So Anteworld will be released together with the tech demo?
That's interesting.
The tech demo will be a restricted version of the game, with ufo and truck for some basic exploration and general overview of how it performs. The game will have have the basic editors and will be more dynamically updated, as we implement the stuff. The demo won't be auto-updated in the same way as the game - it will receive only some critical fixes.
take my money I want preorder it please.
Paypal is in place already, though I tested it only with a sandbox Paypal server so far.
Please be patient, there's no one who would like to get it out more than us, but we need to ensure it doesn't all fall on our heads
Will you able us to translate it in our languages ? If so, I could help you with Italian.
One problem that I can see here is how to support multiple languages in software that evolves dynamically, in a way that will not hinder us. For example, when we change/add/delete text, which is in html, how to match it with the translations. The translations will have to be stored in separate files and loaded dynamically. I need to think about it more ...