Hi guys!
I am having a couple of technical questions about your future plans about the engine.
1. Will you be implementing DX10 / DX11 (or opengl equivalent) features?
2. How is rendering done at the moment? Forward or Deferred?
- Any updates about lighting other than sunlight? Spot/Point?
- Are you working on things like ambient occlusion?
- Terrain self-shadowing? What's the status on that one?

3. 3d Trees
- Will they be generated in a way such that not all trees are the same? Will it be about specifying parameters and supplying textures to create a type of tree? Or how will it work?
4. Biomes
- How will biomes be implemented?
- Will there be a 'seasonal' variation that works dynamic? Like progressing trough the day!
5. Rivers / Lakes
- Any thoughts about this already? Will you be using a vector system for lakes? How about rivers? Static, or will the have a flow direction?
6. Particles
- Any work already being done there?
I know this are a lot of questions but, im just really curious about them, and maybe we can share our thoughts about these matters!
Kind regards,