Hi Tom,
Thank you for your encouragement. Well I can tell that we would like to make a flight simulator, or even better a universal platform for all kinds of simulators because the engine allows for it. And yes we think it would be great. However, getting the funding for such an ambitious project is not easy. So we have to work on a smaller scale project aimed at general population, albeit we will try to include a realistic simulator of one plane in it playable as an optional side mission or an achievement, or just for the demo purposes. Meanwhile we will poison the sim scene with our videos

As for the Microsoft, we had a good laugh here when we read that

Because, we were in Microsoft a year ago, showing off an earlier version of the engine (one of the earlier videos that now look rather ugly show it, but still one could fly anywhere in the world and have the details and trees).
They quite liked it; it was the time when they wanted to make some Second Life-like thing with Virtual Earth and the newly acquired Truespace team.
It was close, only the blooming financial crisis saved us