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Author Topic: Cessna Test Flight  (Read 36015 times)


  • Brano Kemen
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Cessna Test Flight
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:33:47 am »

Angrypig finally managed to implement the collision detection for JSBSim planes along with joystick support, so we created this video of a short test flight.



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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 01:16:41 pm »

Lets fly lets fly, lalalaaaa. Very nice. :)


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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 01:23:48 pm »

That's cool. If you watch it in HD it feels like your really there! You guys are good with intergrading vehicles , i am memorized. Do you guys work in the game industry or something? That's really good work.
Outerra needs a Planet size modifier.   < nuff said!


  • Brano Kemen
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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2010, 06:44:51 am »

Quote from: helio2
That's cool. If you watch it in HD it feels like your really there! You guys are good with intergrading vehicles , i am memorized. Do you guys work in the game industry or something? That's really good work.
We became an independent developer from the beginning of this year, so yes, we basically promoted ourselves to the gaming industry :)
We simply want to utilize the potential the engine has accumulated over the time we worked on it in our spare time. None of the software projects we had been engaged in had a better potential than this. And not one we enjoyed more, either :)


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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2010, 11:03:07 am »

I think I speak for the multitude of Flightsim fanatics, whether it be FS9 or FSX, when I say thank you. Looking at your work and videos gives us a renewed hope that the future of our hobby is not dead. When Microsoft decided not to deal with an important, albeit small, niche in their market anymore, flightsimmers took it as a kick in the gut. We thought those were the best we were going to get. Please say you are intending to develop a flight simulator!!! Your work is outstanding. I don't know what else to say except that I'm blown away and don't stop. Just don't answer any calls from Microsoft asking you to work for them.

Looking forward to much more and will happily volunteer to be a Beta tester in the future.



  • Brano Kemen
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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2010, 12:09:30 pm »

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your encouragement. Well I can tell that we would like to make a flight simulator, or even better a universal platform for all kinds of simulators because the engine allows for it. And yes we think it would be great. However, getting the funding for such an ambitious project is not easy. So we have to work on a smaller scale project aimed at general population, albeit we will try to include a realistic simulator of one plane in it playable as an optional side mission or an achievement, or just for the demo purposes. Meanwhile we will poison the sim scene with our videos :)

As for the Microsoft, we had a good laugh here when we read that :)
Because, we were in Microsoft a year ago, showing off an earlier version of the engine (one of the earlier videos that now look rather ugly show it, but still one could fly anywhere in the world and have the details and trees).
They quite liked it; it was the time when they wanted to make some Second Life-like thing with Virtual Earth and the newly acquired Truespace team.

It was close, only the blooming financial crisis saved us :D


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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 01:34:49 am »

Very impressive.

Good luck to you (all), I hope you have great success.

I am a huge flight sim fan, so I hope this software is utilized in a new flight sim. It looks very realistic.

How are different season's handled (winter, fall, spring)? I am sure a variety of trees will be modeled, and the landscape is very realistic looking.


  • Brano Kemen
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Cessna Test Flight
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2010, 02:22:49 am »

Quote from: dkside
How are different season's handled (winter, fall, spring)? I am sure a variety of trees will be modeled, and the landscape is very realistic looking.
Right now the texturing and vegetation is quite uniform, as it basically comes from a single class, that has only one tree type and variation defined. However the engine in this state shows its potential, we had to solve the core algorithms first.

The variety will come when I finish the land class fractal mixer. The issue here is that we want every attribute to be fractal refined - in the way the elevation data are enriched - to have a naturally blending land type textures as well as the vegetation. The fractal blending fulfills the specified ratio between two types by covering the appropriate amount of land by one type and the remainder with another one, using fractal patterns. It's not trivial to do especially on such large scale, but the result is worth it - natural looking transitions between zones.

Likewise, the transition between the different seasons in nature does not come as on/off switch, nor it has an alpha blend style. Some trees get yellow and shed leaves sooner etc. Here also the fractal mixer comes into play, blending between different seasons in a fractal manner - grass drying out in patches, isles of trees that start to change the color of the leaves and so on. The time will be the driving variable in this case, determining the actual ratio for the mixer.