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Author Topic: Zombie survival game  (Read 81018 times)

Abyssus Games

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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #30 on: June 08, 2012, 04:27:08 pm »

That sounds pretty cool, what causes the people to go berserk though?

Think we might stick with something closer to normal zombies though, don't want them being to smart do we. Gotta give a survivors half a chance :)

Been thinking of something like:

Researchers trying to find a way to unlock the true potential of the human brain finally believe they have found the missing link. Thye have developed a drug called "whatever" which has been designed to slightly block neurons travelling to certain parts of the brain forcing them to use the dorment parts instead. The effect of the drug has on parts of the brain is only supposed to last for around 4 hours. While performing human trails of the drug it seemed to work exceeding well and all the subjects had increased brain activity after 4 hours of the drug being introduced. However after 40 hours of the drug being introduced the parts of the brain that control the subjects thought and morality is completely blocked making them revert back to basic survival insticts which inturns causes them to turn to canabalism. The drug can be transferred in seliva so once bitten you have 40 hours before you become a mindless drone unless you can find the cure.

(sorry for the bad spelling, something like that would still need work.)


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2012, 12:13:17 am »

How is this for a concept.. You and 1,000 other people (AI workers) all doing normal things and one by one (very slowly) they get more and more irritable and angry and then one or two go berserk and start beheading co-workers.. and then more and more.. If you have ever see that Steven King Movie "Into the Mouth of Madness" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113409/.. Same concept but more horrifying.

Granted this would be a process taking real world weeks to develop. You could add news broadcasts that slowly degrade into just mass murder reports to add to the insanity and suspense. As you play the "normal guy" you could start gathering weapons and friends (Multi-player Humans) in preparation as you never know WHO WILL SNAP NEXT!

That is the single greatest fresh idea that I have heard in a while... (That I would actually want to play)
I could waste my time training a noob but the end result would just be a really well trained noob...


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2012, 01:47:05 am »

Reminds me of 28 Days Later, where the infected went berserk and felt into unabated hatred against humans. Since the infected people didn't care to feed or do anything other than hate, they would die off after a week or so with hatred in their eyes.

That sounds pretty cool, what causes the people to go berserk though?
Hmm, since they go berserk one by one, it must be spreading independently. Something like Snow Queen's mirror shards falling into one's eye :)


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #33 on: June 09, 2012, 02:25:46 am »

That is the single greatest fresh idea that I have heard in a while... (That I would actually want to play)

Aye, I guess it sounds fun. I bet bad luck will strike me every time I step into a crowd of humans and the one right next to me turns and slices my head off.  :P

Since the infected people didn't care to feed or do anything other than hate, they would die off after a week or so with hatred in their eyes.

I think they did feed, they just had a harder time to find anyone to feed on near the end of the movie.


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #34 on: June 09, 2012, 01:04:30 pm »

I think they did feed, they just had a harder time to find anyone to feed on near the end of the movie.
Well that's another problem with zombies. You see them eating people, which is also how the people get infected. Supposedly there should be a majority of them half-eaten, or else as they infect the victim, it must become distasteful rapidly so they abandon it.

Which means the more whole they appear, the sooner they would starve. At least in 28 days, which tried to be more realistic with the zombies, they had quite short lifetime.


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2012, 01:09:28 pm »

Are their spoiler tabs here? I want to delve into the brilliant twist THE WALKING DEAD put on the genre but I fear it make upset someone who hasn't watched.
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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2012, 01:34:54 pm »

Just installed a spoiler mod. [spoiler]Use spoiler ... /spoiler tags[/spoiler]


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2012, 02:11:53 pm »

Ok, well in the walking dead (The following spoiler is for the end of season 2 of the walking dead)

[spoiler]Turns out that every man, woman and child that is still alive on the earth is actually already "infected" with whatever is turning people into zombies.. So a natural/Un-Zombie related death will kill you and you will arise a zombie. So that makes every survivor a potential zombie waiting to happen. It covers the whole bitten to infected to eaten ratio problem and people killing people or starving to death or bleeding out after an attack all turns you regardless.[/spoiler] And that is how puppies are made.
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Abyssus Games

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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2012, 07:58:28 am »

See thats a brilliant idea, we have plenty of time to come to a decision on what type of zombies/enemies we have. But all these suggestions are good and we will try and take them all into account. If we can get the engine to a stage where it can support enough AI for normal people and berserk people then we might have to go with ZeosPantera's Idea.

Either that or go with the sniffing bath-salts.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 08:00:48 am by Abyssus Games »

Abyssus Games

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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #39 on: June 24, 2012, 04:06:29 am »

We have finished the plans for the weapons and the adaptable inventory system, Can't wait to start work with the engine. What vehicles would people want in the game? (Make and Model)


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2012, 11:02:08 am »

Dodge neon
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it is still a beautiful world.

Abyssus Games

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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #41 on: June 25, 2012, 02:26:29 pm »

Sure thing I'll add it to the list.


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2013, 07:54:35 pm »

Hey Abyssus, I just had a funny idea regarding a multiplayer "infected" dynamic.

Suppose you go for some kind of "crazy infected" kind of zombie. Wouldn't it be fun to model the actual players getting infected! To simulate them becoming crazed, you could change the models/mesh of other players to zombies on an infected players client so to them the other players look like zombies (and maybe zombies to look like normal humans), and consequently they start attacking other players!

The other players are like, woah dude why are you attacking me! LOL

You could do this on a sliding scale over time, so that sometimes the models flick over to zombie, and sometimes not giving the infected player the time to cure the infection before it overcomes them (and they turn into a zombie NPC).



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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2013, 07:25:16 am »

Zombies?  Lame.

I used to think the same thing, Zombies have been done to death basically in movies and games.
After I watched the first season of "Walking Dead" I thought maybe zombies are not dead yet. I quite enjoyed the show.
Now I think a zombie survival addon/mod for Outerra maybe a cool thing actually and perhaps not too difficult to make, though it is still a long way until this is possible. But having choices in what you want to play in OT is what I am looking forward to the most in this regard.

Zombies have been done many times in movies and games, yes. But as far as games go, they were never done right, not once. DayZ is mediocre at best in my mind, there are few other games in same range. But they are all missing most important part, good story, and good gameplay on MMO scale. And I have yet to see one that does all those things satisfactory. And I have tried almost every zombie game there is, since I'm more or less a zombie fan. :) The only game that captures a zombie catastrophe in somewhat decent and atmospheric way is The Walking Dead episodes, but that game has it's own drawbacks that stem from the way it's been made. But still, it captures the zombie atmosphere best of all games on that topic.


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Re: Zombie survival game
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2013, 08:52:09 am »

Yeah, DayZ is fun, but the novelty wears off after a while. I probably wouldn't buy the standalone. I play it on Arma3 engine, its called "Zoombies" there (http://zoombiesmod.com/index.php).
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