There is no kind of Resource gathering of any kind in the game.. Currently the way you gain money is by killing other players.. Which give you Assault Credits as you kill and fight other players online. There is bases setup on the maps where players will spawn units after they have bought them.. There is also a Techlab where you can customize the weapons of the units. Adding different kinds of gun, laser, and missle weapons to the units.. Each and every unit is customizable. In this fashion. Though I have not gotten around to making each and every unit customizable yet. But I would say 60% of the units are as of right now.
As for buying and commanding units that is not implemented. As of yet. But something like that can be done. We do have AI where players can load AI maps and fight against AI opponents. The game is combined Arms meaning you can take tanks, mechs, Wheeled vehicles, Helicopters, VTOL and jets out on the battlefield. At any given time.
If you ever played any of the Mech Warrior games I guess you can say the game is developed to be like that. Including locational damage to bodyparts. of all the units. The players can take out weapons and destroy them. Depending on where they hit the unit. If you want more information about the game and stuff, feel free to go here our forums are here.. you'd like to come by and say hi
Same goes with any one else here too. I will answer any questions you might have about the game.