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Author Topic: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)  (Read 17907 times)


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Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« on: November 16, 2019, 12:20:38 pm »

With great pleasure I release here my first animated boat.

It has the following features:

- animated oars
 - water spray effects and related water sounds
 - speedboat mode
 - animated character ("mercenary") rowing
 - ability to carry objects (including outerra crates, barrels and any not too heavy vehicle or my wanderer)
 - collides correctly with other boats or objects, including itself
 - multiple boats spawned can be controlled independently from each other (setting up for example a race)
 - sinkeable: sinks when pitch or roll are excessive (experiment by changing wave-state or by ramming it with another boat)
 - can be moored
 - catches fire and eventually sinks when hit by machine gun fire or closeby exploding  bombs or missiles form my Heinkel or abrams tank mods
 - several camera views including a "fly-by" view mode

download from here:


Here is a video showcasing most of its capabilities;  Enjoy ! 

installation: click on self-installing  "OldBoat.otx" file



after spawning the boat you will be in first person view (fps) mode. Note that you'll have your back turned towards the boat front as usual for rowing
Also you will not yet see the "mercenary". As for other vehicles to bring up the "animated driver" you need to exit and re-enter the boat with the
ENTER key. Note that presently when the mercenary is active the only useable camera mode is the "external view" C-key,
the fps view for the "mercenary sitting in reverse direction is "screwed up" and I can't do anything about it so far)

key v: switch between several fps view modes

key c:  external camera view

propulsion and steering:

key W: rowing forward

key R: rowing backward

key A: turn left

key D: turn right

key P: give a single extra forward impulse (useful for docking maneuvers). By pressing repeatedly you can get sort of a speedboat effect, but without motor sound

key O: give a single backward impulse (useful for docking maneuvers). note if you spawn a second boat pressing O will not work 
(don't know why). In this case press CTRL+ALT+R to reinitialize the boat so to get O-key once more functional.

key F: switch on/off speedboat motor. After motor is on by pressing P and O you can increase or decrease motor power. note if you spawn a second boat pressing O motor power
will not decrease (don't know why). In this case press CTRL+ALT+R to reinitialize the boat.

key K: switch on/off mooring

key J: pull the oars in the boat (without mooring): pressing J again will set oars into water again.
(note in case oars start to turn randomly or do not set correctly in the boat press J again or in case press  K to resets the oars correctly)

key CTRL+B: switch on/off autopilot mode. Keeps the boat riding at the set speed, while you still need to control the heading by hand. (no heading control yet, so use it best in open waters)


key L: switch on/off a boat lighting. Note: for a nicer effect you can spawn carefully one of my  "tarmac ligthts" onto the boat (is will be carried along with the boat)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2019, 12:46:26 pm by fly77 »


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2019, 01:07:32 pm »

great ,,, another great contribution.
I think you are a better director than me. >:(


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2019, 01:09:46 pm »

Without your soundtracks not for sure. But in some sense we are a team anyway  ;)  ENJOY !


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2019, 07:07:34 pm »



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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2020, 01:24:26 am »

With great pleasure I here release my boat repair & upgrade of my previous "OldBoat" mod for compatibility with the new outerra version.
Besides repairing some issues it comes with a lot of improvements that make it even more fun to use:

-increased max speed transforming it effectively into a speedboat
-simulated boat inclination when making sharp turns
-improved water spray, including enhanced asymmetric bow wave spray when making sharp turns
-improved sounds
-added autopilot
-added trailer function
-improved and simplified camera system
-added camera zoom
-added label showing status of boat (id, autopilot, sinked)

Download the model from here:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UJgykd0LhStkYgGGBaG7bUldbl7ya3WT?usp=sharing

Download also my fly77-plugin form here 


click on the self-installing OldBoat.otx file
(it will overwrite my previous version of "OldBoat" so you don't have several versions of the boat)

copy the file fly77_plugin.dll into Anteworld/plugins folder. Don't worry if you overwrite any if you have it already. I am constantly updating my plugin so any newer one will be backwards compatible. (The plugin serves to provide additional advanced functionalities to models so it is good that you have it).

Control keys:

W: rowing
S: breaking
A: turn left
D: turn right
F: speedboat motor on
P: increase motor power or when in "motor off mode" give a temporary forward push to the boat (useful for maneuvering)
R: decrease motor power or when in "motor off mode" give a temporary backward push to the boat (useful for maneuvering)
J: pull the oars in the boat (without mooring): pressing J again will set oars into water again.
K: moore boat
CTRL+B: autopilot, sets the autopilot heading to the current heading and maintains the current speed
H: label, press once to show boatd id, press twice to show Autopilot status (on/off and set heading)
L: on-board light

Connect trailer: this key needs to be assigned by you in the outerra control menu: under "ot"  check "show-advanced" and look for  "player/connect-trailer"  , select any key you like.
Once enabled to connect to boats you need to approach the boat you want to connect either from the front or the rear and once you're within a 1 m distance press the "connect-trailer" key just assigned.
Alternatively when in ufo mode, after having approached the two boats within a distance of 1 m either at the front or the rear go with the ufo camera to where the joint should be established (again within 1 m from the joint) and press the "connect-trailer key"

as usual press C for the various external default cameras and v for the firt-person cameras
Numpad +/-: zoom in/out

Here a small demonstrative video:

Enjoy !
« Last Edit: October 05, 2020, 01:56:35 am by fly77 »


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2020, 05:32:00 pm »

well done fly ,,, and the video looks great.


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2020, 05:35:13 pm »

Thanks aWac9..if we had multiplayer we could do speedboat racing championships.


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2020, 02:40:14 am »

Finally i decided to repair the sounds of my OldBoat speedboat , which was necessary since in the new outerra version one of the sound commands no longer works as previously.

So redownload  the model from here:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UJgykd0LhStkYgGGBaG7bUldbl7ya3WT?usp=sharing
Installation: simply click on the self-installing OldBoat.otx file

note: actually no need for the fly77 plugin here
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 03:05:42 am by fly77 »


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2020, 07:16:54 am »

now it sounds much better, the sound is recognized.


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Re: Animated wooden boat - including speedboat mode (release)
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2020, 09:49:34 am »

yes, it sounds the same as it did before the last outerra patch broke those sound commands. So its OK.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 09:53:50 am by fly77 »