Wow, you're actually trying to make it a working vehicle? That's highly ambitious, my original intended idea was just a static object so it could at least be used in some nice screens but now I realize that Outerra + Mako planetary rover (even without the thrusters) would be insanely cool, and very fitting. Certainly if I was exploring an entire world via rover I would choose that plucky little dependable and tough as nails Mako with its decent weaponry and useful little thrusters underneath. I wish you seriously good luck with that!
This is OT, man, you cant spawn a static M35-Maco just like that whyteout some fancy stuff turning on it !
Now doing needed changes to his model, to import it at its actual state - he had it all twisted as if for some scene and i must reset all pivot-point orientations, plus had to delete all unnecessary vertices. He sure know, how to make someone hell to game-port it. Good i cant find a contact on him, cause he would got a second mail whyte heavy critics.
Its almost ready for import, just the pivot setting and can try, when i come home from school.
I actually thought having it for reals if ewer - so, if i get some idea how to design the interior, i really would like it to be modeled. Thought about something like the SR-2 cockpit setup (just upside-down cause the windshield is turned so on the Maco). But i have no idea how to do the turret - maybe something like they do nowadays on military SUVs, as an joystick and a little LCD for the co-pilot, so the rear part can be as an seat-compartment for people. Could be for 8 ifim looking right at it. As for suspension, i think i could get it animated. And yes, you should expect, that the Wheel is a little higher than a person (around 2 meters). So the SR-hangar will need 4 meters high stuff being there. Dont remember if it was fitting whyte its dimensions for that.
I think Bioware would be fine with it, they have already allowed Mass Effect modding for the longest time, and have a special forum section for it now too. Besides the Mako was only featured in one game, way back in 2009, and that was it. Afterwards we were given that awful Hammerhead hover vehicle as DLC but it just wasn't the same as physically roving on the lunar surface, using the thrusters to prop yourself on the highest peak, and finally looking through your weapon zoom at Earth, and firing off a couple of shells in that direction of the skybox
Thats nice ... ill try fing the guy who done the Maco concept-art and try squeeze some little insight on his interior views for it.
Another bad thing is the turret - that thing has a 10 grade angle rotation ! ! ! What a nut-crack engineer did let that stuff go military-grade in the 21-st century ?
There would be a serious enhancement of suspension needed, so it can give some 20 grade + elevation possibility for that thingy by lowering front wheel clearance.
I guess, i know now why people tend to just port stuff from MassEffect as it is, not going into detailed stuff too much - so much engineer flaws, it would kill even a tech-university professor.
( yes, i know its a more into visuals game