Outerra`s goal as a World Sim is to have multiple simulations merged into one platform.
Developing this to the standards of current stand-alone Sims will be tedious. So here is my idea:
When multiplayer arives, a server will be made to become an online Map Maker. Trusted members of the community will be given permission to log in and work at their desired sector. For example, I am interested in Flight and Train simulation.
Train simulation has a game called Trainz, which has an outdated graphics engine but large map making capabilities.
This means that the players can create any region the want and then use it as a route. This could apply to any simulation, where players would work together to complete parts of the world. This will be constantly expanding and will be expanding fast I could say. Given that a large noumber of worker-players (or if you would, developers) would work at the same time in groups focusing on different parts of different simulations, the expansion of the map coverage will be rapid, since we have the Google maps integration. Also when OSM data will be directly imported, the proccess will be even faster since the players only have to take care of beautification and technical problems such as AI, traffic lights, ATC and such.
Of course, password protection is a must, since we dont want any Trolls messing up with the map creation.