Does it happen just on that one place or there are holes in more places?
The 'big square holes' they appear depending on coordinates, altitude / longitude / latitude.
There are multiple holes all over the map, and everywhere.
For example if I am at 1000 meters altitude... there are 2 holes 1 kilometer ahead, but if I go for example at 2000 altitude in the place that I was a 'big white square' appears.
And inside that perimeter, depending how you get stuck in it, if half of the plane gets stuck the engine sound might not stop and flaps outside the 'white zone' might be able to move, but what get's stuck inside it acts like cutting a limb.
And I usually used to change altitude, by pressing the " `" / " ~ " ( console key ).But after some time even that got stuck, showing an error "NaN".And the scroll on the horizontal bar has no effect on changing the stats from that panel if you move it.