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Author Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread  (Read 247114 times)


  • Brano Kemen
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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2011, 03:24:33 pm »

That's an interesting idea indeed :)

Maybe we can put in the game, some people could play for wyverns, competing with people for domination over the earth :)


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2011, 03:35:33 pm »

Quote from: cameni
That's an interesting idea indeed :)

Maybe we can put in the game, some people could play for wyverns, competing with people for domination over the earth :)

World domination! :P Well, maybe not world domination (this is a wild, instinct driven animal that just happens to know how to get around. :cool:) Perhaps players could compete to include islands & cities as part of their territories. These wyverns would weigh only about 3.3 pounds. (The same weight as the world's largest extant bat.) My idea didn't really have multi-player in mind though.

Lives in a Jheuloh Bowl, under a Rock. Beware the Guard Lizard(s).
<O> ,.., <O>


  • Brano Kemen
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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2011, 03:58:14 pm »

Oh, I expected a huge fire breathing beast :)
Or no, that one could be a predator there. Anyway, I kind of like the idea of a parallel game where you play an animal, going on in another game where humans try to colonize the world. I'd make the animals more powerful so they can compete with humans, at least in some environments.


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2011, 05:18:44 pm »

Maybe instead of a wyvern, the player could be a giant fictional bird, to maintain the realistic, non-fantasy environment you've setup for Outerra. "Epic bird" would probably sound better to people than "micro-wyvern." :P

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentavis_magnificens This bird is now extinct, although fossil evidence shows it grew to be man-sized (and was also capable of flight) If you made up something like that, but with a more eagle like appearance, you could have a creature that could believably go up against human players in hand-to-hand combat.

Lives in a Jheuloh Bowl, under a Rock. Beware the Guard Lizard(s).
<O> ,.., <O>


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2011, 02:31:10 pm »

Hi everyone.  I'm David from Kansas City, Missouri.  I started out my programming career learning C/C++ in school.  I have since moved on to web development with C#, SQL, Javascript / jQuery, and Html.  I've always been interested in game development but haven't really done much (messed with some 2D stuff using sprites and a path-finding algorithm).  I really like the strategy simulators (like Sim City and Railroad Tycoon).  Outerra looks really cool to be able to design and build roads, cities, and railroads.  That stuff really appeals to me.


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2011, 03:03:24 am »

Hiya. I'm from australia. I'm fairly fluent in python, know a scattering of c (basically from python) and am fluent, but fairly awful at blender. I'm fairly decent at CAD modelling, my strengths in that being digitizing existing products (presuming i have adequate measuring equipment, ie. digital calipers).
I'm slightly interested in planning roads and the like.
I loved playing suaerbraten back in the day and sorta want the best part of that community to move to outerra.
I'm interesting in flight/space sims.
Do you know how hard it is to get a 51 frame gif under 10kb at a decent resolution?


  • Brano Kemen
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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2011, 03:30:01 am »

Hi guys, welcome aboard :)


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #37 on: May 04, 2011, 11:37:33 pm »

Welcome to the party, yhwhluver. :D What grandiose ideas do you have in store for game-development on the planetary scale? :cool:

Lives in a Jheuloh Bowl, under a Rock. Beware the Guard Lizard(s).
<O> ,.., <O>


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2011, 12:02:21 pm »

Heh, I have barely enough time as it is.  Though it would be fun to recreate cities, highways, and railroads.  I need to become a multimillionaire real quick so I can spend time playing with this rather than working.


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2011, 05:18:36 pm »

Hi there,

I'm from Slovakia ... living in Prague for few years ...

Did make my master in artificial intelligence in Kosice few years back ... but as it happens ... I have a boring job in a corporation as a Java developer ...  (nothing to do with A.I.) ;)

Those forums give me some joy through out the routine days ... ;) ... so glad to be here and see the progress/shape this project is getting...

Interested in mathematical backgrounds of geometry (on computers (equations + algorithms : one might say) ... ) ... as I believe that life itself has some geometric backgrounds ... at least from what I can see ...   :rolleyes:   ... lately having fun with Geometric Algebra while feeding the scientific ego ... por echemplo :
"The Grassmann algebra of a 3-D vector space with basis {e1, e2, e3} is in itself a linear
space of 8 dimensions." ... ;)
"Although it is somewhat hard to visualize for us 3-D beings, volumes have an attitude
in spaces of more than three dimensions, denoting the 3-D subspace that contains
them." ... imagine that ...  :/
... if it's good for quantum physics (and many others), it has to be good for A.I. too ... righ ? ;) ... joking ... slightly... :)

See you around ... ;-)


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2011, 06:58:46 am »

Hi from the Canary Islands (spain) everyone!
Been here since last summer but I didn't want to register until a new forum was added LOL

Really great job here. I see a lot of quality on your work and can't wait for the tech demo (nVidia owner) ;)


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #41 on: September 05, 2011, 07:27:06 pm »

Thought I would introduce myself on these forums.

Hello everyone, I found outerra while doing some research on world machine and my interests in creating a cry engine group dedicated to making a massive world.

I have never really played too many video games in my life, and if I was playing them generally I would be exploring the landscape instead of killing monsters or actually doing what the game wanted me to do. When I was younger I started playing around with unreal engine and making small levels for UT2004, however the inability for me to make large scale levels with terrain prompted me to stop. Later on I discovered cry engine and spent a solid two years creating unique height maps, designing my own mountains and making basic levels for people to explore. After two years of modding cry engine I practically stopped. I had taken up freestyle skiing (if you ski you would call me a park rat most likely :) ) and that still takes up the majority of my time during the winter. I have still dabbled in 3d modelling (something you can do on mac's for the most part) although I am not very proficient. Link to my last project: http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=280&t=68335&hilit=newschool

I spend a lot of time outside in the mountains (as many Canadians do,) either on day hikes or on backpacking trips. last summer I spent 3 weeks straight backpacking in the rocky mountains and that pretty much made me realize how amazing exploring those areas are.

Outerra caught my eye as a engine that will let me explore the lands when I'm not outside and even let me explore in ways that would be impossible in real life. I've always been interested in game design but never thought that I would go into it because I (thought) I knew that my idea's of a planetary game could exist.

I'm super excited to continue giving ideas to the awesome developers of Outerra along with eventually being able to play in such an awesome sandbox world.

Ps. I would be ecstatic if you guys eventually ported outerra to macs, rebooting into bootcamp becomes a pain for me. :)


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2011, 09:36:47 am »

I think it's good time for my introduction.

Some time ago, I found the Outerra engine videos and my mind was just blown right away - because the amount of detail and effort put so far in the development of it are so spectacular that...Crysis 2 looks like Pacman compared to it (not to offend any Crysis 2 fans - Crysis 2 still got extreme graphics...but i'm not a fan of over-graphic games). And no - Outerra is not "over-graphic" - it has just a lot of pretty details.

I fully know that no games utilizing this engine will be out soon. But Outerra has incredible potential to become "game engine of tomorrow" - the amount of games that one could make with it are...Endless.

I already have so many ideas for Outerra and I'm really disappointed it isn't popular already. But - Minecraft wasn't written in a day.

Examples of the game ideas I had include, but are not limited to:
- a transport game (obvious)
- some kind of WWII FPS (also pretty obvious)
- various simulators (even more obvious)
- strategy games
- a cooking game? (where you have to fly over the world for ingredients and such)
- seven bajilion sandbox games
- many, many RPGs...

I know these are very common ideas, but Outerra is already a very versatile engine.

If I would compare it to something - there would be either nothing OR...
Outerra is like V12 car engine - fast, reliable and incredible!

As I said before - too bad it is underknown - JUST YET!

P.S.: Where do you come from? Because Tatra mountains...You know - Poland. And I come from Poland...
If you will say you're from it - my jaw will drop all the way down the Earth to its core and further...
EDIT: Now I saw you're Slovakian. Not very disappointed, as still quite close to me. It's assault from the Central Europe!
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  • Brano Kemen
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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2011, 09:57:10 am »

I'm from the northern part of Slovakia (Orava) bordering with Poland. We were often hiking to Old Witches' Mountain (Babia góra/hora) and met with Polish hikers coming from the other side.
As kids we were watching also the Polish TV channels. I can still remember "zaciekaj tchurzu, bedziesz zamordowany!" from an animated film :D


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2011, 10:17:33 am »

Haha, lol...
Now I know how Babia Góra sounds like in English...

Orava, you say? I never was in there...
But I hope I will eventually (even if it'll be just "drive-by")
"The Pope? How many divisions has he got?" - Joseph Stalin
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