I was about to make this same kind of post but decided to bump instead of making yet another.
Snow/Rain falling particles [or large floating material plane for optimization]. Now that clouds is coming in a future update, I can see nothing but a happy skies for all of us who enjoy the immerse perspective of natural events such as traveling storms, climate differences [Snowy on mountains, sunny on beach, snowy on Northern coast, rainy in Oregon as usual].
Some refining details on the idea:
*Traveling storms [Weather travels, clouds vary depending on the day/season, etc]
*Snowfall/rain density variations. [Sometimes the mountains only let you see so far through their clouds]
*Sound effects. [OF COURSE...]
*Lightning, tornadoes, wind. [Planes are harder to fly, lightning is an actual object that spawns, flashes, damages things around it's base]
Detailing on lightning: Rather than creating a crater/hole where it would strike, possibly a burn mark/black material on the grass instead.
*Varying weather per planet.