Hey zzz,
That light parameters are correct, although as a practice I might include the variables differently like so:
var xPos = xOffset + 11.5831;
var yPos = yOffset + -5.3369;
var zPos = zOffset + -1.8324;
this.add_spotlight_source({x:xPos,y:yPos,z:zPos}, {y:1}, 0.03, 30, 0.08, {x:212,y:234,z:252}, 0.01); //Light 0 Spot
var light0_pos = {x:(xOffset + 11.5831),y:(yOffset + -5.3369),z:(zOffset + -1.8324)};
this.add_spotlight_source(light0_pos, {y:1}, 0.03, 30, 0.08, {x:212,y:234,z:252}, 0.01); //Light 0 Spot
EDIT: P.S. Did you make sure all your mipmaps are corrected on all the .dds textures? I use the NVIDIA plugin for PS. Having missing mipmaps can do this, and sometimes the pink texture isn't added so you don't know they are.