Have you already implemented other lighting than atmospheric scattering?
Not yet, but we'll probably go after deferred lighting, or some optimized combination of it and of the existing global lighting.
Deferred lighting sounds very interesting to me too. But not for transparant objects. So my rendering pipeline is still 100% forward. But, a deferred one does sounds very appealing to me. It's just the amount of work it costs to add it. Due to that it's kinda low on my priority list. A material builder (create materials drag and drop) is coming together now! Now i need to implement model loading and shadows (another shitty job). Furthermore i need a difference between static and dynamic geometry and lights (lightmapping to enlighten the rendering pipeline AND the cpu update).
It's still looking very very very simple here, but some basic engine functions are coming online very slowly (i'm still not satisfied with light geometry binding perofrmance). Maybe in a couple of months im able to show something too.
Well my story about my own engine wont interest you that much so i'll leave it for now

Furthermore i'm interested in some other things concerning flight simulation.
How far are you with this?
- Pressure differences at altitude and temperature?
- how do you handle physics (based on a simplified model, or a 'text file' with aircraft properties?)
Furthermore (to come back to the atmosphere): is it like -> sun down -> no light? or is the algorithm so good that it can handle twilight (sun down->still light from sun)?
Also: I read months ago that complete fractal planets or even other planets (moon, marsh) are very difficult to create due too engine parameters that are earth specific and cant be modified very easily. Is it still that way? and if so, do you plan to make this easier?
and the last question:
WHEN are 3d tree's going to be implemented

. I've been waiting for them for MONTHS

... I understand though that other things have priority (small development teams are great, but you have to set priorities!)