It happened to me like 4 times.With only the menu working, everything was black, the stars, the sun, the planet.. everything, and it happened once when I was under the texture as well and it was dark as well.(keeping in to account that when under the textures, everything is white)
- And the only thing that I tried and worked was to just quit > log > quit > log a few times till the complete darkness was away.I changed the global coordinates as well a few times, but I'm not sure that had any effect.And I say this because once I didn't give a f&#@ and didn't deleted any files or changed any coordinates, just quit > log > quit > log .. till the sun appeared again.But always 2 quits where needed for anything to take effect.
- And every time when it was working again... it somehow reset all my settings, like sea level, daytime hour ( position of the sun / light ).. etc. , without deleting any file.
- Usually it happened while I was flying the jet, but I think it is somehow related with the consumption of resources.When touching a critical point, it might create an outbreak and crash in to darkness, and yeah... no sound was working as well, like everything was deleted.
And it was not because of the exceeding the resources, I have around 20-21GB's of memory.It might be a cap or something that creates a resource cap / margin point in the code.
So how do all things get disabled and turn pitch black?Do the textures and all options go all black?Or they are being temporary deleted?How can the code do that?
This is my imput... maybe it helps.
- Alex