Wow craters are amazing...I just waited 10 seconds to see how big it could be and wow haha...amazing. It just needs a big BOOM!
Working flawless in my Athlon 64X2 6000+ 3.0Ghz, 4GB RAM and GTX560 TiOC, I am above 100FPS at 1080p (3D grass MSAA X4) and tried of making tons of craters one after another and not a single hit in performance. Amazing work Cameni and all the guys behind this.
Also the textures looks really good. Thanks Kelvin!
Incredible that a Graphics Engine can give me even more fun than AAA How good can this be in the near
Edit: Picture with 2 craters, at the left side a 10 seconds crater and at the right a 20 seconds crater. Incredible.