to see some more? Just make a request on Levi`s thread!
This is the ice age. The ocean doen't freeze but snow cover the ocean floor :)
Makes sense...
This is the ice age. The ocean doen't freeze but snow cover the ocean floor :)
Where I can download winter textures? Looks very nice. Thanks!
Adjust the Snow level in the World.cfg. Snow everywhere.
Should probably be a snow slider to make things easier........
Should probably be a snow slider to make things easier........
Everything needs a slider ! ;D
The snow level is going to be related to the seasons hopefully. So when you open the Sun position dialog and adjust the date it can be snowy where it should be. Although that would suck if winter was ALWAYS snowy..
-post deleted-
Here's a little space tower I made out of that gigantic greeble block from the greebles addon not too long ago, it was equally as fun as it was frustrating to make, but I like how it ended up in the end 8)
delicious greebles
Many Normandys were lost in space in the making of this image
Which I then decided to turn into a space tower fleet hub because why not
Sorry for the large amount of images
Needs clouds for scale!
Nice, an low orbit elevator ... well see if that thing can be build in real. :D
Take a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ4Qp2xeRds (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ4Qp2xeRds)
Needs clouds for scale!
Yes! That would be awesome, to see it towering above the highest clouds
Little photoshopped screenshot from Outerra
So the next planet to be done after ME is Equestria ? :D
It has begun...
but heres the Batman Tumbler mod (little overpowered) it looks cool i guess
im posting again but oh well
here's a nice sunset i forgot where
im posting again but oh well
here's a nice sunset i forgot where
This one is really great - those colors could be a base for northern lights ! Would be awesome to have them.
Sweet Batman jumps and that jeep is insane.
Nothing to say just one screenshot
Nice! :)
Wow those look amazing. Wait until SSAO is in place. Going to be insane.
Just messing around.......
Norwegian Förds. Germans U-Boots Rudel (U-Boot Typ VII) on the way to the operations area...
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/30.08.14/swcp5lyhlqiw.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-24435838/screen_1409402881.jpg.html)
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/30.08.14/ofoi4qc515wg.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-24435857/screen_1409403151.jpg.html)
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/30.08.14/ke5vjpdggs6.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-24435884/screen_1409402841.jpg.html)
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/30.08.14/6yskzq9pev6q.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-24435890/screen_1409403530.jpg.html)
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/30.08.14/94lthldch2p9.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-24435892/screen_1409403635.jpg.html)
They are looking good! Did you do a script for it... To submerge?
Theyre seem static, otherwise, they would be flipping due to the waves ... nice model there !
Theyre seem static, otherwise, they would be flipping due to the waves ... nice model there !
don't give out military secrets... :P ;D
Theyre seem static, otherwise, they would be flipping due to the waves ... nice model there !
don't give out military secrets... :P ;D
:D :D :D ... there no secrets, russians have them statics too !
:D :D :D ... we definitely need those in OT too - with the presurization animations ! :D :D :D
P.S. : If someone wonders, theyr made them in mind of the kosovo conflict, where Serbian mock-up units were made of wood planks and hot water bottles/pans were set to get the heat-tracking missiles to lock on them. Doe these russian ones have an little box mimicking the IR profile of those machines. Not sure doe, how many in deployment ...
Theyre seem static, otherwise, they would be flipping due to the waves ... nice model there !
don't give out military secrets... :P ;D
:D :D :D ... there no secrets, russians have them statics too !
:D :D :D ... we definitely need those in OT too - with the presurization animations ! :D :D :D
P.S. : If someone wonders, theyr made them in mind of the kosovo conflict, where Serbian mock-up units were made of wood planks and hot water bottles/pans were set to get the heat-tracking missiles to lock on them. Doe these russian ones have an little box mimicking the IR profile of those machines. Not sure doe, how many in deployment ...
Aha…. and thus they want to threaten the whole world… which? ::)
Then we are to leave an Éiren loosely on it… those to sing it to death… ;D ;D ;D
http://youtu.be/vdxLxnhGnvo?list=PL7A3FF3A3EAF644B3 (http://youtu.be/vdxLxnhGnvo?list=PL7A3FF3A3EAF644B3)
:D .... nice music ! ;)
Mega-Post!! :o ;D
AH-DG, can I get a download of the sub's I'll make them controllable, I've also got a sub pen if you want to get it game ready ?
@ HiFlyer
Nice Qantas-shot! ;)
AH-DG, can I get a download of the sub's I'll make them controllable, I've also got a sub pen if you want to get it game ready ?
But of course Sir. :D Indeed, I would like to make new textures for the submarine.
If to make to itself somebody volunteered new UVW-Mapping, I will make fast the
new textures, because, unfortunately, me the time UVW-Mapping falls to make,
because I am occupied at the moment with Fw190A.
But they all textures should be made on a 1-Layer - not separate.
p.s. Watch PM ;)
Well I'll have a look at it and check out its quality.... I have the different u-boats already modeled and uvw'd but thought this model might be better.
o_o Gimme full flight simulation features naoh!
Stunning pictures! 8)
Right now, Outerra has gained some serious progress momentum and is also capturing a lot of mind-share in various places. Lets hope the guys are on a roll!!!
Bless M7
It's going to be a noisy place to live. That's probably why it still empty :-)
The air traffic controllers live there on the weekend.
This is over middle earth. All is missing is some god rays!!
All is missing is some god rays!!
Who knows, maybe they will work on light shaft in the future ;)
Maybe this future is not so far :)
A debug output for god rays...
(http://i.minus.com/jbokvo0pMRDFS8.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/bokvo0pMRDFS8)
Maybe this future is not so far :)
A debug output for god rays...
(http://i.minus.com/jbokvo0pMRDFS8.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/bokvo0pMRDFS8)
Hmmmmm........ to me, God rays presume clouds for them to shine through...... 8)
it will work for clouds too... it's the same effect...
Maybe this future is not so far :)
A debug output for god rays...
Cool :)
For some reason, the pink atmosphere reminds me this strange MMO (Love) :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMX69Priad8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMX69Priad8)
This is over middle earth. All is missing is some god rays!!
Wow this is amazing. I was thinking its a CG Image but guess what it is OT.
it will work for clouds too... it's the same effect...
When will we see volumetric clouds
Maybe this future is not so far :)
A debug output for god rays...
(http://i.minus.com/jbokvo0pMRDFS8.jpg) (http://minus.com/i/bokvo0pMRDFS8)
Wow! Great news angrypig, that looks awesome! :D
The grand canyon.....
A flight around the Alaska scene. Full album here (http://imgur.com/a/8BKfQ#0) :)
Always wanted to post that one, completly forget about it :
lol That isn't the soldier is it?...
lol That isn't the soldier is it?...
Yep, the chewing mercenary (every time I watch his face close, he makes me laugh)
NASCAR, anyone?
(http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h398/John1731997/screen_1411206568_zps7b647c15.jpg) (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/John1731997/media/screen_1411206568_zps7b647c15.jpg.html)
Nice, best to keep to the outside of the track :).
What the ? ... damn, what is the speed limit for a 13,5 tonn truck on that track ? I need to do a nas-ural version, whyte nitrogen and all the neons. :D
lol I was gonna say the same thing. ;D
That is a corner I'd like to see driven.
5 km above the ground
I bought Outerra a few days ago and jumped into city building. :D
Very Nice!
Very cool stuff!!!
Makes me wonder what things like this will look like under whatever lighting solution the developers finally settle on.
Wow I had no idea what I was looking at. Bravo and Gimme!
Oh no .... Football Sims on OT ! That will bring bar-brawling sims with it !! And ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSWOHCCV4WM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSWOHCCV4WM#ws)
... imagine such network gameplay! ;D
... well need that city and quest added : ;D ;D
Half the players aren't players. They are blanks.. But you can't tell.
Never imagined that I will see the Gerland Stadium in Outerra someday ;D... in the middle of north America (Rocky mountains, isn't it?)
Never imagined that I will see the Gerland Stadium in Outerra someday ;D... in the middle of north America (Rocky mountains, isn't it?)
Yep! I'm actually surprised you guessed the location. It's fun taking buildings from all over the world and creating your own little city out of them.
Half the players aren't players. They are blanks.. But you can't tell.
... well, procedural revolution. But i wouldnt let ET mess around whyte it yet. :D
Yep! I'm actually surprised you guessed the location. It's fun taking buildings from all over the world and creating your own little city out of them.
I have this rare talent to guess where a place is by only looking at the landscape.
No I'm kidding ;D Screenshots in Outerra have gps metadata, I have simply open your picture with Outerra and zoom out to see what part of the world it was :)
Here's a shot from inside one of the condos. It's not the highest quality but I think it does its job.
wow. We really need some super high detail interiors to try and do some fake roomporn!
How about this place?
Could anyone tell me how to edit the materials from the Outerra folder? If I open them with notepad it comes out strangely.
How about this place?
Not bad.. A bit of leaking around the top but overall you can feel the Ambient Occlusion unless it is burnt into the modle.
How about this place?
Looking great !
So, this is Captain America house and he likes to play with oversized Rubik's Cube, right?
Great work!
Barringer Meteor Crater (Near Winslow, Arizona)
I've been traveling the world, looking for interesting places. ;D
Flying by UFO.. Or by Attack Helicopter!?
Flying by UFO.. Or by Attack Helicopter!?
Ufo. The crater is where our scoutship crashed.
Some pic's :D
Nice shots. ;)
Great shots ! You should post them on the Avsim screenshot forums, the last time I did it, people where really interested (I believe most of them don't visit often the Outerra sub section).
Already did :-)
Good luck getting that thing into the air from that runway!! ;D
Some new stuff (full album) (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/453931-outerra-random-shots/) :)
Some new stuff (full album) (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/453931-outerra-random-shots/) :)
Any chance of putting the full album up on www.imgur.com ? I'd love to share it with reddit.
It's already in (http://imgur.com/a/1nGkU#0) :)
¡¡ fantastic !!
the question is real or virtual?
Or like the old commercial here in the US... "Is it real or is it Memorex?!" :) :)
Are those 3 red meteors in the bottom left of the first picture (and actually more extending straight up the image), or are they just visual artifacts?
Are those 3 red meteors in the bottom left of the first picture (and actually more extending straight up the image), or are they just visual artifacts?
Yep, good catch ;)
I had just discovered that their speed is modified by the player speed, and was testing some high-velocity shots when I noticed the view ;D
Trying to make an electron collider ? :D
Trying to make an electron collider ? :D
Nope (http://youtu.be/HaY0q42_koI)
When's the race!? ;D
When's the race!? ;D
(http://i.imgur.com/6oLnrpr.jpg) ....
Jö-jö, at least in the game you may have this... :P ;D ;)
Jö-jö, at least in the game you may have this... :P ;D ;)
... thats why they do that artificial rreality stuff, right ? :D
Jö-jö, at least in the game you may have this... :P ;D ;)
... thats why they do that artificial rreality stuff, right ? :D
Nö, not really. This was my black humor... ;D
Little project i'm working on
Nice !
Is it a single model or many individual houses?
Little project i'm working on
The screenshot looks very very nice! :) Are those houses from World2XPlane model library?
Thank you! Yes they are, hundreds of houses carefully placed. There's actually a small airport near the beach but you can't see it from this distance :) And there's another city on the other side of the island and villages scattered along the island, so it looks like a living place when flying above.
Thank you! Yes they are, hundreds of houses carefully placed. There's actually a small airport near the beach but you can't see it from this distance :) And there's another city on the other side of the island and villages scattered along the island, so it looks like a living place when flying above.
Thank you! Yes they are, hundreds of houses carefully placed. There's actually a small airport near the beach but you can't see it from this distance :) And there's another city on the other side of the island and villages scattered along the island, so it looks like a living place when flying above.
Really good !
I'm looking forward to it, we may have to ask a new subforum for sceneries :)
I don't think it has the same detail and realism like your scenery :)
I don't think it has the same detail and realism like your scenery :)
Talkeetna is detailed because I have started to work on it a long time ago (when the map overlay was released) :).
I had to spend a lot of time on the editor to master the road tool ;D
Good luck for this project, and don't hesitate to share pictures of it ;)
I'm not actually using any overlay because the island doesn't have any road in it, so it is difficult to make this look realistic.
Very cool. Someone needs to get on a 1:1 set for Game of Thrones.
Placing and adjusting the mesh is tricky, cleaning trees and ajusting terrain is harsh, but at the end, this feeling when you take off and fly over it...
It's like it should have always been there.
KW71 made this possible folks :)
It's so quiet recently that even I decided to get out of my usual read-only mode and make this forum a bit more active to brighten up the tedious wait for updates or some news :)
Here is Ama Dablam which turned out to be pretty accurate in Outerra.
add the video from which the above screenshot was captured (traductor google :-[ : El futuro está oculto detrás de los hombres que lo hacen - "Anatole france"
Guess the plane. :D
Guess the plane. :D
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing-Stearman_Model_75 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing-Stearman_Model_75)
Guess the plane. :D
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing-Stearman_Model_75 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing-Stearman_Model_75)
Nope. ;D
biplane tourer/training aircraft in the early 1930s
Stampe SV.4
Manufacturer Stampe et Vertongen
biplane tourer/training aircraft in the early 1930s
Stampe SV.4
Manufacturer Stampe et Vertongen
Very similar, but it's not that one. :D
Hint: Those planes were used in the Spanish Civil War (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_Civil_War).
Based on your hint, I'd guess it's a Bristol Bulldog.
I can vote again? please... :P :P :P :P :P what I have
Based on your hint, I'd guess it's a Bristol Bulldog.
Nope, but again, it's very very similar. :D
I can vote again? please
Of course you can. ;)
Levi revealed that conflicts partició the device.
and seen the report , it is clear that the choice is:
brief History
Biplane decoladas unequal wings designed by Karl Schwärzler, chief engineer from Heinkel He-49, all-metal structure with flat bilargueros covered wood and fabric. Sheet metal fuselage covered anteriorly and scrim on the back. The ailerons were located in the upper plane, having flaps on the bottom. The landing gear oleo-pneumatic dampers available and hydraulic brakes. It V1 powered by a BMW engine, and twelve-cylinder V-750 HP power, by six vertical exhaust tubes caracterizba down on each side of the engine. He was armed with two machine guns MG-17 7.9 mm. Capable of 1200 rounds per minute, with manual reset, mounted on the motor. This model was delivered to the Luftwaffe in mid-1934, he participated in the Spanish civil war, have arrived in Cadiz (Spain) An August 6, 1936 ... There were six I-51 with the first squadron along with other form would form Legion Condor biplanes ... These were initially piloted by both Germans and Spaniards. Its use as a hunting was much lower than the Russian rivals I-15 and I-16 so it is only used to support missions and ground attack until the arrival of the brand new I-109 at that time (1937) was in experimental phase.
That's correct aWac9, congratulation! ;)
I'll post a screenshot showing the full plane when I'm back on PC. :)
Thank you for your participation guys :D
Here's the upcoming plane: :)
Yep, pretty old, but nice (my personal opinion). ;D
Though, I have even older ones. :D
Wow!!! Great!!!
Given that the He51 Hinkel (Bulgarian) levi would have a
Service ceiling: 7700 m (25,262 ft) Range: 570 km (308 nmi; 354 mi), we conclude that it is a nice place to walk around Outerra bird.
if you need test pilots ... count me
Yep, pretty old, but nice (my personal opinion). ;D
Though, I have even older ones. :D
It will be a really nice addition, I like the idea of having a set of totally different planes :)
The context in wich this plane was created and the way it was used are really sad : terror bombings (no real military target) by the Condor Legion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condor_Legion) during the Spanish civil war.
It's kinda cool to see it in a different situation, I wonder if some of these are still flying...
I've done a quick search by curiosity and the symbol on the side seems to be related to the Bulgarian army, it's still used today and you can see it on various military decorations (http://catalogue.drouot.com/images/perso/phare/LOT/90/8849/131.jpg). So it's not a part of these not-really-funny-symbols-that-may-be-a-bit-inappropriate ;D
I'm really looking forward to fly one of these ! Awesome job Levi :)
I love it already!
F18 Outerra
original image:
Wow!!! Great!!!
Thanks! :)
Given that the He51 Hinkel (Bulgarian) levi would have a
Service ceiling: 7700 m (25,262 ft) Range: 570 km (308 nmi; 354 mi), we conclude that it is a nice place to walk around Outerra bird.
if you need test pilots ... count me
Yes, I'm having those characteristics in account, and I hope it will reach that altitude, because it's something that depends on many factors...
Thank you for your offer, but as it's almost finished, I'll release it soon, and you all can test it. :)
It will be a really nice addition, I like the idea of having a set of totally different planes :)
The context in wich this plane was created and the way it was used are really sad : terror bombings (no real military target) by the Condor Legion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condor_Legion) during the Spanish civil war.
It's kinda cool to see it in a different situation, I wonder if some of these are still flying...
I agree with you.
I am afraid that there's no one still flying... I've searched for recent videos with no luck.
I've done a quick search by curiosity and the symbol on the side seems to be related to the Bulgarian army, it's still used today and you can see it on various military decorations (http://catalogue.drouot.com/images/perso/phare/LOT/90/8849/131.jpg).
Yep, that one is from Bulgarian Air Force.
So it's not a part of these not-really-funny-symbols-that-may-be-a-bit-inappropriate ;D
How about this? ;D
I'm really looking forward to fly one of these ! Awesome job Levi :)
Thank you! I plan to release it a week, or maybe a few days if all goes well :)
I love it already!
Glad you like it. :)
F18 Outerra
Cool screenshot!
Another photo of my project.
Here's the upcoming plane: :)
Fantastic !!! Really good !! congratulations
Here's the upcoming plane: :)
Levi, if I am honest looks anyhow after a plastic model. Probably you have passed through to all BUMP textures by a depth what is not very clever in this case. You must try to mix to have the BUMP textures in order the right effect in the body sides, because otherwise
does not knead of the Skin nicely, but anyhow "cheap".
If you have the tail textures as the whole, you had separated the parts (they less depth) for the time being make read and then allow to insert them in the whole BUMP-Texture (for body).
What you for depth in 3d Max acts is in this case will completely make no difference, because the depth on mixed BUMP-Texture (which you join then later) will line up after the depths which you have made. So, independently what stands in 3d Max.
I hope you understand me what I with it means.
(do sometimes simply experimentation with it and you will see it). ;)
Now, however, in whole (as a 3D-model) the Flugkiste looks very good. Congratulates!
p.s. A question if permits...If is the model from
Craig Richardson for FSX at that time made?
Another photo of my project.
Great work mate! Looking forward to test your scene. :)
Fantastic !!! Really good !! congratulations
Thank you!
Levi, if I am honest looks anyhow after a plastic model. Probably you have passed through to all BUMP textures by a depth what is not very clever in this case. You must try to mix to have the BUMP textures in order the right effect in the body sides, because otherwise
does not knead of the Skin nicely, but anyhow "cheap".
If you have the tail textures as the whole, you had separated the parts (they less depth) for the time being make read and then allow to insert them in the whole BUMP-Texture (for body).
What you for depth in 3d Max acts is in this case will completely make no difference, because the depth on mixed BUMP-Texture (which you join then later) will line up after the depths which you have made. So, independently what stands in 3d Max.
I hope you understand me what I with it means.
(do sometimes simply experimentation with it and you will see it). ;)
Now, however, in whole (as a 3D-model) the Flugkiste looks very good. Congratulates!
p.s. A question if permits...If is the model from
Craig Richardson for FSX at that time made?
Yes, you're right, it looks like a plastic toy plane. ;D
Thank you for your suggestion AH-DG, I appreciate it. :)
Ok, I reduced the depth a little bit, and this is how it looks now: What do you think? Is it enough?
Yes, the plane is from Craig Richardson. And as I mentioned some time ago, I have green light to port his entire fleet here. :)
Edit: I think we're getting off topic here... :-\
Yes, a little better, but I think you has made the Bumpmap from quite existing skin. If it is in such a way, you should ask Craig whether he can give a Template for the airplane skin. Then you can take only the Layer for Bumpmap which have something like lines, Rivets etc. Otherwise you get the depth and width never took in. ;)
Yes, a little better, but I think you has made the Bumpmap from quite existing skin. If it is in such a way, you should ask Craig whether he can give a Template for the airplane skin. Then you can take only the Layer for Bumpmap which have something like lines, Rivets etc. Otherwise you get the depth and width never took in. ;)
Normal maps are not made from the skin/repaint, but from the template/paint kit .psd files, and therefore those generated maps are compatible and shared with the other liveries. :)
Those templates look like this:
OK... so much better. I will explain all that to you gradually.
1. If you take only the black lines (without shade) and make there a wise background pure. Then make from 1 to 1.5 deep Bumpmap.
2. If you take the Rivets and makes from 2 to 2.5 curvatures Bumpmap.
3. Connect all 2xpiece Bumpmap together in P-Shop.
4. if it stores in DDS format and look what from it has become.
Thus you are able to do experimentation to you a good result has.
You must let the metal parts which should come out curve also.
And still what. You should leave out the shade with the Bumpmap (Normalmap), otherwise the lines will be too wide and from it such a plastic stuff originates like before.
A lot of pleasure with experiments. :)
Another photo of my project.
Really nice!
I have to agree with AH-DG, the normals are a bit overdone which makes it look like a plastic toy. And also, i think a roughness map could help achieve the right effect. But you can just share the model as is and we get to play with these kind of details ;D
Levi, your Heinkel is just FANTASTIC!
A screenshot of Mt. Cervino (Matterhorn), Alps, Italian/Swiss Border
(http://i.imgur.com/TntiD9bl.jpg) (http://imgur.com/TntiD9b)
OK... so much better. I will explain all that to you gradually.
1. If you take only the black lines (without shade) and make there a wise background pure. Then make from 1 to 1.5 deep Bumpmap.
2. If you take the Rivets and makes from 2 to 2.5 curvatures Bumpmap.
3. Connect all 2xpiece Bumpmap together in P-Shop.
4. if it stores in DDS format and look what from it has become.
Thus you are able to do experimentation to you a good result has.
You must let the metal parts which should come out curve also.
And still what. You should leave out the shade with the Bumpmap (Normalmap), otherwise the lines will be too wide and from it such a plastic stuff originates like before.
A lot of pleasure with experiments. :)
Thank you for the tips, I'll try to replicate that. :)
I have to agree with AH-DG, the normals are a bit overdone which makes it look like a plastic toy. And also, i think a roughness map could help achieve the right effect. But you can just share the model as is and we get to play with these kind of details ;D
I've tried using roughness maps, but it doesn't help too much...
I'll soon release it as it is, then you can freely play with the textures. :)
Also, here's the Paint Kit: Download (http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/20376/fsx-heinkel-he-51-paint-kit/)
Levi, your Heinkel is just FANTASTIC!
Thank you adler58!
Thank you for the tips, I'll try to replicate that. :)
Now, we are quite surely a Big-OT-Community, ;D and it would be my opinion, after no good tone if we do not know how to help ourselves to each other...I think in such a way. Hence, I am always ready to help if I know something else about certain things. Moreover, a knowledge exchange always helps one to come forwards. ;)
In the sense, I wish all one nice Christmastime and a blest Celebration. :)
p.s. Tries sometimes here also purely watch, because here also gives pair of good tips... http://galgot.free.fr/wordpress/?p=592
Now, we are quite surely a Big-OT-Community, ;D and it would be my opinion, after no good tone if we do not know how to help ourselves to each other...I think in such a way. Hence, I am always ready to help if I know something else about certain things. Moreover, a knowledge exchange always helps one to come forwards. ;)
That's why I love this community! :)
p.s. Tries sometimes here also purely watch, because here also gives pair of good tips... http://galgot.free.fr/wordpress/?p=592
Thanks! Those are some nicely done normals! I know I've seen that plane before, is it yours?
In the sense, I wish all one nice Christmastime and a blest Celebration. :)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you too!
Thanks! Those are some nicely done normals! I know I've seen that plane before, is it yours?
No, these are not my Artwork. It is from a French colleague 3D-Artiste. :) But what he has experimented with Bumpmap (Normalmap), has also inspired me and has brought on some thoughts as one can refine it.
p.s. ...mine is it here, but it is still to be made a lot to it will be ready... ::) http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=1881.msg31462#msg31462
No, these are not my Artwork. It is from a French colleague 3D-Artiste. :) But what he has experimented with Bumpmap (Normalmap), has also inspired me and has brought on some thoughts as one can refine it.
p.s. ...mine is it here, but it is still to be made a lot to it will be ready... ::) http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=1881.msg31462#msg31462
Awesome job on the modelling, great level of detail! Looking forward to fly that beast. :)
Thanks! ;)
Merry Christmas everybody! :D
And remember, be nice or they will come...
(I know, it's old, but these things are now a part of Outerra history)
NO! Stop the nightmares!
And remember, be nice or they will come...
(I know, it's old, but these things are now a part of Outerra history)
Damned, there is THAT season again ... we need a lamp in OT ... and a hatchet.
Ääähhh... who has brought you then on the branch? :o :o :o
Are you afraid already before that bring to dear Santa to you a
wrong stuff under the tree? :P ;D
This was entirely made today. It's a town in New Zealand called Whakatane (i used the google maps overlay to accurately place the roads). Its one of my first attempts at recreating real places and i think it's turning out good. It even has an airport already!
Some screenshots:
Thanks! Those are some nicely done normals! I know I've seen that plane before, is it yours?
No, these are not my Artwork. It is from a French colleague 3D-Artiste. :) But what he has experimented with Bumpmap (Normalmap), has also inspired me and has brought on some thoughts as one can refine it.
p.s. ...mine is it here, but it is still to be made a lot to it will be ready... ::) http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=1881.msg31462#msg31462
FW190A ... Great, fantastic plane, one of my favourite of all aviation history!!!!!
This was entirely made today. It's a town in New Zealand called Whakatane (i used the google maps overlay to accurately place the roads). Its one of my first attempts at recreating real places and i think it's turning out good. It even has an airport already!
Bro a video will be very nice to see it :)
This was entirely made today. It's a town in New Zealand called Whakatane (i used the google maps overlay to accurately place the roads). Its one of my first attempts at recreating real places and i think it's turning out good. It even has an airport already!
Dang... That's what I want to be working on.... (already got my google maps roads laid out). Where do you get your buildings from?
Ääähhh... who has brought you then on the branch? :o :o :o
Are you afraid already before that bring to dear Santa to you a
wrong stuff under the tree? :P ;D
Well, you newer know, maybe those lumpmen are Santas helpers ... and going for the bad children. :D
This was entirely made today. It's a town in New Zealand called Whakatane (i used the google maps overlay to accurately place the roads). Its one of my first attempts at recreating real places and i think it's turning out good. It even has an airport already!
Dang... That's what I want to be working on.... (already got my google maps roads laid out). Where do you get your buildings from?
Levi's World2XPlane model library :)
This was entirely made today. It's a town in New Zealand called Whakatane (i used the google maps overlay to accurately place the roads). Its one of my first attempts at recreating real places and i think it's turning out good. It even has an airport already!
Bro a video will be very nice to see it :)
When it's finished i will certainly make a video on it.
WTF... has completely forgotten..., ??? well, rather later than never... :P :P :P
...und will ihn an's läääddddeeeerrrr... ;D ;D ;D
...und will ihn an's läääddddeeeerrrr... ;D ;D ;D[/i]
;D ;D ;D
FW190A ... Great, fantastic plane, one of my favourite of all aviation history!!!!!
Thanks, Adler58....ähmmm...for Adler from Adlerhorst-Hangar...oder so... ;D ;)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
add a good overview of cloud formation.
What a beautiful screenshot Acetone!
beautiful capture
1st level: Corby Starlet
2nd level: a world full of life and details
It really looks gorgeous! Water adds a lot to the scene.
The Sd.Kfz. 7 was a half-track military vehicle used by the German Wehrmacht Heer, Luftwaffe and Waffen-SS during the Second World War. (Sd.Kfz. is an abbreviation of the German word Sonderkraftfahrzeug, "special purpose vehicle". A longer designation is Sd.Kfz. 7 mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8t, "medium towing motor vehicle 8t".)
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/07.01.15/ixyape35fgh.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-25775831/screen_1420571604.jpg.html)
(http://www11.pic-upload.de/07.01.15/fbrpafxv47h.jpg) (http://www.pic-upload.de/view-25775838/screen_1420571567.jpg.html)
:) ;)
It's looking great AH-DG! Did you model it yourself? and how many poly for this baby?
Arr ... the geflader wants to take my title of the first AA gun ! :D
Nice work AH-DG !! Like that trailer ever since it was in the CoD UO (cant forget those car races among fighting and by our racing spirit imposed surprised folks :D ) Are you already in the stage to go on making UVs for it ? Also, have you some ideas for the track-animation ?
They'll be less birds flying with these for sure! Great work!
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Thats the spirit !
... were are those armor piercing rounds ? :D
Catch me if you can
Thats the spirit !
... were are those armor piercing rounds ? :D
Armor piercing rounds? Dude, with that plane, a catapult may be enough =D
Catch me if you can
Thats the spirit !
... were are those armor piercing rounds ? :D
Armor piercing rounds? Dude, with that plane, a catapult may be enough =D
Youre right --- tracers ! So some effects come out of it. :D
It's looking great AH-DG! Did you model it yourself? and how many poly for this baby?
I have found these SdKfZ on Free3D pages already years ago, hence, I do not know any more who the builder was. Indeed, I would have to renew to several parts completely, because they partly wrong and
have been made not exact.
And, yes, it would be nice if we can do this Flakvierling in our Add-On driving and shooting-ready. ;)
Arr ... the geflader wants to take my title of the first AA gun ! :D
Nice work AH-DG !! Like that trailer ever since it was in the CoD UO (cant forget those car races among fighting and by our racing spirit imposed surprised folks :D ) Are you already in the stage to go on making UVs for it ? Also, have you some ideas for the track-animation ?
I still have no notion like one must make the track-animation, but I hope we together
this are got anyhow there. UV-Mapping is made later...
Really very much clarifies screens, Acetone.
The daylight was chosen perfectly, hence the whole picture looks very realistic...
I still have no notion like one must make the track-animation, but I hope we together
this are got anyhow there. UV-Mapping is made later...
... much definitely AH-DG ! I aint letting my future BMP and your SDKFZs running on some old-school texture animation of tracks ! 8)
P.S.: If you planning to re-model the targeting arm, then i hope its far easier than at the ZU-23-2, cause that one is a nightmare of ingenuity.
where did this beauty ?? :D
where did this beauty ?? :D
It's a work in progress at this moment. ^-^
Nice model there !
First pic with Uriah sundown env setting
F-117 Nighthawk, awesome Levi! I can't wait to see the FDM for that.
M7, I will work on a spreadsheet for different environment settings so you type in the altitude/time of day and it calculates the correct settings.
Thanks Uriah!
F-117 Nighthawk, awesome Levi! I can't wait to see the FDM for that.
M7, I will work on a spreadsheet for different environment settings so you type in the altitude/time of day and it calculates the correct settings.
I wonder how much work and programming time it would take for the guys to have the settings change dynamically for the best/most accurate effect?
I think lots of these come down to lacking HDR adjustment, and mainly to how the white balance is modeled. Because the problem is that OT uses physical values when integrating light scattering and computing the attenuation, so the values you get should be reasonably close to the real light (there are some simplifications though). However, human eye and brain does a hell of a job adapting, as anyone can check by turning off white balance on a digital camera and view light levels captured by it on a display.
What the brain does with regards to white balance (perceiving a paper sheet as white even during sunset or the blue hour), or enhancing the contrast, must be approximated algorithmically in a post-process pass, as the brain will see the real values as fake when the display is just a part of the viewing area.
The balancing is somewhat subjective and therefore could be in theory manually adjusted or the coefficients assembled into a lookup table, but it would be good to eliminate all things that can be factored out, to reduce the lookup table size, or to transform it into some curve coefficients.
What the WB code currently does is taking a white sheet and computing how it's lighted, and renormalizing all the colors so that this color is perceived as white, or close to it to mimic what the brain does.
Note this does not take into account that people routinely mismatch different lighting conditions, and try to adapt OT to render something they want to see, but with sun positioned so that it would be not possible in real life. For example, with clear sky, when sun is low, sun rays pass long way through the atmosphere, resulting in a lot of what is perceived as the haze (actually light in-scattered into the viewing ray). With sun up you get a lot less haze and much clearer views, but it's not as nice. It's different when clouds partly obstruct the low sun, and the ground is illuminated by the sky in greater amount. Again, white balance and HDR will mess it up.
I'm afraid that people will try to achieve something they have seen in different conditions, and it will never work consistently, especially if it's a postprocess hack and not something physical.
F-117 Nighthawk, awesome Levi! I can't wait to see the FDM for that.
This model gave me a lot of trouble regarding mesh optimization, and I even had to entirely redo some parts, and improve others.
Before I start working on the FDM and animations, I still have to drastically reduce the number of textures(it uses over 260 different textures :o) in order to minimize draw-calls.
Here's a screenshot with the cockpit:
And some showing the front side:
P.s. Beautiful sunset M7!
This thing looks beautifully 'ugly' Levi! not a single curve =D and 260 textures... that's madness!!
That pit ! ....
Cameni, that makes so much sense, thank you for explaining in detail. It definitely seems that the scattering needs to be high, at low altitude, in order to see a colorful sunset, but at higher altitude high scattering will just make the world have a uniform haze. Altitude seems to play a major factor.
Levi, I am seriously stoked for this!
Levi, your works are truly remarkable,
What is the hardest part? animation or long (and least complicated for me) script? I read that you're planning some helicopters, you may anticipate what models it?
I believe that the rotary wing should be reinforced in outerra, the environment is particularly suitable.
I have several very beautiful models, extracted from FSX, but I have no permissions and I have to admit that the work is complicated, congratulations again for the good work and thanks to you and to all those who strive for the happiness of all users outerra.
F-117 Nighthawk, awesome Levi! I can't wait to see the FDM for that.
This model gave me a lot of trouble regarding mesh optimization, and I even had to entirely redo some parts, and improve others.
Before I start working on the FDM and animations, I still have to drastically reduce the number of textures(it uses over 260 different textures :o) in order to minimize draw-calls.
Here's a screenshot with the cockpit:
And some showing the front side:
P.s. Beautiful sunset M7!
Omg Levi. If we didnt have Brano Kemen (and angry pig, and this great engine), you would be the God of the year.. (but also would be unfair forget all the other people contributing like acetone, andfly, m7, pyton, big etc).
I cant wait for this new amazing contribution. Thank you all!
I will try to help in things i can handle (i used to work with 3d for arquitechture).
By the way i think we share language (spanish).
Levi, your works are truly remarkable,
What is the hardest part? animation or long (and least complicated for me) script? I read that you're planning some helicopters, you may anticipate what models it?
I believe that the rotary wing should be reinforced in outerra, the environment is particularly suitable.
I have several very beautiful models, extracted from FSX, but I have no permissions and I have to admit that the work is complicated, congratulations again for the good work and thanks to you and to all those who strive for the happiness of all users outerra.
Thank you for your kind words konaone, I really appreciate that!
Yes, I have three helicopters to be ported in Outerra, and those are:
(Screenshots taken from within FSX)
AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin:
Bell AH-1 SuperCobra:
Sikorsky H-19:
I completely agree with you, we definitely should have more Rotorcraft in Outerra. Before I finish the F-117, I plan to start working on the Merlin.
As for the models you extracted, if they are Payware, unfortunately I think that there's a very little chance to none, to get permission for porting them here...
This thing looks beautifully 'ugly' Levi! not a single curve =D and 260 textures... that's madness!!
That's right, not a single curve, but as you say, it's ugliness, makes it beautiful! And yes, too many textures, I wonder why was it made like that...
Levi, I am seriously stoked for this!
Glad to hear that! ^-^
Omg Levi. If we didnt have Brano Kemen (and angry pig, and this great engine), you would be the God of the year.. (but also would be unfair forget all the other people contributing like acetone, andfly, m7, pyton, big etc).
I cant wait for this new amazing contribution. Thank you all!
I will try to help in things i can handle (i used to work with 3d for arquitechture).
By the way i think we share language (spanish).
Thank you for your compliments, much appreciated!
Yep, I speak Spanish too. ^-^
I still have no notion like one must make the track-animation, but I hope we together
this are got anyhow there. UV-Mapping is made later...
... much definitely AH-DG ! I aint letting my future BMP and your SDKFZs running on some old-school texture animation of tracks ! 8)
P.S.: If you planning to re-model the targeting arm, then i hope its far easier than at the ZU-23-2, cause that one is a nightmare of ingenuity.
Is This informative?
You can not use a pre-defined animation sequence on a detailed track. There are several problems to this thing:
--- circular movement along the track profile - you have to define the Y and Z movement of a single track piece for an circulatory manner, that has a defined shape. (is not as much the rieal problem)
--- incremental Z movement variation - meaning, when the track-leading wheels are suspended, you have to modify the Z coordinate of the tracks according to the nearest one or two leading wheels suspension state --- if the circular function works, this can be taken as an additional stage, where you need also to know, when, during the circular rotation, the track is at the place of 1-st, 2-nd ... leading wheel and in this position it will add or take the suspension wheel position induced Z-value.
--- track lenght - and this is the most problematic (and have no image how to approach) is, that when the suspension additions and takes from the incremental Z movements change, on local level, lenght of the track between two leading wheels differs, meaning, if nothing is done with it, it will lead in forming gaps and mesh-collisions (one mesh going into another) witch would look like it disassembles on the move. its not only, that these are the case, but you also have an "stretching-wheel" , witch, when all leading wheels go up, has to compensate the loss of the stretching force (usually the front or rear one (opposite the engine-connected one giving the movement force to the track)) by going along the Y axe (front-back, Z is up-down).
--- speed - it has to be taken from the vehicles engines props and be in synch. with all the wheels armatures falling into the gaps of the track - at points where suspension works, it might fall out of it, and the stretching one too, as at stretching/relaxing the track, its rotation speed differs according to the tracks "stretch".
--- wehicle mass induced animations - meaning, if an armor speeds up or brakes, its leaning itself on its suspension forward and back. Doe, as the force and stretching wheels are always mounted on the vehicle frame, it isnt a problem as it ends up being taken up from the leading-wheels suspension movement. BUT there are designs, that could have the track-compartment on an different level. One of such vehicles is DT-30 Vityaz:
... its not a vehicle whyte a cart, but an two-segment vehicle where the rotation of the "cart segment" can be manipulated by an hydraulic system at the connection place between them (its for enhanced maneuverability in especially bad terrains and clearance manipulation). There would be a need to find a way to have aether double-physics objects (simply said having each component its own physics calculated but working then as one) or a way to modify the seconds tracks orientation in regard to the models main pivot point. ( But dont think anyone is going t try that stuff :D )
This all needs normal wheels defined in the vehicle script (the leading ones) doing the actual work and the animation getting real-time status info about theyr position, affecting the mentioned math for a single track. I would prefer finding an function, where you do this for a single track and each other would have just some "delay" constant, placing it behind the forward one.
Even these simple tricks exceed what we have now, which is nada.
Take baby steps; walk before you run..... etc. =D
Levi beautiful models, fully animated? doors, wheels and set in motion?
I look forward to fly it !!!!! :)
PytonPago, are the tracks for your bmp ... 1? -2? or 3? :D
Come on guys, vehicle discussion thread is here:
or in their respective topic categories.
This is the Outerra screenshot thread.
Come on guys, vehicle discussion thread is here:
or in their respective topic categories.
This is the Outerra screenshot thread.
Once this gets done, everyone will take screenshots of it!!! =D
This is the Outerra screenshot thread.
Pardon me. ::)
Once this gets done, everyone will take screenshots of it!!! =D
Videos HiFlyer, VIDEOS ! Cant take just photos of that in work ::) ... .... and thats also another topic as i remember. =D
PytonPago, are the tracks for your bmp ... 1? -2? or 3? :D
BMP-2 preferably, cause its from the later Soviet-Afghan war and I-st Chechen campain era. But having it work would be good enough, just the possibilityes !
Levi beautiful models, fully animated? doors, wheels and set in motion?
I look forward to fly it !!!!! :)
I haven't converted those helicopters yet, the screenshots are form FSX.
Come on guys, vehicle discussion thread is here:
or in their respective topic categories.
This is the Outerra screenshot thread.
You're right, sorry for the off topic here. I'll try to avoid that in the future. :-[
I'm looking forward to see these heli in game.
500km space elevator
500km space elevator
Cool! :D
Wait... I know that place ;)
[img width=1200 height=675]http://i.imgur.com/2aZCuHM.jpg[/ig]
[img width=1200 height=675]http://i.imgur.com/PxjXOkx.jpg[/ig]
Are those runway markers a trick of the light or is there a way to get objects to stay bright in darkness?
"version" : 512,
"mats" : [
"name" : "Light2",
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,0.1",
"f0" : "0.0",
"roughness" : "0.0",
"no_light" : true,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "red.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
"name" : "Light",
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,0.1",
"f0" : "0.0",
"roughness" : "0.0",
"no_light" : true,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "green.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
"name" : "Yellow",
"color" : ".988,.722,0.0,1.0",
"f0" : ".039",
"roughness" : ".498",
"no_light" : false,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
Hope that air-strips will have later some road-tool extension so ya dont need to place those by hand.
Yeah that would be nice. However there is nothing difficult about placing the RwyLights. It is a single object, with the origin at one end of the runway. I just place the spawn point and adjust the angle. That easy.
"version" : 512,
"mats" : [
"name" : "Light2",
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,0.1",
"f0" : "0.0",
"roughness" : "0.0",
"no_light" : true,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "red.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
"name" : "Light",
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,0.1",
"f0" : "0.0",
"roughness" : "0.0",
"no_light" : true,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "green.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
"name" : "Yellow",
"color" : ".988,.722,0.0,1.0",
"f0" : ".039",
"roughness" : ".498",
"no_light" : false,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
[img width=1200 height=675]http://i.imgur.com/aWKEMtd.jpg[/mg]
Is that code just for one light or all of them. Is it the "no_light" = true that gives it its properties?
Each runway light is just a sphere mesh with one material applied to it. The materials in that code account for two colors of illumination that you see in the screenshot. The same material is applied to all the red lights, and the same materials is applied to all the green lights (they look blue).
Yes, "no_light" : true;
and... "color" : "x.x,x.x,x.x,0.99",
the last number must be less than 1.0. I've found that in some cases you want the 0.99 or 0.999, just below 1.0, and sometime 0.1 (very small value) is better. Also adjusting the reflect and roughness makes a difference.
It actually uses the opacity channel for illumination value, so you can add an "tex_opacity" map, white=illuminated, black=non-illuminated, and you can also do "alpha_masked" : true; for transparency mask from your opacity map.
Note: An illuminated material will glow at night, be be completely transparent during day time because it receives no illumination from the environment. I fix this by adding an opaque material to an additional material just behind the transparent illuminated one. It works perfect. You can even use an opacity map of the opaque material, as long as "no_light" : false; on the opaque material it should make it so that during day time you see through the transparent illuminated material and see the opaque one, and during night you see the illuminated one.
Hope that helps.
Note: An illuminated material will glow at night, be be completely transparent during day time because it receives no illumination from the environment.
... i used a second mesh for the bulbs for lights "off" from these illuminated ones.
Right, using a JavaScript period timer and hide/show method you could make lights turn on and off with adjustable parameters for turn signal, indicator lights, etc.
Let's take this discussion out of the screenshots thread if you don't mind.
Some random mood-pics.
Just Flying
Mt. Fuji
Talkeetna Area
Yellowstone National Park
More Random
Did I miss the clouds turning up?
Did I miss the clouds turning up?
http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3151.0 (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3151.0)
BTW, if you set clouds values way too high, you end up with interesting results:
(min 500, max 50000) I'm impressed, because outside the strange shape, it doesn't look that bad :)
lol That must have looked interesting in motion.
It's so nice with clouds... all is missing is god rays ⛅ :D
It's so nice with clouds... all is missing is god rays ⛅ :D
Right, I wonder when those God rays will appear...
Stunning views, Levi! Great screenshots!
:-O Levi are u working in that Sea Monster? Or is just for private use?
:-O Levi are u working in that Sea Monster? Or is just for private use?
It will come at some point in the future, along with a beautifully detailed Boeing F/A-18 Hornet. :)
But we would really need the ability to land aircraft on top of watercraft for that thing...
Try importing the aircraft carrier as a static object place it in the ocean and see if the collision allows you to land. There might be a way to bind a collision mesh to watercraft, using a copy of the carrier deck mesh imported as a static object. It could use a transparent material too so the collision mesh is invisible.
Try importing the aircraft carrier as a static object place it in the ocean and see if the collision allows you to land. There might be a way to bind a collision mesh to watercraft, using a copy of the carrier deck mesh imported as a static object. It could use a transparent material too so the collision mesh is invisible.
The carrier was imported as a static object, but aircraft completely ignores it's collision box.
It seems that aircraft only interacts with the terrain at this moment. I hope the collision support will be extended in the future...
:-O Levi are u working in that Sea Monster? Or is just for private use?
It will come at some point in the future, along with a beautifully detailed Boeing F/A-18 Hornet. :)
But we would really need the ability to land aircraft on top of watercraft for that thing...
It will be amazing!
I dont know the actual status of the collisions in outerra. But maybe objects collide with all the surface. And for refine collisions we need add some material stuff like we do in cryengine?
I will put you one example with my snow towers:
Here is the video of the collision.
View My Video (http://es.tinypic.com/r/fzbyx2/8)
It seems the collision take the object as a box.
Here the picture of the moment of the collision:
It will be amazing!
I dont know the actual status of the collisions in outerra. But maybe objects collide with all the surface. And for refine collisions we need add some material stuff like we do in cryengine?
I will put you one example with my snow towers:
Here is the video of the collision.
View My Video (http://es.tinypic.com/r/fzbyx2/8)
It seems the collision take the object as a box.
Here the picture of the moment of the collision:
There's a brief doc (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hazxl5cZqoJOSgF6Az7O9j1tbX-i5jU2JqTaD-SC5zc/edit#heading=h.s7qjegqulilh) about the collision shapes for vehicles and static objects.
If there are no collision shapes defined, the engine takes the model's bounding box for the collision.
P.s. We're going off topic. If you don't mind, let's take this discussion out of this thread.
nice collection.
I vote for the nº9 .. I loved it.
Nice shots HiFlyer! Let me guess, Avsim screenshot section will soon have a new Outerra shots post? ;)
Annnd yes ! (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/462819-outerra-version-0845244/)
Also, if you have some time, you can share the screens on r/flightsim (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/) (you can use Imgur to post a full album). People here are always happy to see some Outerra stuff :)
Nice shots HiFlyer! Let me guess, Avsim screenshot section will soon have a new Outerra shots post? ;)
Annnd yes ! (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/462819-outerra-version-0845244/)
Also, if you have some time, you can share the screens on r/flightsim (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/) (you can use Imgur to post a full album). People here are always happy to see some Outerra stuff :)
I tried to share on R/games and they gave me such a contorted runaround that I've pretty much soured on reddit. =|
First they deleted my post saying the description needed to be two paragraphs long at a minimum.
Then they deleted the next attempt at a repost as "Self Promotion"
At that point I decided I was dealing with crazy people.
Nice shots HiFlyer! Let me guess, Avsim screenshot section will soon have a new Outerra shots post? ;)
Annnd yes ! (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/462819-outerra-version-0845244/)
Also, if you have some time, you can share the screens on r/flightsim (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/) (you can use Imgur to post a full album). People here are always happy to see some Outerra stuff :)
I tried to share on R/games and they gave me such a contorted runaround that I've pretty much soured on reddit. =|
First they deleted my post saying the description needed to be two paragraphs long at a minimum.
Then they deleted the next attempt at a repost as "Self Promotion"
At that point I decided I was dealing with crazy people.
It's probably because r/games is a discussion related sub forum, mainly oriented towards news and serious stuff. Oh, and probably zealots moderators...
r/flightsim seems to be relatively friendly, and they are posting screenshots all the time. 4 month ago a guy shared one of my Talkeetna's album here and I've discovered these people are following Outerra progress with pictures and videos since the start of the project (as you can see (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/search?q=outerra&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all)). That's why I've also started to share videos here, it's fun since everytime people are really happy to see it and top comment is basically someone saying "Outerra is such a wondeful engine".
I can post your screenshots there if you want :)
Nice shots HiFlyer! Let me guess, Avsim screenshot section will soon have a new Outerra shots post? ;)
Annnd yes ! (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/462819-outerra-version-0845244/)
Also, if you have some time, you can share the screens on r/flightsim (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/) (you can use Imgur to post a full album). People here are always happy to see some Outerra stuff :)
I tried to share on R/games and they gave me such a contorted runaround that I've pretty much soured on reddit. =|
First they deleted my post saying the description needed to be two paragraphs long at a minimum.
Then they deleted the next attempt at a repost as "Self Promotion"
At that point I decided I was dealing with crazy people.
It's probably because r/games is a discussion related sub forum, mainly oriented towards news and serious stuff. Oh, and probably zealots moderators...
r/flightsim seems to be relatively friendly, and they are posting screenshots all the time. 4 month ago a guy shared one of my Talkeetna's album here and I've discovered these people are following Outerra progress with pictures and videos since the start of the project (as you can see (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/search?q=outerra&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all)). That's why I've also started to share videos here, it's fun since everytime people are really happy to see it and top comment is basically someone saying "Outerra is such a wondeful engine".
I can post your screenshots there if you want :)
Go right ahead!
Go right ahead!
Done! (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/2wnylg/outerra_clouds_and_lights/)
Go right ahead!
Done! (http://fr.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/2wnylg/outerra_clouds_and_lights/)
Cool, TY!
Few preview screens of some lit drones and their carriers.
Wow! Threatening - scaring ships!!! Great!!
Absolutely beautiful pictures! Now....... what are the driving physics like? Cause' Outerra cars bouncing around like jumping beans is getting really, really old...............
I was driving the Viper yesterday, (one of the fastest and most stable cars so far) and wondering why so many other cars were:
1) Slow
2) SUPER slow on hills
3) Bouncy, bouncy bouncy! :D :facepalm:
At a time when a $1 app on my Ipad can give at least a moderatly pleasant driving experience, Outerra has got to be able to handle a mildly believable car after years of trying. Maybe there needs to be a concentrated effort similar to whats happening for airplanes devoted to cars, boats and whatever.
(Climbs off of soapbox)
Meanwhile, Your site is the place to go, for pretty cars, so I'm gonna go grab some more! :D
Edit: Nice job with the lights! We need more of those! I did try it out on the "Bus terminal" track, and it handles well, also. Unfortunately it bounced, went into some crazy jumping around and eventually got lost beneath the Outerra landscape, forcing a reboot. I wonder if the new collision boxes will help with these sorts of things?
Just testing the lights on one of my favorite trucks, the Daf XF 105:
For private use only, i'm not allowed to share it, sorry.
Euro truck simulator....... :)
Euro truck simulator....... :)
Yep, extracted right from there. :D ^-^
Are you driving these on paved roads? I find them to be fairly stable as long as the road is flat surfaced, but take them offroad (the cars at least) and they start jumping around a bit. Probably not too different than real life though, if you exit the road at 100kmh+ on to rocky terrain you're going to have problems :)
Beyond that, the major difference between these cars and the ones in most racing game, is that these ones don't have any arcade style controls. In games like those on your ipad, you can crank a turn and the car will usually just perform a perfect drift around a corner - that's not realistic at all, and it takes some extra logic to handle the angles and prevent loss of control. In Outerra if you crank a full stop turn at speed you will likely lose control and spin - just like would happen if you yanked your steering wheel hard on the freeway IRL.
I have thought about writing some sort of stabilizer algorithm to give more of an arcade feel, but it's a fairly involved job. I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing the engine should handle - probably not in the case of Outerra. If anyone wants to contribute some code for this I would be happy to add the option to my vehicles.
All that said, make yourself a nice paved track, get a analog controller, and learn to drive! They can definitely provide a decent driving experience with some practice =D
Absolutely beautiful pictures! Now....... what are the driving physics like? Cause' Outerra cars bouncing around like jumping beans is getting really, really old...............
I was driving the Viper yesterday, (one of the fastest and most stable cars so far) and wondering why so many other cars were:
1) Slow
2) SUPER slow on hills
3) Bouncy, bouncy bouncy! :D :facepalm:
At a time when a $1 app on my Ipad can give at least a moderatly pleasant driving experience, Outerra has got to be able to handle a mildly believable car after years of trying. Maybe there needs to be a concentrated effort similar to whats happening for airplanes devoted to cars, boats and whatever.
(Climbs off of soapbox)
Meanwhile, Your site is the place to go, for pretty cars, so I'm gonna go grab some more! :D
Edit: Nice job with the lights! We need more of those! I did try it out on the "Bus terminal" track, and it handles well, also. Unfortunately it bounced, went into some crazy jumping around and eventually got lost beneath the Outerra landscape, forcing a reboot. I wonder if the new collision boxes will help with these sorts of things?
Are you driving these on paved roads? I find them to be fairly stable as long as the road is flat surfaced, but take them offroad (the cars at least) and they start jumping around a bit. Probably not too different than real life though, if you exit the road at 100kmh+ on to rocky terrain you're going to have problems :)
Beyond that, the major difference between these cars and the ones in most racing game, is that these ones don't have any arcade style controls. In games like those on your ipad, you can crank a turn and the car will usually just perform a perfect drift around a corner - that's not realistic at all, and it takes some extra logic to handle the angles and prevent loss of control. In Outerra if you crank a full stop turn at speed you will likely lose control and spin - just like would happen if you yanked your steering wheel hard on the freeway IRL.
I have thought about writing some sort of stabilizer algorithm to give more of an arcade feel, but it's a fairly involved job. I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing the engine should handle - probably not in the case of Outerra. If anyone wants to contribute some code for this I would be happy to add the option to my vehicles.
All that said, make yourself a nice paved track, get a analog controller, and learn to drive! They can definitely provide a decent driving experience with some practice =D
Absolutely beautiful pictures! Now....... what are the driving physics like? Cause' Outerra cars bouncing around like jumping beans is getting really, really old...............
I was driving the Viper yesterday, (one of the fastest and most stable cars so far) and wondering why so many other cars were:
1) Slow
2) SUPER slow on hills
3) Bouncy, bouncy bouncy! :D :facepalm:
At a time when a $1 app on my Ipad can give at least a moderatly pleasant driving experience, Outerra has got to be able to handle a mildly believable car after years of trying. Maybe there needs to be a concentrated effort similar to whats happening for airplanes devoted to cars, boats and whatever.
(Climbs off of soapbox)
Meanwhile, Your site is the place to go, for pretty cars, so I'm gonna go grab some more! :D
Edit: Nice job with the lights! We need more of those! I did try it out on the "Bus terminal" track, and it handles well, also. Unfortunately it bounced, went into some crazy jumping around and eventually got lost beneath the Outerra landscape, forcing a reboot. I wonder if the new collision boxes will help with these sorts of things?
Yup, but I've been driving a long time, and cars don't leap for orbit when you hit a bump, either, arcade or not!!! :facepalm: =D
Looking at the various vehicle discussions, I think its possible sometimes to get so lost in more sophisticated issues, that the basic stuff that feeds the family gets lost.
Grand Turismo, for instance is not an "arcade" game by any means, and it would run screaming from the current Outerra car handling.
I would say follow the planes, and get a basic car working in a fun way, then go for the super-realistic simulation quality masterpiece.
There should probably be a well working arcadey vehicle demo script as a guide, that comes with Outerra. The trucks are nice and all, but little Jimmy is going to stay interested a lot longer if he can zoom around a bit, too. The fact is, right now, planes get all the attention by default, because there really are no other "fun" vehicles to mess with.
We won't even talk about boats.
I've been testing cars on the bus track. It's freaking huge, and works great as a nice racing test area.
Those BMW shots are amazing.. Just one issue..
WHERE ARE THE CLOUDS!! Dammit I wouldn't have been able to tell it was OT if the clouds were there. Dam.
Those BMW shots are amazing.. Just one issue..
WHERE ARE THE CLOUDS!! Dammit I wouldn't have been able to tell it was OT if the clouds were there. Dam.
It was a sunny day! :)
Are you driving these on paved roads? I find them to be fairly stable as long as the road is flat surfaced, but take them offroad (the cars at least) and they start jumping around a bit. Probably not too different than real life though, if you exit the road at 100kmh+ on to rocky terrain you're going to have problems :)
Beyond that, the major difference between these cars and the ones in most racing game, is that these ones don't have any arcade style controls. In games like those on your ipad, you can crank a turn and the car will usually just perform a perfect drift around a corner - that's not realistic at all, and it takes some extra logic to handle the angles and prevent loss of control. In Outerra if you crank a full stop turn at speed you will likely lose control and spin - just like would happen if you yanked your steering wheel hard on the freeway IRL.
I have thought about writing some sort of stabilizer algorithm to give more of an arcade feel, but it's a fairly involved job. I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing the engine should handle - probably not in the case of Outerra. If anyone wants to contribute some code for this I would be happy to add the option to my vehicles.
All that said, make yourself a nice paved track, get a analog controller, and learn to drive! They can definitely provide a decent driving experience with some practice =D
Would be nice to open a thread for talk about cars mods and phisics. A place where all the moders and users go and change impresions. So we can have conclusions and definitelly improve de cars in outerra if we compare all the better mods and their own numbers.
Maybe we cant save the bounce problems in extreme conditions (without a engine fix), but make a car driveable which you can turn left or right without have a uncontrolable 360º fast. And also simulate things like hand-brake, even add sounds for a big braking (and visual effects if the engine allow it). And control things like power terms better, weight, etc (so you can know when you have a powered model or not realistically).
I think those things are needed for have quality car mods in outerra.
Maybe put effort in one mod between many people with all the conclusions can make this posible.
In that sense (driveable car), i like your "Crawler" model. Did you do something special into it? I use keyboard and is very dificult to have a 360 with him. I can change directions deep with no care and the answer is great (the tires are not in a big rotation fast so 360 is more dificult). Also is good outroad.
We have great car modders like you and others. And a comunity tester. I think is a matter of focus.
I agree most especially with the last sentence. Also, for those looking for cool places to drive, Acetones Ted Stevens airport area is almost custom designed for all types of cars to just go wild.
Been trying out different vehicles there, and its great. Also some nearby beaches and other nice areas for off-roading. Add some night lighting, and the place would be perfect.
I agree most especially with the last sentence. Also, for those looking for cool places to drive, Acetones Ted Stevens airport area is almost custom designed for all types of cars to just go wild.
I've created a long race track for that here (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3026.msg33706#msg33706) You can modify some sections to have paved roads, but I think the default dirt road is a good solution to see how a car react :)
(but we should keep that discussion for an other thread)
I agree most especially with the last sentence. Also, for those looking for cool places to drive, Acetones Ted Stevens airport area is almost custom designed for all types of cars to just go wild.
I've created a long race track for that here (http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3026.msg33706#msg33706) You can modify some sections to have paved roads, but I think the default dirt road is a good solution to see how a car react :)
(but we should keep that discussion for an other thread)
Well since you actually have a track, do you want to start a thread? Might even get me out of my apathy enough to complete my Outerra car video........
Those BMW shots are amazing.. Just one issue..
WHERE ARE THE CLOUDS!! Dammit I wouldn't have been able to tell it was OT if the clouds were there. Dam.
It was a sunny day! :)
This car is so amazing. For some reason i downloaded and i was driving it without textures (and i am seeing the 4 textures in his folder and in your pictures). I dont know where is the problem. Anybody has any idea?
By the way, i would love to work this interior and improve it, texturizing, refining 3d or even making new pieces. If you want to share the 3d model of course.We can make the best car at the moment.
I posted a new album in the AVSIM screenshot section (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/463726-rise-and-shine/) :)
Full album (http://imgur.com/a/aJTTK)
Nice stuff Acetone. I may take some on my super-widescreen monitor later on. I haven't played around in OT for so long because I was in the process of moving.
[Lava for Volcano Popocatepetl, México. Otx will be released when emissive textures are available in OT.
Just messing around.......
Looks gorgeous!
Looks gorgeous!
+1 !!!
From HiFlyer
Please, Darling!!! The road is right over there!!!
Pic n°1 : I completly forgot that poor guy :))
Tallard under heavy forest is interesting. I may end up putting a few fields here to break the forest pattern, 'til we get in-engine support for these
Please, Darling!!! The road is right over there!!!
Where we're going, who needs roads!? (said Doc brown)
Pic n°1 : I completly forgot that poor guy :))
Tallard under heavy forest is interesting. I may end up putting a few fields here to break the forest pattern, 'til we get in-engine support for these
You are a machine! =D
I really do like the enclave of this scenery, and the view you have from the mountains. Great job!
Really nice work Acetone!
Really nice work Acetone!
Thanks :)
Here is a new album :) (http://imgur.com/a/gLIPV)
My first ;) Reshade was used for post-process purposes (in realtime).
Are you using manualfocus = 1 for DOF?
I am using 5 effects combined:
-Tiltshift (for DOF effect)
-Levels (HDR-like effect)
-Tunningpalette (as it says)
-Technicolor (color enhancement)
-Fisheye_CA (mainly for color displacement, aka - "bad lens", chromatic aberration effect)
Tunningpalette works badly with water textures for some reason.
Nice shots! :)
Thank you, KW71. The shots were taken in various locations in Poland, Ochodzita (894 m) (first shot, that nice grassy view) and Babia Góra (1725 m), view for Pilsko (1557 m) and another view for the Tatra Mountains :)
It's amazing how this post processing improves the general perceived quality and realism of the scene.
It's like night and day - for example this:
vs this:
Apart from that, Outerra engine is doing a really decent job in procedural terrain generation - I have plenty of samples how good it is in comparison with real-worls shots.
Outerra Moon-tography! 8)
Earth rise
Sun set, moon rise
Solar eclipse
Crescent Moon
8k diffuse albedo and 4k normal map
Moon rise over the Himalayas
Niiiceee!!! Now give us some screens with your rocket!!!
Holy moon shots batman!
Took me a while to get there but it was worth it!
Its quite a thing whyte other terestrial objects.
KW71 and I were doing some scenery load tests and I though the result would be interesting to share. The model is low poly, but use no LODs and a 7000*4000px texture (with mipmaps).
("7000*4000px texture"
The non-power-of-two texture is just because we are making some tests...)
Oh wow...
Great shots !
One question, are you using some special presets to have these colors and sharpness ?
I can't be sure, maybe a high MSAA ?
Oh wow...
Great shots !
One question, are you using some special presets to have these colors and sharpness ?
I can't be sure, maybe a high MSAA ?
My card does let me get away with high Msaa, all the way up to the maximum, though that can bring my frames down from 100+ to somewhere between 60 and 80. Usually I run at 4x
As for colors, nothing special. My card (GTX 770) is at standard settings, except I added about 5 points of digital vibrance to saturate colors a little, which makes everything pop a tiny, tiny bit more.
Tristán de Acuña
(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5731/22285360553_72816c76df_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/zXhihn)screen_1447106978 (https://flic.kr/p/zXhihn) by Manuel Goya (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5778/22514359529_01f2e64b5c_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/AivYGz)screen_1447106700 (https://flic.kr/p/AivYGz) by Manuel Goya (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5636/22514360929_40b25826bf_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/AivZ7H)screen_1447106636 (https://flic.kr/p/AivZ7H) by Manuel Goya (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5760/22285349673_1e5a10ac4f_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/zXhf3M)screen_1447106762 (https://flic.kr/p/zXhf3M) by Manuel Goya (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
Nice work aWac9!!! :D
Fresh Re-shade enhanced, now with realistic water:
Really nice!!!! Would you mind to share it?
Really nice!!!! Would you mind to share it?
Not at all :)
And the new Re-shade is here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qzt57592861g1fv/ReShade+Framework+
The water is tweaked to slightly greenish shades (in Anteworld engine).
If you want I can post reshade filter settings as well.
In general,
-Technicolor 2
have been used. No other mods here, no additional textures.
Tunningpalette worked badly with water textures - there were artifacts. But now, the technicolor 2 compensates for that palette mod.
with post-process:
Thanks! Is your preset included? I see DOF there, and is tricky to setup...
Thanks! Is your preset included? I see DOF there, and is tricky to setup...
noob question, since I don't use Re-shade a lot - how do the preset/config files look like :D?
anyway - I'm not using DOF, just tiltshift:
BTW, Norway is quite nice, don't you think?
ah yes, water settings:
Thanks for the values you use!
"how do the preset/config files look like :D?"
Well, some people just share the files they have modified: customfx.cfg, sweetfx.cfg, etc., and indicate the reshade version to use... Some others share all the files, modified included...
Thanks for the values you use!
"how do the preset/config files look like :D?"
Well, some people just share the files they have modified: customfx.cfg, sweetfx.cfg, etc., and indicate the reshade version to use... Some others share all the files, modified included...
Since I'm a noob - there: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1oKe7ZFx6hXbWVkd194Slprdzg&usp=sharing
Oh, I see! You're using Mediator (I usually do it by hand). Just share the reshade.zip (as you did) and your ReShade folder (inside Outerra\Anteworld).
Oh, I see! You're using Mediator (I usually do it by hand). Just share the reshade.zip (as you did) and your ReShade folder (inside Outerra\Anteworld).
I don't have reshade folder in the anteworld :D
Wow, that's weird... A new method, then... I'll install mine following the screenshots you shared. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for sharing Reshade.
But on my system it not work. What`s wrong? (GTX460)
Try updating the drivers. I'm using GT640m built into my notebook.
this: http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=1880.0
Also try original version of reshade (not mine, but from mediafire link I provided previously), unzip and run. Configure for outerra using OpenGL, and try selecting values through mediator.
I have a latest driver 359.00. And i try original reshade and other. The results the same... Sorry for offtop.
I have no idea then. I'm really sorry :(
I have a latest driver 359.00. And i try original reshade and other. The results the same... Sorry for offtop.
We could continue here, to keep this screenshots topic clean...
Of course :) Sorry for off-top. discussion. So Re-Shade related posts can be moved there as well.
BTW how do you guys make such nice screenshots of planetary objects, like Moon?
Wow! The sounds create a great immersion. Bravo!
Keep going!
Your simpit?
Your simpit?
Nah, Just a german website that has an "other sims" area that includes outerra. Somebody showing off their Outerra simpit.
This is me:
Almost anytime a cool view catches my eye, I hit the button! :P =D
Chaos city was not enough for a test, so I added "a few" buildings in one of the local tiles.
You know what this reminds me of? Its like when an artist goes mad and grabs a huge brush and just starts slathering paint everywhere while cackling maniacally. Just paint everywhere in every direction. Only in this case its houses! :o =D
Working on real places is cool, but sometimes you need to take a break and go wild. Here is a "little" secret base in Corsica.
Is that like a buried vehicle assembly building? :o
Is that like a buried vehicle assembly building? :o
Two VAB in fact, the door of the first one is in the landing area, the top of the other VAB is visible in pictures #1 and #2 :)
Gives you an idea of the size of this thing :D
32 000 ft above the ground
32 000 ft above the ground
Well, I guess that's enigmatic enough.........
Well, I guess that's enigmatic enough.........
Not really, it's just Mc Chord airport from really high :)
Well, I guess that's enigmatic enough.........
Not really, it's just Mc Chord airport from really high :)
Some silly things,
This one inspired by this image- http://i.imgur.com/6XTB4jih.jpg
Now imagine if this was the outer wall in Attack on Titan, impenetrable!
Runway lights at JBLM (one of the many things Uriah and his factory of clones created)
My debut in this topic...
Pretty Spectacular!
Pretty Spectacular!
I cant stop watch and fly those sceneries... :D
I will be posting my final conclusions after all my job about light and color. Tonight if i have time.
Those pics are a very little selection from all my tests and final results.
josem75, honestly, I was once where you are, thinking that the environment settings could make Outerra more realistic, but after considerable time and contemplation, and comparison with the real world, I have to agree with Cameni in the long run. Reduced atmospheric scattering (especially) leads to unrealistic and over saturated colors, which you simply do not find in the real world.
Also note, that many digital cameras tend to use saturation filters and post processing to make images more than they really are. When the human eye looks at a mountain through the haze of the atmosphere at less then ten miles, it will.actually appear far more subdued than it would up close. I understand and respect the desire to manipulate the settings, but I would also point out that is not any more realistic.
Best regards,
josem75, honestly, I was once where you are, thinking that the environment settings could make Outerra more realistic, but after considerable time and contemplation, and comparison with the real world, I have to agree with Cameni in the long run. Reduced atmospheric scattering (especially) leads to unrealistic and over saturated colors, which you simply do not find in the real world.
Also note, that many digital cameras tend to use saturation filters and post processing to make images more than they really are. When the human eye looks at a mountain through the haze of the atmosphere at less then ten miles, it will.actually appear far more subdued than it would up close. I understand and respect the desire to manipulate the settings, but I would also point out that is not any more realistic.
Best regards,
Hi Uriah. If you was where i am, you was right ;). Anybody playing outerra settings know he can touch for gat some more real images for very clear conditions (for not clear conditions is more ok). But you dont find enough for do inside outerra without outside filters at the moment.
Its not a matter of the Haze, i even didnt touch it. All the images are setting between 30 and 50 scatering. And the HAze is clearly there, you can see. And i even didnt touch the colors saturation. Its more complex than that. Its about to go long range colors.
Then in this range you avoid the mid-tone pale layer has all those images by default. This is not about the haze, because you can see this mid-tone film in all, even in a mountain far 1 meter from you.
Those conditions (pale) can be great effect and real for a not clear day. But believe me, i live in south of Spain and i see a huge range of distance and full of colors an details (we even see Africa clearly).
By a moment forget about colors (We will talk about it later). Focus only on details. Why all the pictures you are seeing in this topic lack on detail and my pictures are very detailed??
Colors can be tricky, anybody can say see one color, and can say cameras are not reliables because can use filters. But what a camera cant do is represent details that are not there. If you see my video drone in my topic about lighting and colors, you see a world full of details. Nothing about pale layer.
See this picture.
Has a lot of details. Even much more than my last everest image, where my image has much more details than an outerra average image. And the resolution of the picture is a shame. Imagine being there with your eyes. And its not even a clear day, there are a lot of clouds, and the atmosphere has turbidity (stil the sky is blue).
The life is much more similar to my images in a clear day. Just comparing about details make my phrase objetively true.
And even if i go a bit oversaturated (In my two first pictures i go still desaturated compared with the real world in a very clear day). I would always personally preffer be over than be in the grey spectrum (where we are). But this would be easy for everybody tweak in their taste.
Now about colors itself. We can have good references. Anybody can do tomorrow, going out in a very clear day, see the colors, the cars has true red, blue, etc. The sky in a clear day is SO blue, electric, light, and the clouds are making a huge contrast (almost burning in white). Anybody can test it during a clear day. this is a good reference.
after if you introduce a plane or objects, you can see a red plane, not a red pale plane. A real red like a red car in the street in a clear sunny day (you can test and see any clear day).
Seriously. I understand you because i had a desaturated phase in my renders.. But after i discovered that the world is full of colors..
In a render you are more safe when go desaturate.. Because a big saturation requires much more effort for make it real (textures are not that real and will quit realism).
Humbly, i would say the colors and light is some expertise in me. After almost 20 years rendering for constructors and decorators (they are SO dificult for match the colors). I begined in 3ds4 with ms2, where nothing about global ilumination.. xD
It was much more dificult to make real renders.
I am doing this task like i do with my renders. Cleaning all the posible details looking for perfection.
I put invaluable job and experience in it. But of course light and colors will have a subjetive part for everybody.
Just if anybody think those images from outerra look more fake than previous images. Please look detailed and see the real world in clear days conditions. Discover all the details and colors the world have.
With another conditions i would agree with you.
I will put another example about those details i am talking about. So everybody can see the diference when you go long range colors and avoid the pale film.
This is where i live. Annd i can tell you the mountains are not looking like this of course. We have 500 m textures and a pale film.
Now you can see what happend. We see more details again when avoid this mid-tone pale layer.
This only can go on the more real side. And here the colors are not oversaturated at all. In my opinion are undersaturated. Here in a clear day the sky is much more saturated blue and mountains are the same.
The only thing is, maybe terrain is darker. But you need to play with autoilumination in terrain for avoid veryd ark shadows. This is the only reason. I try to build a config for every situation, at least until we have some complex system where you can configure atmosphere with java and conditions, like numbers moving on diferent hours, etc.. So you can get less autoilumination terrain automatically during the day between 12 and 17:00 for example..
Also i am waiting for the tool for iluminate shadows (in this next update) for complete all my settings. Maybe i can slow down this autoilumination terrain.
I will explain those ideas in my final conclussions in my post. And much more images. Those are just some examples.
Also i explained in the other post. We have the Haze on a world less defined (500m textures and less objects). This end in a more monotonous world too.
Damm that was so long.. Trying to resume.. For simulate cloudy/foggy day Outerra has an IMPRESSIVE configuration almsot by default.. This mid/tone is not a problem, is hability. And in those conditions make a perfect "fog" in those very cloudy days, absolutely stuning like no other i saw..
I am trying to represent just the opposite. A VERY clear day. And here you never go in a point where you avoid this mid/tone layer.. So i did it. The result for me is also stuning for those conditions (clear day). So Outerra is capable of both things if tweak propperly (now needing extra tools from outside at the moment).
In the future maybe this hability of foggy can turn in a clear days with more complex tewaks and an "alive" configuration. I mean, if the day become cloudy, scattering increase automatically, etc. If the day become SO clear, the scattering come lower, and not only that, can go longer color range, have some sharpen filter, etc. And all moving automatically for match the conditions (cloud, fog, clear, very clear).
I hope i explained it good. Its a complex topic indeed. But amazing at same time.
I can kind of see both sides..... I play a lot of different games, in fact was just playing dcs, and while it also has a nice representation of atmospheric scattering, the effect is 'pushed back' a bit, and affects terrain that is miles away rather than being quite as 'up close and personal' (hazy) as Outerra scattering can be, already beginning to obscure ground details at a relatively close range.
As has been mentioned before, its a matter of taste, I guess, and it will be good to have some choices.
Mid Atlantic ridge (parameter: sea_level : -5000.00).
Really nice to see this kind of detail of the ocean floor :)
Mid Atlantic ridge (parameter: sea_level : -5000.00).
...you can edits the water levels in game?
Mid Atlantic ridge (parameter: sea_level : -5000.00).
...you can edits the water levels in game?
In your OT user folder, go to data/earth/planet, and you have different parameters :)
In your OT user folder, go to data/earth/planet, and you have different parameters :)
Wow, this means I can play around with the planet surface/features directly, very nice.
Is planets.cfg all I have to backup if I want to return to a default state later? Or are there other folders as well? Like if I want to mess around with the planet without any of the things I've already put down, or the landscape changes I've done, from a clean slate basically, what should I do?
Make a new planet folder and copy planet.cfg into it, and edit the new cfg, setting/adding variant_of = "earth". This makes an new planet that shares data of the referenced planet, where you can define new settings without breaking the original one.
You can set just selected properties, for example this would be a config for 10x smaller Earth:
name = "Earth"
variant_of = "earth"
comment = "small earth"
radius = 637810
vertcoef = 0.2
Make a new planet folder and copy planet.cfg into it, and edit the new cfg, setting/adding variant_of = "earth". This makes an new planet that shares data of the referenced planet, where you can define new settings without breaking the original one.
You can set just selected properties, for example this would be a config for 10x smaller Earth:
name = "Earth"
variant_of = "earth"
comment = "small earth"
radius = 637810
vertcoef = 0.2
This opens up so many new possibilities, thanks for the guide cameni!
I put some on Avsim, too. http://www.avsim.com/topic/485945-pastels-of-outerra/
You were inspired!! :)
Nice pics! :)
You were inspired!! :)
Nice pics! :)
Someone suggested a series of pics using Langdon's weather pluggin for the Avsim's screenshot forums, here is a link to the thread:
http://www.avsim.com/topic/491503-around-the-world/ (http://www.avsim.com/topic/491503-around-the-world/)
So I though it could be good to post these here too :)
Just thought I would leave this here... :P
Looks like a rendered picture =D
It is rendered.... real time! :D
Kvalvika Beach, Lofoten, Norway.
Link to the original photo: https://redd.it/4vlq9a
great shot :)
DenisJ....I may try me? Thank you.
(https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8876/28134314043_3bdb704a26_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/JS8Ho4)Kvalvika Beach, Lofoten, Noruega. (https://flic.kr/p/JS8Ho4) by Manuel Goya (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
That's quite an accurate reproduction :)
Mount Bromo, Indonesia
Source (https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/4vc55v/indonesia_has_amazing_views_mount_bromo/)
That would be so nice to have these types of vertical erosion patterns! Overhanging rocks are very nice, but more diversity would be cool :)
Can never have enough diversity!
following the route of explorer DenisJ 8)
I'm glad that my postings inspire you to create your videos :)
Mount Rainier, WA
Source (https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/4w7tzk/magnificent_mount_rainier_oc_1440x1080/)
Ground colors are a bit off but, as you could see in all of my posts here, the new 30m data is actually so good, similarity of terrain features is truly amazing.
nice place.
Mount Rainier is a stratovolcano located in Pierce County, 87 km southeast of the city of Seattle, Washington, in the United States.
Elevation: 4,394 m
Last eruption: 1894
First ascent: August 17, 1870
(https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8617/28769445016_09f4ccaf12_k.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/KQfVG5)Mount Rainier (https://flic.kr/p/KQfVG5) by Manuel Goya (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
I made an album (http://imgur.com/a/vG34Y) with panoramas made from Outerra screenshots. Compression from upload on imgur is real (up to one tenth of the original size) but I couldn't think of any other service that allows lossless-ish panorama uploads, so I just stuck with that.
Here is one of them:
Make sure to "open image in new tab"
Beam me up!
Beam me up!
Yup, its kool that in the kelvin timeline the ships can fly around in the atmosphere......
Outerra's sky
Is that legit or what?...
I see that the contest is to see who makes it worse
I think the prize is mine.
Acetone 2nd photo I liked, gives a little dizzy
Is that legit or what?...
Yep :)
Earth model was made by Uriah to replace the Moon one. I think it's just a texture replacement in fact. You can adjust the Moon size by going in world.cfg and adding
moon-scale = x.x,
In this case my parameter was
moon-scale = 64.0,
If I'm not wrong moon-scale = 1 is normal moon size, so in these screenshots, the "earth moon" is a 222 720 km diameter planet, making it almost twice as large as Jupiter. If the earth was orbiting such a massive planet at this close distance, tidal forces would crush it into pieces :)
Edit: first screenshot is 64, the other two are 128, so it's 4 times as large as Jupiter in these.
Can you actually block the sunlight with it or no? (while you're looking from Earth)
Can you actually block the sunlight with it or no? (while you're looking from Earth)
Nope, no eclipse.
However the light reflection is correctly computed, so a "earth-moon" high in the sky at night will reflect the sun light and the ground will be visible :)
(http://i.imgur.com/d6Hvspa.jpg) | (http://i.imgur.com/E1wRile.jpg) |
But if you put it in front of the sun, the surface that you're on is still lit?
May i adjust the Sun size? :)
Do you have lights on that thing or what is the deal with that? The 2nd pic is at night but kind of glowing. How is that done?
Do you have lights on that thing or what is the deal with that? The 2nd pic is at night but kind of glowing. How is that done?
Nothing clever, I'm afraid. Just brute-forced a solution by manually placing lots of point lights.
Yay, emissive.
Yay, emissive.
Here are some shots I just took.
French Alpes :)
FDM will be interesting.
Canadian experience
From Pakistan to Afghanistan via Khyberpass
Yes, I know, the landscape itself looks like Canada or anywhere else in the world. ::)
For example, trees in Europe have little difference to trees in New Zealand.
But whatever. For that, waters and mountains are very differentiated. ;)
Sicily ;)
:o I want a report of images 3 and 5
I want those road safety barriers and the "Phoenix canariensis" palm tree
>:( >:( >:( >:(
Only 4 of those are Outerra.
I doubt if they are Arma III or Trucks ???
Only 4 of those are Outerra.
I doubt if they are Arma III or Trucks ???
Yes that's correct. It's from Euro Truck Simulator O:-). =D
Some screenshots from upcomping Midway atoll scenery (WIP) ..bombing the command center
(https://i.postimg.cc/C563fwG7/command-center.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kRK103hR)
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxW5K2MZ/bombing-command-center.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Starting to implement some damage on planes
(https://i.postimg.cc/8zQ0XYg1/shot-down-plane.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/crhhrXJj)
Working on better explosions as well 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MXJQxqdK/dropping-bombs.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZvjRxkG1)
yo-yo-yo...isch willlll zerstÖÖÖÖren...darf aber nüschts mir gehören... >:D =D
yo-yo-yo...isch willlll zerstÖÖÖÖren...darf aber nüschts mir gehören... >:D =D
8) =D
Don't take your life for granted any longer in outerra =D Planes now can crash !
(https://i.postimg.cc/W1f2hs0S/plane-crash.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rDx6HXnt)
more plane crashes =D...fire starts to look quite good.
(https://i.postimg.cc/bwvTm1rY/screen-1556995176.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XpTdJG9t)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W4F7vj0Q/screen-1556989181.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bGPnx7CT)
good job. we are looking for progress.
Hi aWac9 ! Im' glad you like it. I'll release the upgraded Heinkel with these and other features soon :) The new Heinkel makes flying planes in outerra a whole new experience ;)
got killed by AI anti-aircraft gun :( Need to make it more "stupid" =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/yx7xxDQf/shot-down.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DJYnYwKs)
fortunately I allways have my parachute with me =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/KvXtwpRZ/pilot-parachute.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Th9yW9VS)
Aircombat between Heinkels now possible ! Will publish soon
(https://i.postimg.cc/YSCRYSFY/combat.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fV1YhDBR)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3bd7H9h/screen-1561318439.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SYGj3G34)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5NWmpgvx/combat3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/23TvS42J)
Aircombat between Heinkels now possible ! Will publish soon
(https://i.postimg.cc/YSCRYSFY/combat.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fV1YhDBR)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3bd7H9h/screen-1561318439.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SYGj3G34)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5NWmpgvx/combat3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/23TvS42J)
Whatt? Combat? You kidding me? You the magician of the scripts
great ,,, great news
I can indeed shoot down another Heinkel. What is missing of course is the pilot for the other Heinkel so I still need to add some kind of AI to planes. But I hope multiplayer will be available from developers soon as it would boost a lot the appeal of outerra as well as stimulate game development by users.
Finally I can kill those bloody AI flak guns 8) =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/j5J4Y3Vg/flak.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HcdyQ2kX)
(https://i.postimg.cc/59LSPrSj/killed.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/14RFXJTZ)
Aircombat between Heinkels now possible ! Will publish soon
(https://i.postimg.cc/YSCRYSFY/combat.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fV1YhDBR)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3bd7H9h/screen-1561318439.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SYGj3G34)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5NWmpgvx/combat3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/23TvS42J)
Whatt? Combat? You kidding me? You the magician of the scripts
:o cool, hoffe bald kann man da auf einander los gehn wat? ;)
aerobatics is an essential and fun part of fighter pilot training..so guess which country this Heinkel pilot is from ? ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/RVDHpv87/aerobatic-show.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BX2bXfJb)
(https://i.postimg.cc/K8TR9Btb/spirals.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nXHFrsdS)
(https://i.postimg.cc/YSwjT0xW/spirals2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TKCRDRFd)
Autopilot now active for altitude, heading and winglevel...makes possible some nice formation flight :) still in learning phase ^-^
(https://i.postimg.cc/3wMzssPq/airshow2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fVKHXrW7)
Missile launch from aircraft carrier
(https://i.postimg.cc/Dw2fjBfP/screen-1565447415.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xc4SqGzX)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5trxtJBs/screen-1565447412.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/4KzC8rFc)
Missile with seeker locked onto ground target. SAM missiles coming soon 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/525CyfmB/seek1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/rp8tt7hv/seek2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
this gets interesting
Nice! ;)
having a rest while climbing zugspitze , germany's highest mountain (2,962 m above sealevel)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Zqcp9zgK/screen-1568150776.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/FfY7q8N2)
beautiful scenery
I didn't know that our friend could sit
Thanks for commenting. Yes he can sit (key L)
progress with abrams telescopic gunsight with automatic laser rangefinder
(https://i.postimg.cc/DfcwCJLv/gunsight.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Yjh70SdZ)
progress with weather generator...seasons included :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MHsQmyVt/weather-generator-progress.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vxVTQxP6)
Ushuaia winter
(https://i.postimg.cc/qvBYgCvx/ushuaia.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HVK3hn5r)
(https://i.postimg.cc/h4yQNk74/ushuaia2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G9DpySQ6)
gorgeous, it looks good
Now snow accumulates on the ground during snowfall. kids get happy ! :))
(https://i.postimg.cc/J0V9Tp3N/snow1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N9DJF7zF)
(https://i.postimg.cc/prf33Kkg/snow2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/30wLv4sB)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CMbyZVYm/snow3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/z3D2M6yg)
I like it, we will have to try it :)
Is snow also deposited in trees?
Is snow accumulation real in reference to hours or days?
Now snow accumulates on the ground during snowfall. kids get happy ! :))
(https://i.postimg.cc/J0V9Tp3N/snow1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N9DJF7zF)
(https://i.postimg.cc/prf33Kkg/snow2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/30wLv4sB)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CMbyZVYm/snow3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/z3D2M6yg)
Wow, thats great Fly77
thanks for commenting josem75 :)
I like it, we will have to try it :)
Is snow also deposited in trees?
Is snow accumulation real in reference to hours or days?
Thanks aWac9 :) Will release it soon.
Unfortuntaley I am not able to change the tree textures from inside javascript, would be nice if in the future textures could be dynamically switched from the script...so no ..no snow on trees.
Snow accumulates faster with heavier snowfall and accumulation starts in mountains and then gradually towards the planes....simply I decrease the "snowmin" and "snowsat" parameters from within the script gradually when snow is falling. No melting of snow yet since I don't have set up temperature evolution yet.
la gomera autumn ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/GhCnY0w3/la-gomera-autumn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/8stYQ0zx)
(https://i.postimg.cc/VvsTGwYX/gomera-autumn2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2bJ2yPL5)
Enjoying changing winter landscapes : waxenstein mountain (germany) ^-^
(https://i.postimg.cc/FzqSs1b9/alps2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/RJ7hgSb8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FsdcCgm1/alps3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/1fSffF8Z)
(https://i.postimg.cc/BQrFrLQp/alps4.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SJGj8K9Y)
and with KelvinZ's winter tree textures after restarting outerra
(https://i.postimg.cc/brjJ6bRS/alps5.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DJBn0SH7)
Now snow accumulates on the ground during snowfall. kids get happy ! :))
Nice! :D
Thanks KW71 !
magnificent fly77 ..
I'm glad you chose La Gomera to see the progress of the windsock. magnificent. ^-^
Sea state now automatically changing with atmospheric conditions 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Pq3gJQ8m/seastate.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KKTqsLfz)
(https://i.postimg.cc/yY0JSsz8/storm.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BXQZrW6r)
Ushuaia dawn
(https://i.postimg.cc/RC1tCdkp/ushuaia-dawn2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7b6hm3YS)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Hspyr5HY/ushuaia-dawn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mh5DqPtJ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/B6xTCzxK/dawn.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dkVZs4Ns)
earth wind and fire :))
(https://i.postimg.cc/sxLvP63q/fire.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/H8QYdtc9)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MZLTFL8r/earthwindfire2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/14psgJXp)
well done ... this gets interesting ...:)
yeah ! Definitely ! I can now create wildfires ! If I could retrieve outerra's local vegetation data (and it should be possible) I could maybe set certain vegetation on fire ..maybe 8) For now just random fires .each one with fire sound as well :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/9XxRXXwx/wildfires.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ThDYC69m)
Arsonist's joy =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/WpJTb3Pn/arsonist.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/23mP0Cyb)
Fly77 ..what's happening to you ?
don't worry ! Just temporary craziness =D
I need the fires just to show the location of fire sounds to check if everything works fine with my attempt to bring new location dependant custom sounds into outerra. Any suggestion for new sounds are wellcome.
automatic spawning of some random "burning men" from a vehicle ...today I feel crazy =D =D =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/HLYs4p0F/burning-man.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/75RkqrWN)
outerra warfare - ballistic missile barrage !
(https://i.postimg.cc/fLs55XGC/missile-barrage-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/NyN1jyf2)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Wzb8cVbJ/missile-barrage-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/JDvZj9X1)
hoops ! Apparently I exaggerated with missile speed ! ...and so got an ICBM !! 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/BQRTMHDF/ICBM.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kBFR5VTM)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FFb6P1dW/carrier2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mhDVkLSC)
Construction materials
(https://i.postimg.cc/76C1qpBQ/construction.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
100 streetlights "autogen" automatically placed - (for now just randomly) and switched on alltogether ! No more need to switch on each individually ! fps still acceptable
I need to figure out some AI that can place them alongside roads :( and find a way to switch on "dynamicallY" only those within "view range".
(https://i.postimg.cc/YS5TY5hJ/randomlights.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Y4xXwyN3)
(https://i.postimg.cc/LXjwTxPh/randomlights2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bDNmYH3j)
5000 active streetlights autogen placed correctly according to open database lat lon position of lamposts for Rostock city (germany)
Rotation not correct.. fps terribly bad ! allmost frozen :( :(
(https://i.postimg.cc/2y3KtB2B/lamp-autogen.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zHZ7b3mJ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/g2yNNDmT/lamp-autogen2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Bj6Tv28T)
(https://i.postimg.cc/brK3FVZK/lamp-autogen3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bS9xZTHT)
"fps terribly bad ! allmost frozen "
Would be possible to add emissive textures to the lamps, but activate the real light only in the those closer to the camera? (And does the model has LODs?)
Yes I can add emmissive textures to the streetlamp models. Also I think I should be able to switch on the pointlight only for those that are within a certain range from the observer. Will try. Thanks for the suggestion.
However since to get a pointlight into outerra presently it seems it is necessary to attach it to a vehicle script I wonder if spawning thousands of vehicles will continue to kill fps.
LOD ? Yes because to import any model into outerra it seems I have to at least tick some geometry to import otherwise nothing appears nor in assets nor in F3 menu...no pkg file created. Of course I could hide its mesh if this brings any advantage.
hmm...spawned 10000 vehicles consisting in just a cube doing nothing with just adding a pointlight in init chassis but keeping it allways switched off. fps drops terribly. Not useable =|. So for today I will stay with a mix of lots of static emissive texture lamps and few real pointlight lamps (vehicles) for now. Possibly switching on and off according to view distance the "few" (500) real pointlights.
I hope when scriptable scenery objects will become available it will be possible to have tens of thousands of them .
Maybe I'll try to apply some fast k-NN nearest neighbour search algorithm to just spawn "on the fly" the few tens of real point-lights and remove them from scene as soon as they exit the k-NN range around the camera position.
Importing routes from any route-planner into outerra (each streetlight corresponds to a waypoint of the imported route) ...next step: will exploit waypoints sequence to rotate lights correctly :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DwxJnpZS/routes.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/sMZDJc5z)
Nice, really going to need that (at least just the map part of it, if it's usable,) once we get global buildings... if we ever do.
hmm..no the "map part" isn't there..its just a picture pasted on top of screenshot, but Republic of Texas on discord (js-script development section) got a map working in outerra.
Oh. A working GPS route map?
I am now able to use any points from whatever routemap to place automatically whatever object along roads. It was done using model JS. On the other hand to get also the map itself into outerra I think it is necessary to use a c++plugin as did republic of texas. I am not quite ready for that unfortunately but will insist ;)
outerra water freight service 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/tTf0723q/freight-service.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G8kg5PgV)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3R96z7rb/freight-service2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YGGbm5W1)
fantastic fly77 ... fishing villages will soon come alive
thank you for commenting aWac9 :)
Also military like fishing ! :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DwbvqTt1/military-fishermen.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/tspGjLRg)
mission accomplished !...back to mothership =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZnB06rnr/big-and-small.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZvmTSvrR)
nice snapshot
very soon one of the two will sail through the seas ;)
waiting in line to be animated ..sooner or later
(https://i.postimg.cc/NF5x1csn/waiting.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/4HRtgjhv)
selfie from seattle 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/0NgMPxDG/selfie-seattle.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jDXd4p8C)
a selfie ?? ..... a recording with mobile ..
the mobile distorts ,, but google maps does too. 8)
Remember that the world map does not represent all countries by its size ... giving a wrong image ... for example Greenland is much smaller, or Australia is just as large as the US. Alaska is much smaller etc .. cartography deceives us ..
real image
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49134229758_be46c76ce9_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hRPLGo)Real (https://flic.kr/p/2hRPLGo) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
wrong image
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49134718681_ce3af42149_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hRSh36)errónea (https://flic.kr/p/2hRSh36) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
small city (trieste) "autogenerated" :)...fps very bad unfortunately :'(
(https://i.postimg.cc/FshB0XXr/trieste.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Cd67VtKX)
Autogenerated Trento city by night with snow and lights ! Cristmas is nearing ! Outerra is joy :))
(https://i.postimg.cc/zGMsc3Yk/screen-1575050380.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/cvRkKxHK)
Trento ... a city with a lot of history ..
get inspired ! Actually I think I got an idea now how to "detect roads" in outerra so that I can avoid placing autogenerated buildings on roads.....by detecting terrain roughness...lets see if it works
playing with snow inspired me ! I found that since snow never accumulates on roads and I am able to detect snow on terrain I can use this to place objects avoiding roads...Now I just need to melt the snow and I am allmost done 8) Of course orientation of objects is still random.
(https://i.postimg.cc/434vwL7k/snow-mask.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Sn5zxGfD)
Et voilà ! Cactus-free roads !
(https://i.postimg.cc/7YHwXSP8/cactus-free.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G95Wm8sq)
trying avoid houses on roads...some progress but still difficult. Step by step.
(https://i.postimg.cc/BbkCbwFF/bozen1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BP5FwpMZ)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49153899843_290c821119_b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2hTyzVM)San Pedro (https://flic.kr/p/2hTyzVM) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
high altitude shot looks great !
adding some lights to nimitz
(https://i.postimg.cc/c1jqgprx/nimitz1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/z3n24PC6)
(https://i.postimg.cc/htWHMVLN/nimitz2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mtjXgz6S)
(https://i.postimg.cc/VLcxWjBp/nimitz3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YjbDpLPz)
Beautiful ... I've been in love with that little boat for a while.
gmmm ... I know how to wait
I just want to check if I can add water spray (bow and tail "waves" ) and then it'll be ready for navigating the internet ...of course unarmed version for christmas ! - or for end of 2019 ;)
Hi Marco! Dein Nimitz ist schön geworden...gefällt mir. :)
Danke Stefan ! Schoen von dir zu hoeren. 2019 sollte sie in see stechen :)
improving the aircraft carrier lights fly77 :)
aircraft carrier track lights (white and one red vertical)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49241337088_ec52966e37_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2i2hHYu)light carrier (https://flic.kr/p/2i2hHYu) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
pilot guide lights (ball to the right of the aircraft carrier track)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49241337128_955188f7c3_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2i2hHZb)carrier lights (https://flic.kr/p/2i2hHZb) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49241809811_aa6edfdf9d_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2i2k9uT)carrier TakeOff -IFLOLS (https://flic.kr/p/2i2k9uT) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
Yes I know this system. Since it requires the carrier to know where the plane is for the moment its not ready..needs a plugin. Certainly I will consider this suggestion as well as arresting cables and active catapults in the future. For both the jet needs to be equipped for carroer landing so some mod of the plane will also be necessary..very possible but not now..sorry :(
It doesn't matter, that's fine, I like it
:) ^-^
having fun with complex collision physics in outerra.
No longer ranodmly flying around ! Now I have the ability to detect and list of nearest cities and airports ! at least 12000 mayor cities worldwide and 580 italian airports including smallest airstrips. :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/xTY1d1Yp/no-longer-random-flying.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vDqsqM45)
good job
A good start to the year .. we started well.
Maybe I should add a fuel consumption to planes. Then flying from airport A to airport B without crashing will already be a game. I still would like a cursor though to get interactivity into outerra..press cockpit buttons and things like that. Time will tell.
Did a small modification to my heinkel mod to let him autonomously fly in autopilot mode for hundreds of kilometers (just straight for the moment) until fuel tank is empty ! So AI air-traffic (at least - off the ground) - seems possible. :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/K8WkCdV5/autopilot-long-range.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/RWcZHbv3)
My soundscape mod (WIP) besides wordwide mayor city sounds now generates also airport sounds for italian airports plus automatically spawns a few planes and a windsock as soon as the plane/camera approaches the airport. :)
For less chaotic spawning of planes I'd need to find a database of italian runway positions/headings/parking locations.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Hsm45WCj/roma-urbe.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9zx7Hh0j)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Y2zL51Jq/small-strip.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/4nn3thfr)
hmm...found some nice realtively low poly plants ! :) will collect some more and prepare a mod release soon
(https://i.postimg.cc/0jbhy5c2/3-D-crop-fields.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XB6s2bRT)
I like it, I feel like a farmer
Me too ! :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/y8JYv0hN/fresh-corn.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/C5t91nRv/farming.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wRXw4vcJ)
Hey Marco,
du hast da falsche Sorte ausgewählt ...das da passt besser nei...hehe =D
=D gute idee !
Illegal farming =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/QCMmPMGp/farming2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vgp5xbmB)
(https://i.postimg.cc/C1MMW3vG/farming3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Y4VwFsB0)
adding some wingtip vortices and smoketrails to mig
(https://i.postimg.cc/VLc687DV/trails.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DmBFQcVr)
(https://i.postimg.cc/C5Cw5gm6/trails2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CnK3rWyj)
Illegal farming =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/QCMmPMGp/farming2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vgp5xbmB)
(https://i.postimg.cc/C1MMW3vG/farming3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Y4VwFsB0)
cool...ist aber doch ein wenig zu wenig, nÖ =D
magnificent .. great contribution to Mig29 :)
wing-condensation when making sharp turns or experiencing high positive g forces in humid weather conditions
(https://i.postimg.cc/W1gKSf6s/WING-CONDENS3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LJ4N8DbW)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3wGj5Pfc/wing-condensation.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wt6RDbpX)
I'd like to be a farmer in outerra :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/J04LyvC8/farming2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/8J339yCX)
nice picture,,
Now let's grow some olive trees !
(https://i.postimg.cc/NGkm6NLZ/fruit-trees.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WttdjwG7)
heated lawns ?? ??? Snow apparently does not stick to edited grass strips.
(https://i.postimg.cc/x8xRVJtS/screen-1583798871.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/q6Kn87Pm)
Fresh manure.
Aah ! That's why !
winter is back in northern italy, but ultimately spring will win and snow will melt !
(https://i.postimg.cc/XJ6nXQr4/winter-in-northern-italy.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VSgxV99V)
(https://i.postimg.cc/PJrs8cTs/snow-melting.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XGhDRsrQ)
great shots .. a beautiful image,
I love the 2nd catch
thanks. yes.. sun reflecting in the river and foggy clouds in the distance slowly dissolving, anticipating hope for better times & weather plus the chain of mountains fading in the distance.
Global soundscape with italy airports and wordlwide cities sounds and directions/distances/infos plus much more soon to be released :)
A nice small airport in italy
(https://i.postimg.cc/tJDVWwFF/airport.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kR64dj15)
Tortoli ,, nice airport .. I thought I saw a cat or something strange among the corn ??
Well ..not a cat...its a wolf ..courtesy of SwiftHyena2593 who provided me also the airport buildings
learning to soar on thermals ! :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/nLzdwg1h/glider-soaring-on-thermals.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CR3HRvt3)
I love the wing flex animation that Levi did on this plane, it makes it look so much better than the FG version.
The whole family and passionate about outerra follow with interest in Discord the progress of the ASK-13 that Fly77 and bomber are making.
Levi had already collaborated with a bomber on this bird, it was a great contribution in his day, now they are taking it up again and we hope it will come to fruition and we can enjoy this glider with realistic physics. It would be a great achievement for outerra to have a bird that can take advantage of all the physics of this outerra landscape, thermal currents, along with ravines and mountains.
I was fixing the La Gomera airport and I thought that a flight without a motor would be the best to visualize the progress of the airport. Although to tell the truth I have no idea how it flies ,, I hope they pass us a manual.
yes, will pass a "manual" once ready :)
After finishing of thermals will address ridge-lift soaring.
No thermals in your la gomera island =| but great thermals in tenerife and other nearby islands !
(https://i.postimg.cc/RVSbQTW9/thermals4.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/4n05XVvF)
preliminary test of 3D visualization of nearby thermals :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/cLg5mPKY/thermals-3-D-visualization.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/PCH4f3Qr)
how nice.. :)
a question, will those thermals always be there or will they change depending on a variable climate?
Climate ? probably you mean weather. It can be programmed as we wish, if we know how and when thermals form. On the website that lists the worldwide thermals https://thermal.kk7.ch/
they give different maps for season and daytime, so this can be implemented by just copying the data from the site. Also they give "probability" of each thermal hotspot to occur for the given season and daytime. This is also easy to program..just switch it on and off (gradually) with that probability and for a time proportional to the probability. So if you're lucky you will find the thermal to be active with the probability given by the real world thermal database. Weather dependence ? It seems that gliders fly only with "nice" weather so if outerra weather gets rainy or too windy I will probably switch off all thermals, as you're not supposed to do glider flights under such weather conditions. ...unless you want to fly in a Hurricane !! which is also some kind of thermal =D =D So I can implement a range of windspeeds, turbulence, etc...for which thermals will be active. Any other knowledge input or suggestions are welcome , as I am practically ignorant in this matter ,and just report what I have understood so far.
Today something really explosive ! MOAB 8) 8) =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/q7wT40R3/MOAB.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/t1sfNKFq)
are you still confined ???
it is always good to take a walk and get out of the routine.
well yes and no..here in italy some activities as well as transport have opened again, but with safety restrictions. Myself I am still "smartworking" but of course now and then I go to buy stuff. I could also go for a walk or bike ride and I'll probably do so in the next days ..but we should do so with mask on here...which is not much fun.....So meanwhile I enjoy staying at home, finally having more time to play/mod outerra...before "real work" begins again in a few weeks =D
destructible building test 8) Still need to implement "building physics" to produce a collapse :(
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqnvmmtD/destructible-building-test.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WDR1mQ4M)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Df9NbfxL/building-static.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5jmghJd2)
destructible building test 8) Still need to implement "building physics" to produce a collapse :(
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqnvmmtD/destructible-building-test.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WDR1mQ4M)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Df9NbfxL/building-static.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5jmghJd2)
Reminds me of how destruction physics work in Blockland.
Lets play a spot the difference game
Lets play a spot the difference game
In Outerra, It looks like a damn Hot Wheels track.
effect of wind drag on tank shell when targeting =|
(https://i.postimg.cc/kGxWN8WL/wind-drag.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2LSqr1cx)
tank shelling aftermath =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/tCDGDcRC/shelling-aftermath.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WhDy1XJQ)
are you alright ... mister fly ??
are you alright ... mister fly ??
..np, just preparing for tank battle =D
Why waste ammunition if we can make buildings collapse by just ramming them
(https://i.postimg.cc/Z5ghGD9P/ram-buildings.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/68dSRcfT)
realtime KEVA planks tower distruction (WIP)..still need to allow for at least some structural instability physics
(https://i.postimg.cc/3NsRsgJZ/keva-planks.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/sGJsSGWB)
OK ! finally my dynamite is ready ! ...so I can now repair some minor bugs that remain in the abrams tank before releasing the upgrade
jeje..:) waiting impatiently sir
(https://i.postimg.cc/2SLMYPT7/war.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/QFs0kY2F)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3wM6xnc5/damage.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MnDtsbwd)
War, war never changes.
its fantastic how with some simple elements one can build a great variety of "manual"-procedural buildings just by using the outerra editor :)
(...guess which of these buildings are "procedural"... )
(framerate does not seem to suffer a lot even with tens of thousands of building elements placed in the scene ! how powerful outerra is !?! )
So we need procedural buildings from devs as well ! :D (...hmm..or maybe I write myself a mod that generates random procedural buildings...just need to find which is the "procedure" )
....and in addition all the procedural ones are distructible in an incredibly realistic manner using the inbuild bullet-physics!
(https://i.postimg.cc/nhqQ9Gkf/MANUAL-PROCEEDURAL-BUILDINGS.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VJLN3MpK)
can't resist to enter my new flat ! need to buy some furniture though ! :))
(https://i.postimg.cc/4yKjWdLV/interiors.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7JkB6xyZ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2jJsVQyw/interior2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0rYW4JpM)
need to buy some furniture though ! :))
We need Ikea shops in outerra ! ;)
Work on tank allmost finished, ready to roll out of factory.
(https://i.postimg.cc/fywJfmWq/tank-allmost-ready.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/34c8Kyv2)
make sure the turbine runs on gasoline or Diesel ,, fill the pump holds and leave the keys in the ignition ,, the rest is a piece of cake.
Working on my toilet
the place that I like most in my new home: ...the toilet ! :)) I've picked up some nice tiles so that it looks more elegant.
(https://i.postimg.cc/mkkBvz3D/toilet.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qhPPn75V)
outerra spacetravel is amazing !
(https://i.postimg.cc/4Nh02FM0/amazing-space.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/F7NG7Ghb)
Construction of greek temple
(https://i.postimg.cc/wjMYn4QY/construction2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kB0HbcHT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bN3jCfbR/contruction1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dLkX3X57)
(https://i.postimg.cc/L8WFSkxY/screen-1591985834.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5X8Rqzdb)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fb0nR3PH/temple1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LqR0ys2f)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bNzh9wGJ/temple2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BtwkqsB9)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bY0PntwW/temple3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CdK9TdDs)
Distruction of greek temple
(https://i.postimg.cc/26ZZGxK4/distruction1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yg7xY0Bd)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5tGz8rn4/distruction2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gwVrWNCQ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxCSbSM2/distruction3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/R6GF3qVT)
A dragon statue for your future temple ;)
Download: https://allymotors.wordpress.com/2020/06/13/dragon-statue/
:) thank you very much. Indeed I need some god to worship in my temple. It was rather empty.
Alien teleportation hub
(https://i.postimg.cc/sDG8Gbb3/aliens.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/6ywzDb9P)
2002 Mazda Familia with matching body paint wheels.
crazy outerra physics experiments: filling a big glass box with barrels or crates. note how crates pack better than barrels ... that's science ! :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/4N0GsT1C/filling1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Xp9mkmhx)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Vkb8NH7J/filling2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/NKYVJbvt)
(https://i.postimg.cc/wv4fL9Mg/fill3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zbWF1ZTc)
NOW OPEN THE DOOR :D ...eventually the result is "wrong" ..packed boxes should not "flow" even if the wall is removed....so another scientific conclusion: outerra bullet physics is not good enough :(
(https://i.postimg.cc/ydxnV2P5/DOOR.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5Yc8g7Dq)
Death valley railroad 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/85hBJ221/death-valley-railroad.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7GZTjWPc)
(https://i.ibb.co/YQcqBbR/outerra-2020-08-17-01-09-35.jpg) (https://ibb.co/02CdyQD)
(https://i.ibb.co/MB0zFVS/outerra-2020-08-17-01-17-40.jpg) (https://ibb.co/Hh8c5z4)
(https://i.ibb.co/GHsTq69/outerra-2020-08-15-16-07-27.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6XvBkM8)
(https://i.ibb.co/hmy3fwD/outerra-2020-08-13-22-12-23.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jrTnRsg)
Just beautiful. 8)
(I used a little bit Reshade filters)
(https://i.ibb.co/YQcqBbR/outerra-2020-08-17-01-09-35.jpg) (https://ibb.co/02CdyQD)
Just beautiful. 8)
(I used a little bit Reshade filters)
Dies könnte der Ägerisee sein und rechts hinten der Zürichsee. ;)
Hey, da kennt sich einer aus. :)
Hey, da kennt sich einer aus. :)
Jaja, ich habe sehr lange an Fotoszenerien - auch für die Schweiz - für den FSX gebastelt.
So sprechen doch deine Bilder von Outerra für einen recht hohen Wiedererkennungswert. :)
Vielleicht liegt es an Outerra aber ich finde die Alpen bieten eine der schönsten Landschaften dieser Welt. :D
Maybe it's Outerra, but I think the Alps offer one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world.
OK we need train stations as well .. here a simple one sketched rapidly :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FRBNvPB5/train-station.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ftm6jvsB)
well done fly77. It looks great .. lights, station, you don't stop, I'll find a way to get on the train. :)
thanks aWac9. Soon I'll release this locomotive. Then you can start building cool train stations in addition to your great airport sceneries ;)
maybe I can then connect them :)
Work in progress... Lada 2105
I had a car similar to that, you would go around the world 10 times without breaking the engine.
Work on tank allmost finished, ready to roll out of factory.
(https://i.postimg.cc/fywJfmWq/tank-allmost-ready.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/34c8Kyv2)
so-so, wo ist mein Panzerfaust den geblieben...gleich bÜÜÜmmst =D
Ach ja ! Wo hast du sie doch noch gleich hingelegt ? =D
Train-station clock with double-sided time display ...to be animated ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/jdzGKzvF/clock1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rKwhNRB1)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Vkm2NdVL/clock2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2V90c8YP)
Fly77 make sure that this watch is working properly,,, with Swiss punctuality ...., this way we make sure that outerra will not miss the train.
Fly77 make sure that this watch is working properly,,, with Swiss punctuality ...., this way we make sure that outerra will not miss the train.
yeop, wery nice work! :)
ja, Marco! Das hast Du mit dem Bahn sehr gut hinbekommen. Gratuliere! Jetzt muss Du noch die alten Züge fahren lassen. ;)
Ach ja ! Wo hast du sie doch noch gleich hingelegt ? =D
ne ne, dat verrate isch doch nüschts! nÖ-nÖ! : =D
Fly77 make sure that this watch is working properly,,, with Swiss punctuality ...., this way we make sure that outerra will not miss the train.
yeop, wery nice work! :)
ja, Marco! Das hast Du mit dem Bahn sehr gut hinbekommen. Gratuliere! Jetzt muss Du noch die alten Züge fahren lassen. ;)
Danke schoen allerseits ^-^ ...alt genug ?? Ansonsten haette ich da noch ne schoene dampflok....brauche allerdings zuguehoerige schienen...die sind ja enger .
(https://i.postimg.cc/X7ptGRVt/screen-1598821447.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/tYGB8mnz)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fLzrwF22/dampflok.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/p9SZC0tz)
ehrlich gesagt - ne. so einer doch lieber nicht. man muss den alter Sack (https://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=1481.msg17789#msg17789 ) ausm Dornröschenschlaf ufferwecken, denn er hats ja wirklich die guten Loks zusammen gebastelt. :)
p.s. isch meine, man soll ja alles in einem Klang mit OT gehen. d.h. wenn man solchen Modelle da rein tut schadet man eh dem Gesamteindruck des Landschafts etc. mit anderen Worten - soll alles zusammen passen. ;)
Now we need the exact replica of this:
Now we need the exact replica of this:
This what ? ? some file or image missing or not showing !
This what ? ? some file or image missing or not showing !
Sorry, the photo is showing fine on my computer. It is a photo of hogwarts express train
Just out of curiosity...how many emissive streetlights can we place in outerra ? here an experiment with 5000 pointlights (just light points...well actually icospheres...no other geometry) that I placed in death valley, framerate 88 fps...with 10000 lights I got 66 fps ..so by continuing in this manner probably 20000 visible emissive pointlights are acceptable...at least in a desert place like death valley. In New York it will be a different matter (image elaborated with gimp adding some more bloom..note that my LODs are not optimised so distant lights wrongly appear brighter) ...still some way to go to illuminate a city like London that itself has 2.8 MILLION streetlights :(
(https://i.postimg.cc/TPvnWQnD/5000-lights.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MntnC7P6)
War cemetery ...5000 war graves :'(
fortunately the editor crashes when trying to increase the number of deaths
(https://i.postimg.cc/c1tm7JDN/war-cemetery.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pyxzRPb0)
handplacing streetlights is exhausting
(https://i.postimg.cc/zX0F8RvK/screen-1600696132.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BXPKCbxn)
handplacing streetlights is exhausting
(https://i.postimg.cc/zX0F8RvK/screen-1600696132.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BXPKCbxn)
That actually looks really good. I honestly hope the devs can come up with some kind of AI that places the lights according to the road layout.
This is a first trial with 7000 auto-placed active streetlights ...for rosctock city (germany) where streetlamp position data is publicly available. I need to adjust my streetlight LOD levels to view them at the right luminosity at various distances...but this shows it can be done ! :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/jdpgG7Fc/rostock-by-night.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MvYmBvxf)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vZ5qMmRs/rostock-by-night2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xXTy3nTx)
fly has chosen a beautiful spot to light up the night..and it looks great.
perhaps white lights should be combined with yellow and some soft orange ... cities are lit today with energy saving lights.
I really liked the place chosen Rostock ,, beautiful ,, I will not miss this opportunity to do some tourism in such a beautiful place.
nightly attack 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vZJgp7yX/nightly-attack.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xXP1mzcb)
looks great :)
thanks ! After some failures I finally think I have found the way to get these tens of thousands of lights working as they should...WITHOUT CAUSING FPS-drops ! both when viewed from the air from a plane and when on the ground, driving through illuminated cities...without the
need to switch any light on by hand. :) some more weeks to develop unfortunately.
At that point the task will be yours to either hand-place my new lights in the scenery editor or find open-data about lamp-post positions on the web..so that I can add them to the "streetlight-database" ....or a way needs be found to access the road data and place lights just on the side of roads.....but ONE STEP AT A TIME
Coming soon: preparing a scenery for you ...so that you can immediately enjoy an illuminated village without having yourself to place hundreds of lights.
It will also be fully driveable (adjusting all the builidngs that obstruct the roads) ....and more ..
(https://i.postimg.cc/q7F3YpzV/seaside-nightlife.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/f3xySncB)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Cx1dVWyF/village2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/56hfBKNG)
magnificent work fly ,, as always ,,, impressive.
I know you will be able to give life to the environment ,,,, I am convinced that next to those lights, vehicles and trains circulating autonomously ... I think you have it in mind.
Wow impressive work fly77!! 8)
Thanks guys...soon it will be yours so you can add more details..i will just give you lights and sounds...maybe rails for my train..but just a small track as otherwise its too much work ..I want to finish it. You can allways extend the track then if you wish
OK..today I built about 4 km of the railroad of the village...connecting the two first stops. Enough for enjoying the train once it will be able to follow the sharp turns in this track :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Dw40ZH6n/night-train.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VJ1mZ72V)
Kia Pride
magnificent work fly ,, as always ,,, impressive.
I know you will be able to give life to the environment ,,,, I am convinced that next to those lights, vehicles and trains circulating autonomously ... I think you have it in mind.
You're right ! trains for sure...vehicles maybe...animals YES ! ...humans ? =| ....maybe :D ...sounds: everybody can do it for his own location by editing my "Tool for creating custom sound-landscapes (soundscapes) for outerra" https://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3934.0 Instructions are provided for setting up custom local sounds in the scenery editor
"Boat-train" for high capacity water transport service =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/3J5x6zw0/boat-chain.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/RqdmJsKv)
challenging even the rapids !
(https://i.postimg.cc/1tb1LB8M/rafting.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YGNPF1fm)
and not forgetting night service
(https://i.postimg.cc/3wbsv1F7/night-service.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Ff3Ctj6n)
Paragliding and soaring are hugely popular sport in the south of France and for good reason. This is where mountainous terrain meets the sea creating world-class flying conditions and ample opportunity to take to the skies all year round. Hot sun draws warm air up south-facing slopes creating thermal rockets perfect for epic cross-country paragliding/soaring.
(https://i.postimg.cc/qv63RfWG/soaring-paradise.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Yvk9nPr4)
(https://i.postimg.cc/1RntZ0Fk/gound-view.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/NLtY6HpD)
(https://i.postimg.cc/cCHfsvQD/together.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/62k8c5bR)
ummm. Do you have knowledge of the physics of gliding, or have you studied the subject or do you fly a glider?
no..but its easy. There exist maps for thermal upwards currents and a wordwide map (this one https://thermal.kk7.ch/)
"is implemented" in my glider and shown in the landscape as semitransparent cylinders, indicating where the air flows upwards.
Just approach these cylinders and circle inside them. Another way to gain height is to exploit "ridge-lift" which are the upwards air currents that form near a mountain slope. Just know from which direction blows the wind and look for mountain slopes that are as perpendicular as possible to the wind direction. On these slopes the wind will blow upwards lifting the glider. Just be careful that once crossed the top the air will flow down and drag you down..so intelligently exploit the landscape following the best slopes...like eagles and condors know to do very efficiently.
lesson1: trying to teach my cows not to walk too into deep water...not easy...they're quite stubborn >:(
(https://i.postimg.cc/02gbCx6j/lesson-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nMkFHyGf)
after some "natural intelligence" training ..well, it seems they've learned it ...reasonably well :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/pdYK8rVD/lesson1-learned.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gwjwbYZJ)
Now comes lesson2: learn how to behave in mountains...they find it quite easy to walk downhill...probably they'll gather at some flat meadow :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Z5m8q64T/lesson2-mountain.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/1fWnCn8T)
...yes indeed ! ...they're "naturally intelligent" :D
(https://i.postimg.cc/0yLqm5X2/natural-intelligence.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/k2FZPCdk)
So now that they've learned not to walk deep into water and like to walk downhill, what will they do when trapped between a slope and a lake ?
let's see
(https://i.postimg.cc/qBYQptNR/challenge1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xqvLR1yD)
you guessed it ! gather at the lake shore ! amazing :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxvDY3PN/drinking.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fSSz8L14)
exploiting their inborn tendency to avoid steep slopes to confine them =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/Y9G9w2n5/confine-cattle-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YG7k67wR)
great progress .. i like it ;)
Flyy dairy ... will have to be transported
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50510286316_4b42f2849b.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2jXqqns)cow01 (https://flic.kr/p/2jXqqns) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
Thanks aWac9. I see you have a feeling for rancher's job ;)
You actually using machine learning? Neural Network / whatever?
hehe..."my brain is my machine"....and I do a training session on my brain...trial and error ! same as machine learning ...just I do it on my own brain until I get a satisfactory reward :D
Imagine to auto-generate cow-herds all over a mountain range such as the Alps..the herds will walk downhill untill they find a nice place where to gather, preferably near some small lake or in flat meadows....I hope it will be possible to populate outerra with animals all over the world . It really feels alive ! as soon as my cows have "graduated" I'll release them so that you also can experience outerra in this wholly new way. ...finally alive !
(https://i.postimg.cc/DygCFTMZ/optimization.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Whdm6QjL)
I mean, it would be funny if it looked like RL, but with cliffside cows. :))
is this enough "cliffside" ? =D ...not sure if I will allow them to walk downhill so much
(https://i.postimg.cc/tTT42PMb/cliffside-cows.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZ30KZ0r)
But goat-like cliffwalking for me seems acceptable
(https://i.postimg.cc/J0B8yQGT/cow-goat.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N2YSSm8T)
:)) so I see ...realism is not the most important thing in videogames ...unless its intended to be a magic horse
Now a final challenge: cows on a road near a steep cliff don't want to climb but in case they approach the cliff they need to "reclimb" before falling down..so how can they do what they don't normally like to do ?
The way I solved it is when climbing too much don't reverse completely direction otherwise it will result in a steep downhill walk which is also to be avoided...so let them do a lesser reverse (slightly more than 90 deg)
and then re-evaluate wether they're gradually descending or steeply descending. In any case it should result in some descend, possible an acceptable one.
If they are descending too fast do another near 90 deg turn ..and so on...sooner or later they will hopefully walk in goat like fashion either up or down the cliff to finally reach flat ground or water and not get trapped forever halfway on the cliff.
(https://i.postimg.cc/BnQ0HF7B/challenge.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zVM61yry)
So if everything goes fine they will slowly descend towards the lake shore, hopefully without anyone falling from the cliff or climbing up the mountain
(https://i.postimg.cc/vTzKZqyF/on-the-right-way.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/T5K0kchC)
yes ! except a few that got lost and a few still grappling with the cliff... So I need to add a "camera push" ..push the cow towards the right direction by approaching with the camera
(https://i.postimg.cc/63G4rq5Y/help-out-the-lost-cow.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Q9hMsX7T)
OK last bit completed: with "camera push" the player can push the cows to reorient to keep them walking all in the same direction on the road ....with just a few cows it already keeps me quite busy ! uff !
(https://i.postimg.cc/L4BR5Pzv/march-aligned.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vDBCSc26)
looks good..this will bring outerra to life.
long live nature. :)
The more cows the more challenging it is to bring your herd safely home ! They lack any herd-instinct ...each and everyone does what she wants >:(
(https://i.postimg.cc/BQ2Xpt9V/challenge2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kBXJXJ5Q)
you can help them to cross the river as well ....no limits to imagination ...they are alive !
(https://i.postimg.cc/5t4p56yB/help-the-cross-the-river.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZWQr4Yrn)
maybe they can even pull a cart ...I will check
creating some difficult challenge for the cows: what will they do...exit the water crater even though this means steep climbing ?
(https://i.postimg.cc/TPL31F4M/challenge3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/5HJVk7Jn)
harvest season !
(https://i.postimg.cc/fbNXRnxV/harvesting.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K1040Wpb)
people from the North always work, people from the South ..........
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50541284378_0849cc4c4c_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2k1ai1N)El caribe (https://flic.kr/p/2k1ai1N) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
can't resist building a holiday house in one of those million of immensely beautiful locations on earth ..ehm outerra..
(https://i.postimg.cc/vHzTjf6k/screen-1604008527.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/GH4bTBKx)
nice views
I love farming :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d0spKNtG/farming.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mPn8Yw9r)
ooks like a real picture
yes...outerra looks very natural ! ...unlike many game worlds...even compared to MSFS it looks much better, except maybe for the buildings and clouds.
farm scenery building is fun ! :) ...will definitely stimulate me to animate some other farm animals
(https://i.postimg.cc/QtY2W7hy/screen-1604267910.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/S28TBJX6)
building some crazy , puzzling farm ...try to harvest that corn ! =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/v81p2MfF/crazy-swiss-farm.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DmTjm9xB)
Reviving some beautiful building models from grammofonmanek (courtesy aWac9)
(https://i.postimg.cc/nzMWyzRQ/mellon-centr.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VrQ4MYcY)
Bell Huey (WIP) :):)
(https://i.postimg.cc/VNLttjQy/bell-huey.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DSHmk4w5)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MpZH3qsV/huey2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/F7qh75XH)
how nice
wonderful ,,, I hope that flying the HU-1 is not as complex as the kawasaki BK117.
If we could go up and down a rope and hook objects, it would be super fun. It would be enough if he had a couple of decent relones in the cockpit.
Much easier to fly, because it flies like a real helicopter.
preparing christmas decoration in trento (italy):)
(https://i.postimg.cc/4d08xt4Z/TRENTO.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/r0SGhDtY)
(https://i.postimg.cc/5jdnwVFR/trento2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LgDtpGDt)
(https://i.postimg.cc/R0YCQSvd/shopping.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xkKS9SJN)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3xS3Y80h/trentatre.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jD7phrh3)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NMxJvML7/christmas-tree.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KkRrnmPR)
WOW! Amazing work!
Nice! :D
thanks...its incredible what a few little lights can achieve ;)
where did you have those lights hidden? ::)
by christmas everything is shared ^-^
well done ,,,, as always. ;) :)
upgrading tarmac lights for future airports ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/QtvDJPbT/landing.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MM0gW9g6)
oh fly ,, how beautiful .. today you have made my day.
nimitz repaired..... armour in progress 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3J8QfW91/nimitz-armed.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XXzPpjRB)
when I launch the missile is where it will hit or is unpredictable ?????
For now unpredictable.
Seems the real thing use radar ..at least for terminal phase. So I will probably install a seeker and a gunsight
("Guidance system: Mid-course update datalink, Terminal semi-active radar homing")
(https://i.postimg.cc/VvMJDwPy/seasparrow.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZvbY51qj)
si l'objectif est aérien, c'est un peu plus compliqué car il n'y a pas d'IA pour faire voler des avions
Mais si la cible est terrestre, ce serait plus facile à cause de ses coordonnées.
mais pour un informaticien, c'est un défi amusant.
J'aime tes préoccupations ...
chacque véhicules, bateaux ou avion peut "enregistrer" sa position dans mon plugin..et le nimitz peut accéder à ces positions, donc en principe le IA peut cibler vehicules, bateaux, avions et même "gameob"...mais pas des objects statiques (sans script), car ils ne peuvent enregistrer leur position. Là ils doivent être ciblées à ou avec une carte.
OK you speak French ?
Somewhat, yes (not google-french) ...and you ? How it comes that you posted in french today ?
::) ^-^
guided missile locked onto selected ground target 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NMwdKb4Q/seeker.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/p9qf7f4S)
Nice smoke effects
Interactive cockpit mod coming ! :) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/kXdhLVvz/interactive-cockpit.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mh8wHgqy)
All gauges (and clocks) fully working now :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/N0sgtQmk/gauges.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmSNYb0m)
awesome fly77 job. beautiful..
thanks...finally I learned how to animate gauges, so at some point I also will animate those of the default bk117 heli, which has a very nice 3D model
some serious fun approaching ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/G2nJ0qsN/heli-carrier3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gw468ysq)
(https://i.postimg.cc/vmVLSpDf/heli-carrier.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/p9PFmcfL)
(https://i.postimg.cc/zGMF7JDq/heli-carrier2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/k2QSXPtH)
Today I discovered how to load and transport cargo with the heli :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/L5h7TzGX/cargo1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gLFNc6zF)
(https://i.postimg.cc/zvMQPy1k/cargo2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/H8w3rsnJ)
and a cable to carry objects or stretchers for the injured? is it the same system?
:) ;)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50708627503_7b346dc3b2_w.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kfWYi6)carga (https://flic.kr/p/2kfWYi6) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
that cable is still a big challenge
huey progress report for today: added configuration menu...can imagine a lot of things to configure :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/qMmRsMcq/menu2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CzqSY0Qp)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3JrN0Dvz/menu1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/fkFD6y5v)
it gets interesting .. you are allowed to keep imagining things. :)
fighting with character position and rotation ..getting some unwanted results: dubai skydiving :D
(https://i.postimg.cc/RZYgMFCH/dubai-skydiving.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/214QGCZk)
nice snapshot
fly77 ,,, Do you have problems in configuring the assignment of helicopter axes in the joystick?. It does not allow me to modify the axes, only the keyboard works.
something similar happens to you with the helicopter control?
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50724567737_7b5cf50ca7_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2khmELH)joystick configuración ejes Heli (https://flic.kr/p/2khmELH) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
??? thats weird. No, I can assign axes to both plane and/or heli even both together. Is this the first time you try to use the joystick with heli ? Mybe try removing the joystick axis from the plane and just leave them for the heli
I've always been able to assign axes to the joystick on airplanes and helicopters as well. it could be the joystick drivers, but i think i have them up to date. if it only happens to me, the problem is with drivers.
Dropping troops in columbia to eradicate coca fields
(https://i.postimg.cc/fL8JtKCq/troop-drop-off.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jwJsByGy)
But I like chocolate
jejeje, a good cause :) ::)
Its very near now ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W1jFTkth/help.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/F7Wsx1y4)
Gute Arbeit Marco, Danke! ;)
mein weihnachstgeschenk an euch alle...(morgen) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Qxf0v1XJ/formation.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7fT32CJ5)
magnificent .. thank you very much
Some of these look amazing. When I get my new PC up and running I will have to give Outerra another spin. I hope its VR support is there because I got an index right before pandempic.
heading for 2021 ;)
Good new year to everybody !
& long live outerra !
(https://i.postimg.cc/J0bvZZ4S/nimitz-Dic2020.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/y38LzJRT)
Modular AA gun (CIWS) work in progress (500 rounds per minute !) 8) 8) outerra starts to look less peaceful =|
(https://i.postimg.cc/13Knct8V/screen-1609628872.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BjXnJJcJ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NFrBNNbP/screen-1609629061.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jnKp24pz)
prepare for war if you want to keep the peace.
outerra is armed ,,,, that is a good start to the year.
WIP relaxing while driving in the night & listening to good music
(https://i.postimg.cc/wx28mvNG/WIP-relax.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HjrhGTBw)
massive firepower ! not sure outerra can handle that much
meanwhile I enjoy having a riverparty, meeting with good friends and listening to my new car radio =D (coming soon)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fyfMJr2F/riverparty.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/p5rwSqtY)
(https://i.postimg.cc/QC3XN3b1/riverparty2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/8JZ8wxxz)
Driving cars with new external cameras and onboard "car radio" ...well for now just "music player" (plays from a playlist of music files that you just drop in a folder) is a totally different experience ...working to make it easy to attach the music/sound player to any vehicle (or plane or boat). In fact you can play any sound...for instance radio chatter...police siren or ambient sounds...to your liking ...just drop the sound files in the apropriate folder :) ...coming soon
(https://i.postimg.cc/QdxqSmB3/screen-1610826786.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/GHVYmkJ7)
Is it positional, or just direct stereo... or either?
well...in outerra to get directional sound (so that you can localize the source in outerra by listening) the soundfile needs to be mono. So the file you drop into the music folder needs to be converted to mono first...not difficult as there are fast & free online conversion websites ...like this one https://online-audio-converter.com/it/ Effectively however since I place two sources inside the car , considering the binaural audio of outerra, you don't notice that much that its mono...actually it sounds allmost like stereo...and in any case it sounds great enough inside the car...and as well also outside...with realistic volumes inside/outside and as you open the car windows...in short its a full simulation of a car casette player in an outerra car. Also by closing windows you will attenuate outside ambient sounds. As the sound is emitted inside the game world (not by an external player) the soundvolume changes with distance from the car as in real life..which is a really nice effect...as the music is effectively INSIDE outerra. So you can park simultaneously different cars in different places with windows open, each playing its own music and pumping up the volume :D Real stereo or surround sound would also be possible but not now..for that you'd need to split the soundfile into the different channels..etc..etc...and place them as separate sources in outerra...not worth the effort..its enough fun already like it is now
Wow, I wasn't expecting you to get sound changes between an open and closed car.
Then again I guess I knew that was already a thing in the tatra/others. (at least by volume, don't know about distortion)
Speaking of a similar quirk, I've long known that unfortunately the tatra's headlights are dimmed by like half or more by its windshield. =|
...Speaking of a similar quirk, I've long known that unfortunately the tatra's headlights are dimmed by like half or more by its windshield. =|
what you mean ? the headlights are not intense enough ? If so you can increase their intensity by changing this line of code
var fp = {size:0.1, angle:54, edge:0.08, fadeout:0.2, range:50}; --> change to var fp = {size:0.1, angle:54, edge:0.08, fadeout:0.2, range:100}; or var fp = {size:0.1, angle:54, edge:0.08, fadeout:0.2, range:150};
this.add_spot_light({x:-0.93,y:4.58,z:1.38}, {y:1}, fp);
this.add_spot_light({x:0.93,y:4.58,z:1.38}, {y:1}, fp);
I mean, maybe, but if you look through the windshield from the driver seat vs seeing the headlight flood from outside, particularly before it's reached full night, the light is almost completely invisible during this period inside the vehicle vs out - so this period before the darkest hours is hard to drive in from the driver's seat. The windshield darkens the entire environment like it's a darkened window (slightly).
I also noticed (though I haven't actually tested to see if this is another quirk because of the windshield, or just the lighting), headlights on can at times light up the entirety of visible water surface (outside of the beam) to practically the brightness of daytime, though sometimes the water can have daytime shinyness at inappropriate times of night anyways. (no visible moon either).
The fog (not talking about the clouds) at night likes to glow white excessively in deep evenings too sometimes, far too late, (and in fully cloudy weather) kind of like light pollution, but far too much, and anywhere.
Also the unfortunate shimmering line on edges due to clouds behind surface objects/ground is really ugly, particularly in the red evenings/mornings.
OK I now see what you mean....about the excessive glow of illuminated scenery it actually is an issue common to all outerra lights, unless you do a light intensity correction that takes into account the sun position, and eventually even cloud coverage etc...unfortunately outerra's default light intensity seems not optimised to shine "correctly" in all "daytime" conditions and correcting it is not easy.
how releaxing, just driving around in some beautiful landscape (here sardinia, italy "gennargentu" mountain, winter) listening to music and exploring the unknown :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/k4tW9Dn7/travel0.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/1ns8rmnd)
(https://i.postimg.cc/QCG1Mst1/travel1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vghcPJ5Z)
(https://i.postimg.cc/4y6t7M7M/travel2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Zvq0XwLF)
nice :)
very good pictures fly
Turkey, border with Iran and Armenia
Mount Ararat
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50860223063_07a8a761f5_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kukWnD)Mount Ararat (https://flic.kr/p/2kukWnD) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
hey ! Got a new idea ! I will take these great "photos" of yours as screen-background :)
(maybe you can sell them as such or as screensaver :D ...those that look almost real I mean)
jejeje.. We will have to speak with Cameni first, to see if we can reach a commercial agreement. :)
continuing with my sardinia winter tour with the new Legran.. .snow always gives a touch of magic and great realism
(https://i.postimg.cc/02zWNgvQ/sardina2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gnPqMTnF)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DfjpFvtH/sardinia1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hhm11B41)
First webradio livestream connection in outerra ... its like a Marconi experience :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/KjmWHDvC/webradio.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/njwTs7m1)
Slowly getting a grip on windows sound API to control webradio music volume (from inside outerra, using outerra keys)....WIP
(https://i.postimg.cc/sx0XGpPk/coding.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/JHZm9H2x)
today's progress with ingame webradio streaming ...WIP
station info & audiostream addresses manually pooled into my database from http://worldradiomap.com/
for today 24 stations...uff
(https://i.postimg.cc/DywYKrtF/webradio-WIP.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/8sxbR6pn)
var stationsList =
{"version" : "1", "source" : {"URL" : "http://worldradiomap.com/" },
"resource1" : {"URL" : "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/search.html"},
"resource2" : {"URL": "https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/#"},
"stations" : [
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "national" , "name" : "NPR News - National Public Radio", "URL" : "http://npr-ice.streamguys1.com/live.mp3.m3u", "LAT" : "USA" , "LON" : "USA" , "RANGE" : "USA"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "FOX News Radio - USA", "URL" : "http://streaming-ent.shoutcast.com/foxnews" , "LAT" : "USA" , "LON" : "USA" , "RANGE" : "USA"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "New York" ,"name" : "WKTU 103.5 FM KTU - New York City" , "URL" : "http://stream.revma.ihrhls.com/zc1473.m3u" , "LAT" : "40.712776", "LON" : "-74.005974" , "RANGE" :"200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Boston" ,"name" : "WZLX Classic Rock 100.7 FM - Boston, MA" , "URL": "http://stream.revma.ihrhls.com/zc7730.m3u" , "LAT" : "42.360081" , "LON" : "-71.058884" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Chicago" ,"name" : "WMVP 1000 AM - ESPN Chicago ", "URL" : "http://live.wostreaming.net/playlist/goodkarma-wmvpammp3-ibc1.m3u" , "LAT": "42.360081" , "LON" : "-71.058884" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Fort Worth" ,"name" : "WBAP News Talk 820 AM - Fort Worth, TX" , "URL": "http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/pls/WBAPAM.pls" ,"LAT": "32.753177" , "LON" : "-97.3327459" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Tampa" ,"name" : "WPBB The Shark 98.7 FM - Tampa, FL" , "URL" : "http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/pls/WPBBFM.pls" ,"LAT": "27.9477595" , "LON" : "-82.458444" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Fargo" ,"name" : "KVOX Froggy 99.9 FM - Fargo, ND" , "URL" : "http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/pls/KVOXFM.pls" ,"LAT": "46.877229" , "LON" : "-96.789821", "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Denver" ,"name" : "KYGO 98.5 FM - Denver's #1 for New" , "URL" : "http://playerservices.streamtheworld.com/pls/KYGOFM.pls" ,"LAT": "39.7392364" , "LON" : "-104.9848623" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Seattle" ,"name" : "KJR The Jet 95.7 FM - Seattle, WA" , "URL": "http://stream.revma.ihrhls.com/zc2569" ,"LAT": "..." , "LON" : "..." , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "Los Angeles" ,"name" : "KIIS FM 102.7 - Los Angeles, CA" , "URL" : "http://stream.revma.ihrhls.com/zc185","LAT": "..." , "LON" : "..." , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "USA" , "city" : "San Mateo" ,"name" : "KCSM Jazz 91.1 FM - San Mateo, CA" , "URL" : "http://ice5.securenetsystems.net/KCSM","LAT": "..." , "LON" : "..." , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "Canada" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "CBC Music - Canada (Eastern time zone)" , "URL" : "http://cbcmp3.ic.llnwd.net/stream/cbcmp3_cbc_r2_wpg","LAT": "Canada" , "LON" : "Canada" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "Canada" , "city" : "Toronto" ,"name" : "CFMJ Global News 640 AM - Toronto, ON" , "URL" : "http://live.leanstream.co/CFMJAM-MP3","LAT": "43.6534817" , "LON" : "-79.3839347" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "Canada" , "city" : "Halifax" ,"name" : "CFEP 105.9 Seaside FM - Halifax, NS" , "URL" : "http://cassini.shoutca.st:8215/stream","LAT": "44.648618" , "LON" : "-63.5859487" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "Canada" , "city" : "Winnipeg" ,"name" : "CJGV Peggy 99.1 FM - Winnipeg, MB" , "URL" : "http://live.leanstream.co/CJGVFM-MP3","LAT": "49.8955367" , "LON" : "-97.1384584" , "RANGE" : "200"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "Rai Radio 1 - Italia" , "URL" : "http://icestreaming.rai.it/1.mp3.m3u","LAT": "national" , "LON" : "national" , "RANGE" :"national"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "Rai Radio 2 - Italia" , "URL" : "http://icestreaming.rai.it/2.mp3.m3u","LAT": "national" , "LON" : "national" , "RANGE" :"national"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "Rai Radio 3 - Italia" , "URL" : "http://icestreaming.rai.it/3.mp3.m3u","LAT": "national" , "LON" : "national" , "RANGE" :"national"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "Rai Gr Parlamento - Italia" , "URL" : "http://icestreaming.rai.it/7.mp3.m3u","LAT": "national" , "LON" : "national" , "RANGE" :"national"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "national" ,"name" : "Radio 24 - Italia" , "URL" : "http://shoutcast2.radio24.ilsole24ore.com:8000/listen.pls","LAT": "national" , "LON" : "national" , "RANGE" :"national"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "Milano" ,"name" : "R101 - Milano, Italia" , "URL" : "http://icecast.unitedradio.it/r101","LAT": "45.4668" , "LON" : "9.1905" , "RANGE" :"400"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "Milano" ,"name" : "Radio 105 - Milano, Italia" , "URL" : "http://icy.unitedradio.it/Radio105.mp3","LAT": "45.4668" , "LON" : "9.1905" , "RANGE" :"400"},
{"country" : "Italy" , "city" : "Milano" ,"name" : "RDS - Radio Dimensione Suono" , "URL" : "https://icstream.rds.radio/rds.m3u","LAT": "national" , "LON" : "national" , "RANGE" :"400"}
just relaxing and listening to radio while driving or in the woods :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/yxq8TLqH/webradio2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Pp4HXzr3)
(https://i.postimg.cc/KvPR0hvs/webradio.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/KRYGYVTn)
oh yeah !! live airtraffic control chatter can be streamed into outerra ! Here JFK airport tower 1 :) :) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/pXsxPKRx/ATC-yipee.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Czn9NBR6)
(https://i.postimg.cc/VsRPFXSM/ATC2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LhnW9Y36)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50895290737_6ee04468e9_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kxrELH)Aiguille du Midi (https://flic.kr/p/2kxrELH) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
(https://i.postimg.cc/NLqMtNFf/NAPULE.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dZ6vmjGz)
european cities (wuerzburg, germany) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DwpHPn5L/wuerzburg.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/21v0zpsS)
european cities: Bratislava , the home of outerra :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/mDTZqKPb/bratislava.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hJ3qQy8w)
nice photos.
following the fly77 route
wuerzburg is a beautiful city, with centuries of BC history. he has seen the sequences of humanity pass through the centuries.
At the end of World War II it was fiercely bombed and unique buildings were destroyed ,,, of the Middle Ages and the Baroque ,,, a loss for humanity and for future generations were irreversibly destroyed.
A really nice setting.
choose between Asphalt Road / Original material + Lead-In
:)) good choice !
That's good piloting skills
Came across this fantastic free online deep AI website
become a famous painter with a mouse-click , using outerra landscapes and deep AI :) :)
input image:
(https://i.postimg.cc/Kjxq35w0/screen-1612562195.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xJpyWL0m)
style image:
(https://i.postimg.cc/2bS7c0fm/cubismo-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2bS7c0fm)
deep AI style transfer result:
(https://i.postimg.cc/Ty9cJZFC/output3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Ty9cJZFC)
Or van gogh style
(https://i.postimg.cc/Vsg4Hn3c/napule-Deep-AI.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Perú - Pacobamba
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50926938577_8153612993_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kAeSz8)Pacobamba (https://flic.kr/p/2kAeSz8) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
Precision strikes on bridges with my new stabilized mig29 missile targeting view ...someone builds bridges ;) ...someone blows them up 8) =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/SKwDtvCT/bridge-bombing.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/1grG8MWw)
don't worry ...won't kill anybody ;)
rather I need to be careful ...otherwise its me that will get killed
(https://i.postimg.cc/Xv1v5XpF/screen-1613071697.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/67RwJWV5)
Adding free moving "cockpit" camera and "forward observer" for calling-in missile strikes for mig29
(https://i.postimg.cc/13fZHRnS/new-micg-cockpit-camera.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nXb5VJGS)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d1mM1LX2/free-moving-camera.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N9MCCfQF)
(https://i.postimg.cc/V6cQmj7s/fowrad-observer.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wtFbks8n)
stations selection menu for my worldradio mod ..work in progress
(https://i.postimg.cc/bvTH8bG2/Menu.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Select live air-traffic-controller audiostreams (from https://www.liveatc.net/) by country and airport (WIP :) )
(https://i.postimg.cc/fbkrMx4r/liveATC2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
bombers beware ! ....deadly AA fire ! .... now try to attack that base again ! =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/yN7sMxrk/deadly-AAguns.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmcw8WvH)
Damn, those live-steams of air-traffic-controll are a perfect idea !
Radioactive 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/pXZ7vFJb/radioactive.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nCXTYMW0)
interlaken airport .. nice photo ,, I'll keep it in mind ,,,, I like it :)
I was able to make the radio work, I don't know why?
:) which radio ?
I was able to make the radio work, I don't know why?
I have not released that radio...how comes this ? special links to "god" ?? if so ..you're a lucky man ::)
:o Isn't it the same as the one in the car? ::) 8) =D
well..no.. the one on the car uses preloaded music-files, not livestream webradios.
I'm curious. Is TitanIM still active?
heavy flak fire in outerra...possible ! 8)
(https://i.postimg.cc/TwczGYbP/flak1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BLXYB3MW)
(https://i.postimg.cc/SRNwKFLf/flak2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/cg2DDzbv)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ydKMwSk5/flak3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bG6Vnr0H)
(https://i.postimg.cc/xdLrxPTM/flak4.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/v18SDfnZ)
the Mig29 will have to be equipped with countermeasures
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51012269443_a605ec32f6_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kHMdsX)Chad - África (https://flic.kr/p/2kHMdsX) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
great shot ;)
After having accidentally deleted my last version of the radio I need to redo some of the lost work :'(
After a bad day (same as weather) its better to listen to some good music.
Aix-les-Bains (France)
(https://i.postimg.cc/8C7yQGWQ/Aix-les-bains.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zL1wK900)
I have been trying for years to find the formula that explains why I coincide in a difficult intersection with someone? ,,, which also entails a cut-off point between trajectories.
So far I have discovered two ..
-the first is the law of universal attraction.
-the second .. providence.
Welcome to the world of the inexplicable, you have erased something that your conscious did not want to do but your subconscious did.
surely when you redo it, it will be better than the above because you will already know how to do it.
If you smile, it passes me by
incredible....you guessed it. ..I indeed now know how to make it much better ....maybe I should thank this mistake :)
while waiting to resume the radio mod, made progress on modular (gameob) active equipment that can be mounted on any vehicle or boat...provided that the 3D model file is available.
(https://i.postimg.cc/bNk1V70r/launcher1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/QHNBHnyZ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/wjzLCwFV/launcher2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2VH1vFsb)
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3mtrjds/launcher3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hQvBqxp6)
as always magnificent ,,, great job ,, well done ... you learn while having fun ..
thank you very much friend .. waiting for this new merchandise.
improved missile & made it showing up in flight ... and managed to catch it on the shots. =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/tCJ1f09j/missile.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YhcqGs4n)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2j2b2jRG/missile2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yW38NHN3)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Fs6fXPKJ/missile3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jLzqz4Ps)
great .... bravo..well done. :)
hunted by SAMs =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/HxvCWq4C/SAM2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2bWt2XKH)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fLRNNzdK/sam3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jWm96rZw)
and if we put flares on the mig ??? ^-^
and if we put flares on the mig ??? ^-^
if its just "for decoration" its easy, but for the flares to actually deflect the missile for now I don't know how to achieve this. For now the missile can track just one target and thats the players position in the plane.
something new: procedural building generation (enterable + destructible + have collision) :)
Just three basic wall elements and few lines of code needed to create any kind of box building
nlast = createWallX(this.geom, sidewaysX, sidewaysY, up , elw, elh , this.quat, nlast); // create two parallel walls long X
nlast = createWallY(this.geom, sidewaysX, sidewaysY, up , elw, elh , this.quat90, nlast);// create two perpendicular walls long Y
nlast = createRoofX(this.geom, sidewaysX, sidewaysYroof, up , elw, elh , sidewaysYroofOff, this.quatRoof, nlast) ; // create roof
Also of course we can copy paste and combine these buildings manually to create more variations.
next step: ..procedural stuffing with furniture ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2806MXLn/procedural-houses.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2VBrBGw5)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fbxWMwRS/remix.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xk1VRVH9)
(https://i.postimg.cc/g250kXDJ/proc2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zyCNxf4Z)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3Nw3jmC2/swat.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/hzHFcJYG)
I had a thought about that ... in terms of soviet hi-buildings ... but wanted to try different interior layouts, 1-2-3 room homes and variety of both wall textures and stuff inside ... all based on also of generated layout of witch room is what, like the kitchen etc. .... it needs all the combinations being modeled with the exterior structure and staircase rooms done, on a single store level, to have a ability to make different heights of buildings as well ... but it be just a soviet hi-building of one type .... there are three main types, so if all be able to be done, it be nice. If it would work, I guess some way to do so for single-family homes of various architecture could be done. If main sizes of the component be also the same and exterior parts fit automatically to the layout properly witch roofing, one could just add new rooms, walls, textures and interior stuff into the tray from witch the script takes them and it all would grow to be a really powerful building generator ...
I had a thought about that ... in terms of soviet hi-buildings ... but wanted to try different interior layouts, 1-2-3 room homes and variety of both wall textures and stuff inside ... all based on also of generated layout of witch room is what, like the kitchen etc. .... it needs all the combinations being modeled with the exterior structure and staircase rooms done, on a single store level, to have a ability to make different heights of buildings as well ... but it be just a soviet hi-building of one type .... there are three main types, so if all be able to be done, it be nice. If it would work, I guess some way to do so for single-family homes of various architecture could be done. If main sizes of the component be also the same and exterior parts fit automatically to the layout properly witch roofing, one could just add new rooms, walls, textures and interior stuff into the tray from witch the script takes them and it all would grow to be a really powerful building generator ...
Interesting. For now I am just creating an empty box with floors and roof. Probably each single "box" should be a room, so that each can be done separately with typical wall and furniture elements.
Stairways probably should also be generated as separate boxes.
And then several such boxes could be created nearby to create a floor-layout.
About furniture placement it must not be placed randomly inside the boxes. How to place them reasonably is not clear yet to me but one idea is that wall elements come ready with attached cupboards,desks and ceiling elements with attached lamps, floor elements with attached tables.
Do you have any assets ? (furniture ? )
Testplaying my fighterjet bombing "minigame" against SAM defended targets :) :) :)
home base
(https://i.postimg.cc/3rZcy7fP/base.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/3WdBVMTB)
target marker & destructible target procedural buildings and AI SAMs
(https://i.postimg.cc/vHHSfjpD/target.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/MXND8sZ8)
Dodging AI SAMs
(https://i.postimg.cc/TwM4bP6X/combat.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qtwwV4qm)
target hit
(https://i.postimg.cc/rpc4t6PP/target-hit.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmGrgSxf)
target destroyed
(https://i.postimg.cc/0yzWHS5s/target-destroyed.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/G41x4Hs7)
back to base after sucessfull mission
(https://i.postimg.cc/C1G6sVhn/backtobase.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xJdR9hb9)
But it doesn't always end that well =|
(https://i.postimg.cc/Qt7V60wT/splash.png) (https://postimages.org/)
sounds like fun ... great things await us
sounds like fun ... great things await us
it is indeed. It seems I am on the right way to make a game for outerra :)
fighterjet bombing game progress report:
Adding main menu , showing target map and list of targets reporting their damage state (WIP)
(https://i.postimg.cc/sX98L7Rw/screen-1617478964.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xJ8tJk8z)
this is taking shape. :) brilliant
modern art =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/qMdjLZY8/modern-art.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/F1DyFGhR)
fighterjet bombing game progress report:
Not a good day for combat today =| ..just trying to figure out which missiles shoot me down most =D (WIP)
(https://i.postimg.cc/B6W1Fr81/bad-day.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/nskzbwGH)
Improved targeting gunsight for mig29 (WIP)
(https://i.postimg.cc/wvbbsYLd/HUD.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TLgcZStk)
well done fly77. . . you outdo yourself day after day ... I think you'll get that Mig29 to pull his teeth out.
thanks !
Trying to get it also into the cockpit (WIP) ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/SxTCW6Dc/screen-1618212539.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmjmvFNd)
Finally got my mig HUD working both in cockpit and in ground targeting sight :) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/3RRHLGX2/HUD2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/v1pjTcSm)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CK2vgfyG/zoom.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Lqzkk585)
magnificent. great job....
I was wondering if you can include that data that you have added to the HUD in the MFD screen? it's complicated ?
thank you very much fly
I was wondering if you can include that data that you have added to the HUD in the MFS screen? it's complicated ?
What you mean by MFS screen ?
Which data you would like to see where ?
.. corrected :) " Head Down Display (HDD)"
(https://i.ibb.co/j8DMc1z/MFD.jpg) (https://imgbb.com/)
MFD.. corrected :)
seems MFD screen is used for radar...radar will come in a future update (not this one) ....I can try to see if I can replicate the HUD (just for better visibility than on glass) but i doubt that it will work, since I used a trick which works with the transparent HUD but will look very bad on normal (nontransparent) display such as the MFD
I put MFD on but I wasn't thinking in Russian I was referring to Head Down Display (HDD). :)
fly..that you have put on the radar looks great ,, someone had worked something on the radar, but thought it had been forgotten.
I leave a link to the Mig29 manual in case it is of interest.
thanks for the mig manual..good source of inspiration.
About HDD I fear it will have to wait. we're used to waiting in outerra.
And we're also used that waiting is worth while :)
take your time ... here time is relative, nobody knows if it goes fast or slow ... here the V = e
use the migs' autopilot to enjoy flying multiple migs (formation flight training) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MTzL8SC0/flytogether1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HJPzQfsj)
(https://i.postimg.cc/0QZBk4vT/flytogether2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/phhZkqpC)
(https://i.postimg.cc/W4GyK3Hb/flytogether3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zLfpHJN9)
llooks good .. a question fly
Is it very difficult for one of the planes to follow the other automatically? ....., if I turn the plane .. he turns too ,, if I accelerate .... he also accelerates-- ,, it is as if was one hooked to the other in all movements .. is that possible to fly in formation ??
llooks good .. a question fly
Is it very difficult for one of the planes to follow the other automatically? ....., if I turn the plane .. he turns too ,, if I accelerate .... he also accelerates-- ,, it is as if was one hooked to the other in all movements .. is that possible to fly in formation ??
Actually I was starting to think to make AI planes now. Once that works it could get its flight controls by copying those of the player for
instance ..or similar. Should be possible. Going to try it ;)
mig29: I added also speed-hold and altitude-hold autopilot (makes it easy to set up a formation)....enjoying truely immersive flying :):)
next step: spawn a formation automatically without having to spawn each plane individually and ligning them up.
(https://i.postimg.cc/SRsrwVvS/formation1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/34smGjhV)
(https://i.postimg.cc/7PsXg85f/formation2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w3Nhprcp)
(https://i.postimg.cc/kGpc980x/formation3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/64CRf753)
YES ! ...autospawning of formations is possible...now I'll need to get remote flight-controls over the formation from the players cockpit ;)
(https://i.postimg.cc/j2PLs3S6/formation-aerobatic.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZvYTHc30)
(https://i.postimg.cc/8kRpz6bb/screen-1619878665.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/F1K5P18f)
jump !
(https://i.postimg.cc/MpTdNKqQ/screen-1620250490.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9r6dq24m)
trying to fis some bugs
(https://i.postimg.cc/Hx5DkGxz/screen-1621028437.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gXYBgT3L)
added heading autopilot and random maneuvering. So you're no loner alone in the skies ^-^
(https://i.postimg.cc/fbdrBCsr/screen-1622236404.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/f3wCbxJc)
this seems important .. but i don't see the images
maybe now
We are going to ask who does not see it, in case the problem is mine.
intelligent formation flight : collision avoidance !
(https://i.postimg.cc/FRdwdDMH/screen-1622301718.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LYSxGB4c)
assigning roles to AI formation pilots
(https://i.postimg.cc/fTCCNp9p/roles.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ykJchfny)
"leader" now indeed leading the formation (for now just following a random flightpath) ...still need to find a way to avoid "slowly dispersing" the formation ...anyway flying with the formation is an absolute joy ! :) :) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/jqwBRzQt/leader2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rzTfJRPP)
...and I want this ! :D
cool. that each formation has a key assigned and seeing how the planes fold back is wonderful ,,,
uff ! My brain undergoing heavy "neural network training" to keep those migs flying in formation....and this just for flying straight !
(https://i.postimg.cc/HkCMvjy4/my-Neural-Net.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mt8htLVt)
If the first person pilots the mig, they must do it as a master and the rest of the mig as slaves ... it would be like having a reference. Andfly must have the password or maybe it could help you ,, when I added birds, it followed the main camera ,, but it did not do it abruptly,, you walked away and the birds came to you, .. surely Andfly will help you, tell them.
greetings ...
If the first person pilots the mig, they must do it as a master and the rest of the mig as slaves ... it would be like having a reference. Andfly must have the password or maybe it could help you ,, when I added birds, it followed the main camera ,, but it did not do it abruptly,, you walked away and the birds came to you, .. surely Andfly will help you, tell them.
greetings ...
Actually I don't want the player to be the leader of the formation, but just join a formation that already is flying, so that he need to learn how to stay in formation.
Having all other follow you of course is also possible but in my opinion is less interesting.
In both cases the followers need to have AI to steer apropriately by applying jsbsim commands.
I need to have a look at how the "Environment" of andfly controls jsbsim birds. It can be of insipration but not necessarily solve all issues as here we are flying at much higher speeds.
we will be attentive to your progress ..
actually I think I will release a preliminary version, even if it does not what I finally want (that is: holding together reliably formations)
but still can allow you to fly together with a number of migs that "tend" to fly together - allthough without much discipline (eventually not following their leader)
So I even will not indicate who is the leader...and let you guess who is boss and who needs to be punished :D
perphaps the partly random flight choices of the formation members can make it actually more interesting and fun
(https://i.postimg.cc/g0Wtbc3p/screen-1623940023.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/NKdk1cNC)
let's switch on the lights !
(https://i.postimg.cc/c4jVBQgC/nightflying.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SJ6TyYGb)
OK ...formation flying now is good enough even if it doesn't really keep a given configuration for long..but still planes fly together and tend to rejoin. ..also added some cool "collision evading maneuvers" (planes that risk a collision exit the formation to the bottom or to the top)
Unfortunately all this tweaking somehow broke the missile targeting..so I'll have to find where I broke it =|
(https://i.postimg.cc/zBPnQmb1/goodenough.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/62n27mfH)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51261803287_f959916571_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2m6Q9bB)Región de Aysén-Chile (https://flic.kr/p/2m6Q9bB) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
looks a like a cool fresh place for holidays to escape when cities are smoldering in the heat :)
:) gracias
I think I should release my train loko ..its probably fun enough to drive , so that you guys will start laying down rails anyway
(https://i.postimg.cc/BQyNnwfG/screen-1634061695.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/6yrCHcQH)
fantastic ,, I would love to try your work on the train ,, I am already imagining a wester movie ,,
in this project, several trains could be linked ...? I do not remember ??
great ! knowing that somebody is willing to do the hard work of railroad worker encourages me to do the final polishing before release.
You can attach train carriages...yes
Hello :)
Here are some screenshots with multiple shaders enabled in reshade - for additional realism:
nice !
I love this one most: looks very real :)
Yeah I definitely like the look of forests with all the tweaks I've made:
Looks kind of legit Aerial-wise, too:
A good camera position for flying with the mig squadron is the mig nose
(https://i.postimg.cc/Dw9PLv0n/nose1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/68hZNNCm)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Gm8j48cX/nose3.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rDT4bpR4)
there are times where you want to sloooow down. In these occasions a good idea is to pick a boat and look at the world from the river perspective..slowly floating with the water.
(https://i.postimg.cc/7692bDjH/riverperspective.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qhtR5fkS)
nice :)
true .. it is very enjoyable .... just watching how time passes inside outerra.
the only thing missing is some natural life around it, random, spontaneous, with a life of its own ... it would be like having a TV channel in your living room.
fly ,, I think that at least you and I are trapped in outerra. ,, Maybe we can no longer disengage ,,, have you thought about it?
"...Maybe we can no longer disengage ,,, have you thought about it? "
Lol !
Yes ! I think it is very true. And I think its not just us two ! Outerra is so unique of a creature .
Even if I don't have time now to concentrate on outerra it is constantly in my mind and my plan is to "dive in" again as soon as I free myself from the numerous burdens of real life that seem to accumulate all at once. Meanwhile it is a fantastic and unique way to escape when I feel the need to take a break.
Yes; we miss lifeforms in outerra...at least it would be cool if the birds of andfly and my cows could be spawned automatically allover the world. For my cows I often thought about it. For now I haven't come up with a solution. Also I fear it could make outerra crash if we have millions of cows spread allover the world. :))
lets see..maybe its not true. Surely if we get a new update (which it looks will not be very soon) I expect that AI lifeforms should be part of it.
keep up with your creative outerra videos ! I admire your incredible constancy...you are for sure the oldest of all outerra veterans around now. ;) And I am sure we will be here for a long time..
Saludos ! un amigo! :)
Lava snow =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/QMtCHd7D/lava-snow.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CR3S2YJr)
magnificent,, we will be attentive
what looks small from a distance not neccesarily is small =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/W3ghttyt/screen-1643781856.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/k6MnpMqd)
not all creatures are born equal =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/B6djNHrq/screen-1643835679.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Hc9WkcWK)
it has a certain resemblance to an igloo :)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51857600172_5f911ee36f_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2n1tKQG)iglú (https://flic.kr/p/2n1tKQG) by (https://www.flickr.com/photos/awac9/), en Flickr
No iglu in outerra but a I found some big "beans" in the woods :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/RhDTPZw1/screen-1644702862.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Mf1RHxPX)
(https://i.postimg.cc/sDpFNMnD/screen-1644705526.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/6y517pJD)
and not just beans =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/j5qw8MG6/screen-1644742254.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TyS31J2h)
huh ! Snowball in space == comet =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/JhZxmMcQ/screen-1644753859.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/B8ZHBWz8)
fly, I have to confirm that the fireball does not serve us as a meteorite model... I launched it on the ISS station, but it must have a secret weapon, a shield, something that prevents it from impacting...
With so much experiment, we are going to fill the orbit of the ISS with space junk
fly, I have to confirm that the fireball does not serve us as a meteorite model... I launched it on the ISS station, but it must have a secret weapon, a shield, something that prevents it from impacting...
With so much experiment, we are going to fill the orbit of the ISS with space junk
one more piece of space-junk in orbit now ...ISS beware ! =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/FsHPMYWb/screen-1644774772.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bd4Hbwjd)
$$$ Money money money ! $$$
(https://i.postimg.cc/V5yHP87y/screen-1644791462.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N24xRWqb)
By carefully rolling into water it appears its possible to violate Archimedes law , not get its feet wet and not getting dissolved =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/hvWBNgnx/screen-1645050079.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WFnCJBhb)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZR3k8gNq/screen-1645050938.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/tZXmyB20)
can you deform the ball so that 89% is submerged and 11% on the surface?
If you can do that, then we already have an iceberg in Outer.
"cubesat" satellite radio ??
(https://i.postimg.cc/KcpPWmnq/screen-1647640558.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LhfgYKQL)
money, money ..money everywhere =D
(https://i.postimg.cc/g2mNrG73/screen-1649159124.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/6ybdmxtQ)
rolling uphill
(https://i.postimg.cc/d0BLYkNZ/screen-1649247041.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/VSJY968z)
playing with triggers: spawning Dinos and deers and altering fog/suncolor/scattering when approaching my "Jurassic zone"
(https://i.postimg.cc/GmPsMtZj/screen-1657823755.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/w1vvMqxt)
There must have been a lot of humidity and a lot of fog, the trees were gigantic, everything there was huge...
but such a reddish color, it seems just after the impact of a meteorite and the subsequent extinction of the dinosaurs.
:) I like the idea,,,
procedural corn density test: 30-40 fps (that's about the limit density..note corn has optimized LODs)
(https://i.postimg.cc/PJfztjqL/screen-1659549809.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jw9JXBPK)
the easy customizability of "empties" makes it really easy to get some nice sceneries...will just need to do some masking so that plants and animals are not spawned in water or snow or on roads or above some altitude + find a way to apply regional masking....forest mask would also be useful but its not currently accessible in the API
(https://i.postimg.cc/7LFq8HmV/screen-1659555766.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/v1tJ5sRg)
how addicting is procedural ! :))
(https://i.postimg.cc/C52B6n9M/screen-1659906717.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/vxWZ4TQC)
That is too much fun ! Two of my new "spawnable cows" (see mod release update) now fit into ProfPinheads Gavril mod (see his release today)
:) :)
Trying to bring them both safely to destination
(https://i.postimg.cc/RhbjCCFC/screen-1666328878.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/m1Cd8sCK)
Well, I had problems with the weight, I think your oil drums are empty. :D
that's crazy fun ! =D =D =D
I don't know what happened with the two barrels.. 1 barrel OK ...2 barrels not ? maybe if a barrel stays still for too long it freezes into place...try throwing 2 barrels into the car and immediately drive (never use the editor to place barrels ! barrels placed by editor are frozen into place (static) )
About the cow: it appears I need to make it more "instable"...too easy to transport right now ! =D
procedural fish mod ...starting with small tropical fish ....free 3D models from turbosquid
(https://i.postimg.cc/FK1j9FnV/screen-1670965146.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/qtVtwrrN)
Let's begin year 2023 with fishing in outerra world sandbox (mod) :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/C5df525f/screen-1672670420.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/zHZfP0nJ)
(https://i.postimg.cc/VN1rnv5w/fishpond1.png) (https://postimg.cc/CRPxVFjr)
(https://i.postimg.cc/90qFvHz1/fishpond2.png) (https://postimg.cc/7Jwk2c3T)
Hello, guys :)
Here is an album of my ~4000km journey(Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran) in Outerra:
https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc (https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc)
How long did it take you to make that journey?
When Outerra has the train tracks, I plan to do the Trans-Siberian and Trans-Canada.
How long did it take you to make that journey?
When Outerra has the train tracks, I plan to do the Trans-Siberian and Trans-Canada.
This travel took maybe a week of a outerra world time(skipping nights) and a month of real, playing on the evenings for a 3-4 hours.
Hello, guys :)
Here is an album of my ~4000km journey(Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran) in Outerra:
https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc (https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc)
wow ! that (reshade) looks absolutely real !
Hello, guys :)
Here is an album of my ~4000km journey(Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran) in Outerra:
https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc (https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc)
wow ! that (reshade) looks absolutely real !
Unfortunately, this is just photoshop(film emulation lut, some grain and vignette). I wish I had an option to apply 3D Lut to the game's screen, but the only way I know(DWMLut app) not working with Outerra. There is only one thing left - to enjoy a virtual film photos :)
Hello, guys :)
Here is an album of my ~4000km journey(Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran) in Outerra:
https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc (https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc)
wow ! that (reshade) looks absolutely real !
Unfortunately, this is just photoshop(film emulation lut, some grain and vignette). I wish I had an option to apply 3D Lut to the game's screen, but the only way I know(DWMLut app) not working with Outerra. There is only one thing left - to enjoy a virtual film photos :)
why don't you use "reshade" ? it has most of those features and works with outerra (photograin, crhomatic aberration, film filters ...etc)
Hello, guys :)
Here is an album of my ~4000km journey(Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran) in Outerra:
https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc (https://ibb.co/album/vxKX74?sort=date_asc)
wow ! that (reshade) looks absolutely real !
Unfortunately, this is just photoshop(film emulation lut, some grain and vignette). I wish I had an option to apply 3D Lut to the game's screen, but the only way I know(DWMLut app) not working with Outerra. There is only one thing left - to enjoy a virtual film photos :)
why don't you use "reshade" ? it has most of those features and works with outerra (photograin, crhomatic aberration, film filters ...etc)
Oh, hank you so much! I do not even knew till today that Reshade is unversal and can be used with any game :)
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53723219462_c063f3cfcf_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2pRkxsw)yuanyang 01 China (https://flic.kr/p/2pRkxsw) (https://www.flickr.com/photos//),
why don't you use "reshade" ? it has most of those features and works with outerra (photograin, crhomatic aberration, film filters ...etc)
Thank you once again for your advice, I've got fantastic visual boost with Reshade! It's awesome!
Iran, Alborz Mountain Range
https://ibb.co/album/bgSCt9?sort=date_asc (https://ibb.co/album/bgSCt9?sort=date_asc)
fantastic ! great screenshots !
Iranian trip. Final part: Mount Damavand
https://ibb.co/album/K6tr88 (https://ibb.co/album/K6tr88)
magnificent shots..
magnificent shots..
Thank you :)