hi all! not worked on anything in a long time, but nice to see others keeping my cars alive with all the updates!

last year I had a 500GB hard drive die on me that had all my work on! I have back ups on another 500gb hd.... that dies just 2 weeks later! talk about bad luck, but no other back ups, so all was lost!
All I have left is the stuff I uploaded so still have most of the cars, even my reaper drone is there! never did get the landing gear to close right on that

but real life keeps me busy theses days and don't really have to time to give the love needed to keep on top of things!
If anyone would like the reaper and happy to fix the gear and re post the js for others, id be happy to upload it in the aircraft section! just let me know
Anyways glad people are still having fun with my cars! I have added lights to most of them now too and will post updates later if I have time! thanks everyone