Note: the following info applied to versions prior to contains built-in recording functionality that captures videos in a special format (YOG), that minimizes the impact that capturing video frames normally has on the application. By default the yog files are captured in "videos/" folder in your Outerra data directory. The YOG files can be converted into a variety of other formats like x264 or MJPEG for further editing using a FFMPEG-based converter.
The latest version of the converter can be found here:
ffmpeg-yog converterThe tool is based on FFMPEG video/audio encoder, compiled with support for YOG videos. Description of the tool can be found at simplest way to convert the videos is to unpack the downloaded converter directly into the folder where the captured yog videos are stored (by default your Windows home/outerra/videos), and then simply dragging and dropping the yog file onto the conv.bat. That will automatically launch the conversion process, resulting in an avi file with the same name as the input yog file.
Note: don't forget to set your audio recording device to "stereo mix" prior to launching outerra.exe, if you want to capture the in-game sounds as well.
To convert captured YOG videos manually, unpack the tool and run one of the bat files in command window with the following arguments:
conv.bat <video_file>.yog <output_file>.avi
conv4edit.bat <video_file>.yog <output_file>.avi
conv.bat converts to a highly compressed MPEG4 format, suitable for uploading to YouTube.
conv4edit.bat converts to Motion-JPEG format, suitable for further editing of the video.
You can also use GUI for the converter made by lookastdu
For the best results:
- set the active audio input to capture sound from the audio card, usually named as "stereo mix"
- it's best to change the disk to what the yog videos are being captured, so that it isn't affected by disk transfers from other parts, like model loading and terrain data streaming. To redirect where the yog files are written, please edit the eng.cfg file, changing the "videos_dir" to point elsewhere, e.g videos_dir = "e:\videos\"
- for stable recording lock fps to half the refresh rate of your display running at 60Hz (you can do it in the graphics config via Vertical Sync setting). In this mode the recorder simply takes each frame and writes it to the disk, whereas in the unsynchronized mode (default one) it picks frames that are closest to the desired recording frame position, but unless your frame rate is quite high it can produce jitter.
Note: on ATI cards it's currently not possible to sync to the half of display refresh rate due to a bug in their OpenGL driver (It was reported early in 2012 but still no confirmation of it being fixed)