I was drawing some concept buildings this morning, and I was thinking about the fact that a few days ago... I had problems making a road on top another, because I needed the terrain modified with one... but I wanted it combined with the other one, so it would seem to be like a granite road next to it.And I said that I should ask.
Are you thinking of making some kind of "lock" for some roads to become one with the terrain ? ( I mean it to be.. like some kind of modification to the terrain but to stay forever or in some way to have a different "lock".If you would want to put as many roads as you want, when you make them and you are sure you want to "lock" it to the ground, you won't be able to modify it because of some lock option that only works when you are in that "mode".And you could just put another one and modify the terrain with that one.
Anyway... that was one question a bit off, but it will help for what I want to say now.
Have you thought about what I just said, but applied to buildings ( objects ) to become one with the ground? Like making a house and bind it to the terrain, and it will not be seen as an object but as any normal procedural terrain, and will be procedural generated. Although... about this thing something else comes in mind and if you can make something about it.For example having an object on top of a mountain ( big enough ), you can test this with a big
black giant cube, and look at it from a lower point of view and like 50 kilometers away.You will see the cube as it should be... but you will see it
floating!!! because you don't see the terrain from the distance on its real shape.Anyway if you can do something about that issue, and I think you know about it.
But coming back to the "terrain building" I was talking about, and thinking of what I just said.I could say I am afraid about the fact that the same thing might happen to terrain converted buildings. Even if all the constructions might be viewed as less resource consuming than the tones of objects you might have in sight.(And probably I might be wrong about it)
Anyway... those where my 2 questions I think... or 3 maybe if you know what would consume more resources, but I dunno. I will test in the next month a massive hand made lego city made from objects.(I will try to use on them a lot of polys and high res textures, and I will come back with an answer to you if this might be an issue or not, but if you know something about it, tested or you feel this might be something that could help the engine to be improved, feel free to share)

Oh yeah and this kind of thing... it might be interesting to see if you would build some tunnel or cave out of an object and converting it in to terrain and after that... building road or some material to rise the terrain and make a mountain above it! That could be interesting to see, right? ( Maybe it can be an extension to the already existing Importer ? )
Thank you for taking the time to read this long post.