AirBalloon v.1.1 Updated on 01.07.13 Download:Balloon.deathevor.otx (3.1 MB) v.1.1!0EEVQT4Z!UXinoWR5XB7wSzryEtdLtWGYZToi4INNo8mA_nEdgZUDescription:Flyable airbaloon model. The physics use jsbsim buoyancy properties (that actually always was included in Outerra). So feel free to check the code, as there are many cool things you can do with buoyancy (like Airships).
Unfortunately due to lack of time I haven't implemented all features that was in my mind (Like wind and other things). However the baloon still pick the horizontal speed from swing.
Also all instruments should work correctly, especially the fuel system - so you will be aware on when you'll run out of fuel.
I suppose to finish it few weeks ago (including the full texturing with ambient map baked). However again, I probably should leave this to a bit less busier times.
Still, Special Thanks to Vitaly Mook for UV unwrap.
Therefore feeling that it's better to post it at this stage.
Additional: For better experience try to bump once to the ground and then take off. You'll experience the buoyancy effect more.
Installation: 1) Double-Click to install
Changelog:v.1.1 - Flight Model adjusted. The Airbaloon now doesn't ascend by itself. Only lifts with power applied. (01.07.13)
P.S. The colour of ballon doesn't mean anything Know it matches some colours that YouTube stands for