I think the mod community will take a long time doing any of the requests :/
Escpecially because there is no one who realizes them. They would do that in their freetime. And this is too valueable for realizing single persons dreams. The only way this would work, would be working for a mod. A mod with finalized concepts.
Yes ... then the detail-factor plays another role. Especially for avion-tech, it should be on the Cessna level (i do my grad longer than a year now and cant imagine to just model a beast like the antonov whyte cockpit ready for future full-clic projects + scripting).
Vehicles and such are nice too, but i understand, that a nice load of OT upgrades will be for vehicles too, so i think - serious work groups are aether not much present(organized and full-time sparing) or waiting for the near to final form of the engine to have an idea of the modeling needs themselves.
Of course low-weight work models could be done in means of existing possibilities and vehicles (best if just existing models on internet would be implemented to OT - witch a more complex/detailed how-to guide would solve), but has much of a model-rights problem. (not much for such open modifying and/or sharing models out there, specially in better detail, so a home-made is needed in most cases).
Another thing is some "standard" need for those models (if just arcade model or a Sim-kind one). Mostly hanging on mentioned OT-upgrades or associated whyte a serious mod building project whyte specifically pre-defined characteristics of use.
But i would be optimistic - just have to wait for community growth and apps added and someone will take a free-time hobby of making wishes come true.

Or we should make a wish-model-section at some 3D-artists forum sites for open OT use purposes.