Some nice work!!! This is where I hope Outerra is going.
Wow! those birch trees are amazing, and I love how they line up between the fields. Looks just like a trip outside town here

That's really amazing, but I actually believe this is where Outerra is going. I know Cameni has talked about 3D trees, and making them sway should not be a problem. The fields are of course man made, and Anteworld is, well, before man

But I suppose if data could be imported that show areas of fields it would be possible to procedurally generate fields like this with plow lines and everything. I think the team needs to make a decision at some point to go for reality (as in roads, buildings, fields, forests) with everything placed like in real life. A true world sim, or just keep the "outlines" and let there be some creative freedom.
I guess Cameni can agree or disagree with me here, am I in the ballpark?