Fun fact: in Talkeetna majority of these road bridges were not supposed to be here, I added them to hide elevation differences between some of the water meshes.
Thanks a lot KW71!
Acetone, are there any plans to clean up Alaska/Talkeena of buildings that may have issues, and whose contributors may not be available to supply the needed corrections?

I will be alble to go back working on Outerra projects the next week, and will try to clean things that have no mipmaps yet (you have suggested a method in an other thread I think).
Then I will try to contact all the people who made models I'm using in the scene, to see if I can have their agreement to create a single big package with the scenery and all the models, because it seems to be more and more important, especially with these non-updated buildings. There is already a hidden full version of Talkeetna for developement purposes.
I want to make it more simple to instal the whole thing, but only with models creators of course. I will try to do my best to showcase their work, so I hope they will be ok with this project