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Author Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread  (Read 236125 times)


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #75 on: March 24, 2012, 12:53:36 pm »

Hello, I'm Rufino Herrera, 28, from Canena (Spain). I am Industrial Designer as well as Mechanical Engineer, and I've been following this project for the last three years. I don't know anything about programming, but I've been using Photoshop and 3ds max for a longer time that I can remember. Altough i've ocassionally posted here a few questions an suggestions, I guess I am one of the so-called 'lurkers', but here I am, very happy and thankful to see this proyect come true and making one of my oldest dreams, refered to videogames, finally real: to have a real (world size), limitless map. Thank you guys!!


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #76 on: March 30, 2012, 03:17:04 am »


my name Martin Closs an I live in Munich, Germany (yes, the place with all that beer ;-)). I am a aerospace engineer, the "space" part as my job and the "aero" part as a hobby. I fly hang gliders and this is also why I am here: Slightly dissatisfied with the safety aspects of learning how to fly a hang glider (it's all solo; basically you get a slap on your shoulder by your teacher, saying: "You ca do this!"), I decided to develop a simulator. It's original base is FlightGear, which is great due to it's open architecture. The graphics however are - well... let's say not sufficient for simulating aircraft that are flown completely visually. That's where Outerra kicks in: It uses the same flight dynamics model (JSBSim) as I use in FlightGear :-). And the fractal terrain ist exactly what you need to judge height, speed and such while approaching the ground :-)). So I might be using Outerra in a rather unconventional manner: My aircraft model has no rudders, no flaps, no gear, no nothing (hang gliders don't either). The steering commands come from force sensors placed on the simulation setup (basically, a real control bar and real harness bolted to the ceiling). These signals are converted to joystick axes and thus sent to the PC. Furthermore, it's a flying wing. So no tail, which makes it quite hard to establish all the aerodynamic coefficients JSBSim needs. The most impartant ones are lift, drag and pitching moment, which I could take from real measurements.

Once I finished writing everything up, I will place the information on how it works on the web for anyone to build it if he/she wishes (but don't hold you breath, though...).


"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2012, 03:42:33 am »

Greetings from the Poconos!

My name is Aaron Pappalardo, I'm 19, and I hope to perform for a living. Although performing is my livelihood, I'm a huge gamer. I have been a battlefield fan since 1942, and I love any sort of military game. This includes ARMA II.

Pcgamer.com wrote a short article about Outerra which started my stalking of these forums. Speaking of which, can someone remind them that this exists, and that there is an alpha version to buy? I guarantee that you would see a surge of supporters if you were to have them post another article.

Anyways, cheers!
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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #78 on: May 08, 2012, 09:43:53 am »

Hi from Canada!

I am a professional game/level designer, 26 years old, have been in the industry for over 6 years. I have been waiting for an engine like this for a very long time, as it has so much potential in so many different genres. I really want to see it succeed and for a massive modding/addon community to arise around it. I am currently working on a design document for an ambitious addon which would take full advantage of the engine, allows for community input and should create some interesting emergent gameplay and social dynamics.

Soon as I have something to show, you guys will get to see it and hopefully start the creative juices flowing. :)




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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #79 on: May 10, 2012, 02:17:04 pm »

Hey there, I'm Paddy from the UK.

First things first; fantastic job so far, Outerra/Anteworld is really shaping up to be something quite impressive. I found out about the project whilst looking at vids on Youtube about procedurally generated worlds.
Like many here I'm a bit of a gamer, so this project has me thinking about its applications to games like ARMA II and Mount & Blade.
I don't have any relevant expertise at all, but I'll contribute to pointing out bugs etc. where I can.

Keep up the good work!


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #80 on: May 27, 2012, 09:20:06 pm »

  Hey guys, my name is Chase, 24 years old (Decided to post this on my birthday) and I've been lurking here a long time. I stumbled across this site while surfing the net looking for games with massive maps. Video games and simulators have been a passion of mine for a while now and every time I see an advancement of technology, implementation and a storyline such as the one in Ante world; I get inspired. I think it would be cool to have an online game with world this large and be able to interact with others as well as trade wares.

Once I upgrade to my new PC I plan on getting into 3d modeling and it would be awesome to see stores in which we can sell and trade our creations. I have been thinking about creating a company in the same vein as the corporations in the Mass Effect trilogy,(Devlon Industries,Haliat Armory, Rosenkov Materials, etc.) that uses mined resources for construction, weapons,and vehicles. So far I only have a list of the structure of the company and a few very ugly drawings but modeling should bring them to life. I can't wait to see how every thing unfolds for the engine and the game and I wish you guys have endless success...
I could waste my time training a noob but the end result would just be a really well trained noob...


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Re: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
« Reply #81 on: June 02, 2012, 06:36:07 am »

Hello, I am Michal and I am from Czech Republic so we are almost neighbors. ;-) I contributed you with some money. I am  interested programming and I am programmer beginner.  But that it is right so I say that your enginne was my dream but so I have never imagined that it can be damn big.

Like programmer I want try and learn to programme Artificial Inteligence at some engine or at something where I can learn it. Learn, try, get knowledge but also I have many ideas but I don't imagine how much it will difficult or hard at cpu etc.

Also I have some expirience with editing and generation of world so I interest also about yours tools that I can try if it is possible. I hope that I don't said anything bad.

I sorry for my english because it is not my mother language and I had not it at school.

Zatím čau. :-)

Ice Cold Killa

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Re: The \
« Reply #82 on: June 09, 2012, 04:08:14 pm »

I'm Artur and I'm a 15 year old boy who migrated to UK from Poland (Łódź). I discovered this project only a week ago from a famous Polish YouTuber. I have always dreamed of such a game where you fly around the world and do anything you want :) I have been hoping to study game programming and make one myself, but as we can see, someone's already doing it... Now all I'm waiting for is improved road system, more vehicles and model importer so I can rebuild Europe!


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Re: The
« Reply #83 on: June 22, 2012, 05:01:00 am »

hy my name's Eric im 20, yoll can call me Eric or techno or wut ever yoll like. I love the game its the best game iv seen on a pc in a long time and i will be plaing it for year's to come :D
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Re: The \
« Reply #84 on: November 14, 2012, 08:19:29 am »


My name is Thor, i am 18 years old and from Denmark (The country that drinks cheap beer from Germany).
I have always been obsessed with physics games and customization. My favorite games are Garry's Mod, Minecraft, Deus Ex and Robot Arena 2. I have basic skills of programming, texturing, modelling and animation.

I'm currently studying engineering, and soon i will make the choice either to continue along the path of becoming a power engineer, or game programmer.

My vision for Outerra is a massive multiplayer online sandbox game which doesn't focus on just one thing, but flight simulation, physics construction, live terrain editing, scriptable gamemodes, and if possible, exceed the limits of what Garry's Mod has to offer.

But for now, i just want to blow shit up. (oh yes, bring bombs.)
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.
Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."
- Oscar Wilde


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Re: The
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2012, 01:30:06 pm »

Hi all

My name is Anthony, I am 17 and I am from France.

I take a look on your project and I am very interesting by it. I love open-worlds games like Minecraft where you are free to do what you want. I think there is a lot of potential on your project and that's why i decide to join the community.
I hope more people will joins and help you.


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Re: The \
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2013, 09:34:56 am »

Good afternoon!

Hailing from the Netherlands, I did Scandinavian Studies at uni, minoring in several Old Germanic languages, and am an aspiring writer in the (true) tradition of J.R.R. Tolkien.

I discovered Outerra in the wake of retiring from Mount & Blade: Warband, specifically the Víkingr mod, where I was very much involved in the community, busying myself with level design and such.

The reality and potential of Outerra is in sharp contrast to the severe limitations of the seemingly badly optimised Warband engine, which only allows for small maps with a coarse terrain mesh, surrounded by outer terrains of even lesser quality. I’m glad to see that Outerra allows for huge vistas and high detail on close inspection simultaneously.

This engine seems to offer the possibility of my dream game: a large, open ended, European flavoured world set in a distant heroic age, with much emphasis on travelling, exploring, trading and building, without the overstylisation and overuse of magic as seen in most existing role playing games. I enjoy fighting in games, but I'd prefer it not to be the main goal or activity.
I will be following the further development of this engine and its accompanying game with a keen eye. I understand you are very mindful of resource efficiency and optimisation, and I do hope you will be able to create a world that is not only large but also bristling with flora and fauna.


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Re: The \
« Reply #87 on: March 27, 2013, 11:06:31 pm »

Given I have been following this project for well over a year and that I have been able to contribute to the developmental aspect of OT with regards to textures I thought it is at least showing some courtesy that I introduce myself with everyone else.

My name is Kelvin and I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in the Information Technology sector progressing as a Systems Administrator (new job reflects this). I have been in I.T for 3 years now and the rest of my life before this was trying to find the best fit of career with my personality (and no, this did not make me unemployable or ruin my chances of remaining in my last career; Health Sector).

Since about 1990 I have been playing with some sort of technical gadgets or computers such as the commodore 64 (or I think it may have been some time before 1990, can't remember now) or Atari. Started with basic coding but when I completed a 10 page tutorial trying to make a game and it didn't run the first time I decided to use the book only to put my hot drinks on to avoid damaging the dining table.

Anyway, I was interested in music for some years playing the piano for 4 of them. Soccer was next on the list, playing this for 11 years, then martial arts, then some tennis. As I matured into adulthood I had to start thinking about what I wanted so many years down the track I decided to go for my private pilot license. During this time I changed career also and moved into I.T. ever since my focus for all things technological has been my main interest (with an exception to my awesome other half that puts up with my nerdiness).

I am now hoping to continue my texturing work to assist Brano with OT textures both now (in it's thinned out state) and in the future (allowing for more textures to represent the world in it's true form).

I work very ambitiously in everything I do so sometimes this can be to my own detriment causing some grey hairs to form but my drive is always fuelled by my interest in how things could look and be (an optimist and visionary) not too dissimilar to Brano and team's motivation for this project.

Appreciate the time taken to read my brief autobiography and hope that you will now understand how I work that little bit more than before  :)

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Re: The
« Reply #88 on: May 12, 2013, 06:25:21 am »

Hey all.

it's quite some time i'm here, but i realized i didn't introduce myself, so here it is.
I'm a 23 years old guy from Italy. I'm interested in the IT world, especially the open-source part.
I use Linux as my main system (Archlinux) (and Win7 when i want to play Outerra), so i'm very much awaiting a Linux release :). As a hobby i contributed/i'm contributing to some FOSS projects like KDE, ResidualVM and Wayland.

I'm a scout, i love cycling and trekking in our beautiful Dolomiti.
ResidualVM 0.1.1 is OUT! www.residualvm.org


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Re: The
« Reply #89 on: May 13, 2013, 11:36:35 am »

hi im chris from munich germany. 37 years old and work as a 3d artist at rtt.ag in munich.
i found outerra a few years ago but i dont remember in what way. it was basically the blog with pretty screenshots and a video of the tatra. i was hooked because of the procedural nature of the engine (im using procedural tools like genetica, worldmachine and vue for work and for private projects quite often, but to see things used in a realtime engine was just great!)

my vision for outerra would be a sandbox visualization hybrid with openstreetmap as a editor and some game logic nodes that we can use to create our own games in this word. i was following the dynamic campaing creation of il2 flight sim and hope something like that could be done for the outerra engine and its sim modules as well
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