I share the same sentiment

. If i make anything for a project (in my eyes), i release it to the world to use however they wish. On an official or a mod capacity... Have at it! Just add a small footnote deeply buried somewhere on a website/program.
The only reason i say license (GNU GPL or some similar open source variant). I've worked under a project that had that 'one bad egg' experience where we had one project member do something similar. In the fact never stated any license/agreement for his work (very small portion of the entire project mind you). He said we could, we assume on good faith, its for the good of the project type stuff. Then one day his immaturity shows, gets 'butt hurt' so to speak. He leaves the project blazing out the door and after the fact "revokes" access/privileges to all of his work. He wanted compensation for it, threatened legal action. Needless to say created a bunch of headache.
I'm glad you feel the same mentality as me

. I would never in the wildest dream do something like that, cause its not me, nor is it right in my eyes. Love the work your putting in. Keep it up!