Hi creators, visitors and other people who loves flight and can't imagine life without flights! I've read many posts there, but what do You think real about this unknown game Outerra, what kind of game some kids or just one day users want to be ? Like Arma or may be Tanks e.t.c ? I'm a real pilot of 737, so and I usually training my skill fist in MSFS, Prepar3d and XPlane 10, but it's not enough I think something... hm just a plastic world, the plane move not like a plane, when You flight VFR You can't see the picture as a real around the aircraft! So, I've try Your creation like Outerra in DEMO mode and it was amazingly! It was a world like I often see from my working place! Like land, forests, mountains, clouds (clouds it's the best I've ever seen berofe I mean in Flight Simulators). I think if You could make a real this idea to be a Fligh Simulator, many thousand virtual pilots and real pilots, flight agencys will buy your product though for 100-250 USD. As like a Prepar3d which give out as a Flight Sim, (plastic land, world with painted clouds), many people thinking the MSFS, Prepar3d and XPlane have not future, exactly no future! So I'm ready to buy DEMO and done product when I'm definitely will be know You can do a Flight Sim! p.s many people of all over the world waiting Your decision! The best work in the world! Thnx! Mr. B.Alexei. Russia