One is wanting Hawai, another one Tahiti, another one... should you pay to have Hawai at 10m ?
this could enter in a biz model, where users pay depending on the resolution and geography that they use...
I looked at the Alps seen from France and Switzerland, I should check more but I'm not sure they're at 30m, be carefull because the imagery mapped on the terrain gives the impression that the 3D is very accurate, when it is not.
Anyway, GoogleEarth is using various sources, depending on where you are, for example, where you're above France they seem to use IGN's images (Institut Géographique national = French USGS, I'm French LOL), then if you go a bit further, crossing the Swiss border, there the images seem to come from a Swiss source...
If someone does search a bit, I am sure you can find out at which terrain resolution is GGearth for specific places...but it is useless : they can buy and stream what they want so...
Also let's be careful with our wishes of better resolution : going to 30 or 10m is a question of dealing with source of hundreds of Gb, even Teras for the whole planet at High res.