Outerra forum

Outerra Engine => Technology => Topic started by: Metallica on November 29, 2013, 12:19:39 pm

Title: Home server
Post by: Metallica on November 29, 2013, 12:19:39 pm

 Any ideas or theories what kind of server we will have to have, that it runs some what ok (5-7k players) ? And/or we will be allowed to host our own servers ? 
Title: Re: Home server
Post by: Concussion on December 02, 2013, 08:52:26 am
Well, 5-7k population for a 1-1 earth is quite small...ive got more than that in my county...

Having local servers would seem a lonely endeavor indeed...

Title: Re: Home server
Post by: Metallica on December 02, 2013, 08:55:32 am
Well, 5-7k population for a 1-1 earth is quite small...ive got more than that in my county...

Having local servers would seem a lonely endeavor indeed...

 I would like to know that also :).
Title: Re: Home server
Post by: ZeosPantera on December 02, 2013, 12:17:10 pm
I imagine if you stuck to realistic travel times you could have MULTIPLE servers all hosting different parts of the globe and switching (hopefully seamlessly) so that the arctic circle maybe supports 500 players on one server. All you would need atop that is a communications framework so in-game long range radios work between players and video conferences etc.

If it wasn't location based the server could just grab clusters of players.. So if there is a big city with 1,000 people in it 10 servers just hardcore communicate locations and terrain changes and maybe global voice happens on another one or two.

It is going to require a load of servers to do right. I don't think I want OT servers kickin' around in peoples closets running on 2Mbit internet connections. If it is going to be done. Do it right.
Title: Re: Home server
Post by: PytonPago on December 02, 2013, 01:20:19 pm
The multiple-location based servers is a nice idea ... some terrain/object information synchronization would be maybe needed (changes in server border areas and such ...). An integrated TS2/Mumble plugin could handle the voices. Doe i would not dispatch the local server option (for private local network purposes/simulations) - there could be some way to hold the server consistency  - making the people be placed at certain area, that would by dynamically changing whyte their movements. Just finding a median position between the players and running the server on a 600 km radius from it, whyle anyone getting close to this limit would be informed and showed to change direction towards the median position ( or be kicked horribly :D ). Any information getting outside the border (terrain/obj. changes) would be aether stored in some index way, or lost (may be that it would not be needed in some type of applications). Might be complicated to apply, but would be a quite interesting thing, if the timeline story would need a group of people traveling trough the whole Earth together in a bunch.