Maybe,with Direct X 11 one can do this even better ,so you better incorporate it now ,if possible.I came to think about it ,can Vue 7 program maybe help in making a better reprensentation of season and maybe add to realism by adding parameters to make it simulate different road conditions-add a certain colour and it adds in a slippery road or something.
Better find out what it can simulate without dragging down fps now,before we go too complex on weather model and everything else we can think of.
Make sure of that it can manage the new whitepaper on the new MP Dis and HLA future systems,so that we can integrate the weather model into it.Hopefully we canuse Vue 7 system ,where one can `paint`their own clouds and overlays into the weather model,without the need of scripting or C++ programing .
That will make it a whole lit easy for a lot of people.