Hey everybody.
My name is Paul Moffat, im 33 years old and from Tauranga, New Zealand.
I stumbled across Outerra by fluke on the internet whilst just browsing around, not sure how I managed to avoid not knowing about it for so long as I am an avid fan of simulators especially flight based simulators. Like Falcon 4, Lomac, IL-2, MSFS, X-Plane and even Orbiter (space simulator) just to name a few.
I also a fan of the upcoming and in development game Star Citizen/Squadron 44 - I really hope it lives up to the hype.
I'm pretty keen in aviation, and would like to finish my PPL sometime when I can afford it. Currently working for a company called Placemakers, in their frame and truss manufacting plant - building walls and roof trusses for houses and commercial buildings.
I'm also extremely interested in computers, have been programming with them since I was about 8 years old. I'm no expert though as my experience is spread over the years with a lot of time in between. I lost major interest with it for a while when a harddrive crash killed all my projects, programs, reference materials and lots of other files. I have programmed in Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java and even Assembly. I like programming games such as Robocode and Redcode [corewar]).
I've got a bit of website development experience. A whilst back I was trying to build a website using HTML and CSS (another casualty of lost files). I even tried a bit of ASP but eventually got into PHP - felt less monopolistic (Microsoft). Lately though I've just adopted a CMS system. I tried Joomla and Drupal but found Wordpress to just be easier and more compatible with the server (their security settings) hosting my site.
I am also into 3D design which is ironic because I couldn't draw to save my life. I've played around with many game editors and found developing game environments and buildings to be quite entertaining. Such as DCK (dos)/Doom Builder (win) for Doom/Doom 2/Heretic, Duke Nukem 3D Level Editor, Half-Life Editor, UnrealEd, Crysis Editor (sandbox). That experience led me to try out actual 3D modelling programs where I trialed 3DS Max 6 and Maya PLE initially.
I eventually found Blender. Despite its weird interface (earlier versions) the modelling aspect, key configuration or something - it really clicked with me I dont know how or why. Alot of people seem to have trouble with Blender. I was the opposite. Don't know if its because im left-handed, naturally backwards or what, but it feels alot more natural then 3DS Max which just feels wrong now (I tried it again recently - it felt like I was trying to write with my other hand). Whatever works I guess and being free I really benefit from that

I am not overly experienced in 3D Modelling but I do have several years of on/off experience (like all my computer experience). My texturing experience though is VERY NEW. I tend to design things and avoid the texturing part. I do hope to contribute toward Outerra though in the way of 3D modelling so I am currently making an active effort to further my skills in Blender so I am capable of meeting the design quality which an engine such as Outerra naturally aspires for.
I thank you for reading my post, and will see you around the forums
