How about SLI, multi-monitor support and 3D (as in something like Nvidia 3D Vision Surround) Also, can I ask what the computer specs are of the videos that were taken.... so I can start planning my next purchase?
Didn't test any of these yet.
The computers had Nvidia GTS250 (=8800GT,9800GT) cards, but we now upgraded to GTX460 cards, what gave it quite a boost, these cards seem to be really good for the price. However, GTS250 cards are sufficient. The only thing needed is occlusion culling because without it the engine renders insane amount of invisible slopes and peaks in mountains, when actually it should render less in such heavily occluded areas.
The slowest card tested was Nvidia 9600GT.
Yup and it should have at least 512MB on GPU memory.
CPU is not that important, but it should be at least 2 cores so that side jobs do not interfere with main rendering thread.
Fractal generation is GPU friendly, I wouldn't say it's CPU friendly. Although, Outerra's grandpa used on-CPU generation of the fractals, and it kind of worked. Still, it became really feasible only with the ascent of programmable GPU shaders.
Here's an image from O'grandpa (from 2001):