Query: Will there be a myriad of roads, some in good condition, some not, and the same for runways?
Cameni about what Steve Wilson said... I was thinking of a suggestion.Of course in my opinion.
I remember you saying something about... vehicles leaving tire tracks on the snow, dirt, tire break marks... etc, you know stuff like that.And of course this can be implemented on every object that has a weight.
And about what Steve Wilson said.Runways, roads and stuff like this will not end there.There will be other complex things on other surfaces.
Have you thought about the method used for leaving marks on the ground for "snow, dirt, tire break marks...etc" to give the possibility of the user to make his own asphalt in a more entertaining way?For example using the same method of leaving marks the user can use an asphalt compactor ( throwing asphalt with a shovel by a few AI's (AI's programmed by developers of course) and the asphalt made by particles or something will be crushed on your way with the asphalt compactor ) or any other vehicle of that kind like a bulldozer.And even the painting of the roads should be made manually by the user.
I'm saying, taking the problem of details to its core.Cause there will be a lot of materials that you will work on, textures and stuff, wouldn't that be easier to be solved by the help of others, not needing the developer to work his a** off till the end of times on improving things all the time?So... what do you think about it?..Any thoughts?
And btw... great job on the updates!It looks very pretty, and more realistic.