Outerra forum

Anteworld - Outerra Game => Tech demo, support, updates => Topic started by: sebastian.trzynka on April 27, 2012, 02:00:49 pm

Title: Sound changes to Stereo on Startup
Post by: sebastian.trzynka on April 27, 2012, 02:00:49 pm
i know that sounds are not really implemented but i just wanted to add that my soundcard (Speedlink sl-8866) changes the output from 5.1 to stereo. Is there any value that has to be changed to fix that? Or isn`t it possible at the moment?

And another point: There is an issue with the sound when changing to the menu when im in a plane or whatever creates sound. The sound just repeats quite often and sounds really bad. Is it possible to turn the sounds off when changing to the menu?

Title: Re: Sound changes to Stereo on Startup
Post by: angrypig on April 28, 2012, 03:37:07 am
i know that sounds are not really implemented but i just wanted to add that my soundcard (Speedlink sl-8866) changes the output from 5.1 to stereo. Is there any value that has to be changed to fix that? Or isn`t it possible at the moment?

I don't know how to change it yet but i will try find a solution then we will add it as a option into the config menu.

And another point: There is an issue with the sound when changing to the menu when im in a plane or whatever creates sound. The sound just repeats quite often and sounds really bad. Is it possible to turn the sounds off when changing to the menu?

Yes we know about this issue should be fixed soon.