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Outerra Tech Demo download. Help with graphics driver issues

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Author Topic: Latest version:  (Read 382638 times)


  • Brano Kemen
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Latest version:
« on: November 03, 2013, 04:09:43 pm »

Version (20 Sep 2014)
  • hmd orientation working during login
  • added optional joint_id parameter to set_fps_camera_pos methods of scripting interfaces, allowing to bind camera to a bone
  • Windows Aero disabled to suppress judder with Oculus
  • fix for vehicle sounds sometimes bound to a wrong object (MiG)
  • fixed mouse invert in ufo mode
  • fixed uninstaller not doing anything
Version (16 Sep 2014)
  • fix for failure to start with shadows turned off
  • fix for rift refresh rate not rounded & not found during initialization
  • added rift detection info into main menu
  • fixed list of resolutions given for rift
  • fixed stereo UI mouse not offset properly on the right side
  • fix for videomaker not launching when data or video folder contains spaces
  • updater running with admin privileges & explicitly asking admin privileges for patches (problems with UAC)
  • re-enabled mouse control in ufo flight mode with hmd
  • adjusted tree lighting with sun at zenith
  • adjusted grass lighting in forest
  • grass coverage reduced in deep forest
  • fixed SSAO being used when shadows are disabled
Version (12 Sep 2014)
  • fix for rift mode not setting 75Hz refresh rate
  • quality levels for tree range
  • optimizations for tree rendering and tree shadows
  • fixed SSAO in stereo mode
  • fixed aircraft rotation on placement
  • FPS counter rendered with translucent background for better visibility on the sky
  • added buggy Nvidia 331.65 driver check
Version (11 Sep 2014)
  • Oculus DK2 initial support (SDK 0.4.2)
    - extended mode only
    - uses patched chroma correction (*0.7)
    - UI windows are not chroma-corrected yet
  • adjusted min_obj_size in Oculus mode to account for the deformation
  • screen-space ambient occlusion
  • terrain self shadowing
  • tree shadows
  • tree cylindrical shadowing (3D effect)
  • auto-flight mode (toggle by Home key)
    - speed adjustable by mouse scroll or pgup/pgdown
    - turns using keyboard or mouse
    - in Oculus mode, turn by tilting the head
  • grass coverage increases when looking down, darker ground AO
  • enhanced rock fractal shading
  • configurable HUD units
  • added time-of-day and day-of-year adjustment shortcuts (alt+arrows)
  • added global/pause event (alt+space)
  • added FPS counter into the main menu to see effect of changed config
  • pov hat event handling unified with keys/mouse
  • look action handling implemented in cam_ctrl, pan or switch modes
  • fixed webmuxer/videomaker when no audio is present
  • video frame packing (LZ4) can be turned off in config
Version (1 Jul 2014)
  • fixed first person mode (key 8 - mercenary)
  • script: model/world space bool switch for velocity() call in vehicle
  • global keys working in map modes again
  • fixed object rendering in sandbox & map overlay mode
  • fixed videomaker crash at end
Version (29 Jun 2014)
  • vehicles can be placed as static objects in the builder (see the help tab), converted to live vehicles on enter
  • updated default scenery to include parked vehicles (full install only)
  • reenabled XP and Vista support
  • terrain aspect affecting tree probability (north/south slopes)
  • customizable forest threshold value
  • adjusted forest parameters, default tree quality metrics increased to avoid popping
  • script: get_camera_mode returns -1 in case no camera is bound to object
  • script: velocity method for getting speed vectors in vehicle physics
  • fixed solid explosion particle colors
  • fixed HUD elevation/distance values sometimes not hiding after HUD closing
  • fixed ufo speed lock (end key)
  • fixed google minimap transparency
  • fixed object culling in map mode (ctrl+shift+G/M)
  • added new aiming animation with correct range a lot of fixes to cam ctrls, limited pitch angle in fps and tps modes
  • default video compression reverted back to faster mode
  • fixed HOTAS detection, workaround for raw axes
  • fixed Rift mode being turned off after F2 location jumps
Version (15 Jun 2014)
  • jitter filter for smoother rendering (alpha)
  • tree species clustering, 2 more tree species
  • adjustable forest distribution parameters (in environment settings)
  • fixed missing snow
  • suppressed white grass blades near the snow
  • fix for dark ambient in high altitude, brighter shadows on terrain
  • fixed warning dialogs for driver version checks not appearing, fixed driver build detection on Intel
  • fixed flight path recorder controls, flight path recorder saves to data dir
Version (3 Jun 2014)
  • multiple tree species support (uniform for now)
  • deferred grass rendering (faster, esp. on Nvidia)
  • workaround for bug in latest Nvidia drivers (compound matrix multiplication bug)
  • updated JSBSim library
  • fixed object selection in map projection mode
  • fix for video muxer crash on bad audio track
  • added option to use hrtf with rift automatically
  • grass density not reduced by default in stereo mode
  • fixed uploading of NPOT compressed textures
  • fix for road select crash
  • flight recorder fix
Version (19 May 2014)
  • workaround for Nvidia <400 series cards driver bug causing initialization fail
  • block world shaders from being used before login and update check, shader precompilation doesn't cause abort on compile/link errors, allowing to check for updates
  • fixed camera restore after getting back from map projection mode
  • limiter and atmo adjustments on low GPU memory (<1GB)
Version (18 May 2014)
  • fix for Nvidia <400 series shader compilation issue
  • workaround for AMD driver bug on <7000 series GPUs (burning stars)
  • fixed OpenAL audio library crash on high Doppler values
  • suppressed baked-in snow, changed to gray rock color
Version (17 May 2014)
  • HRTF binaural audio support (off by default)
  • fixed animation blending on mercenary character
  • ufo min height 1.8, crouching in ufo mode (F key)
  • detail terrain textures colorized by biome, rocks textured with color between dirt and gray colors + relative material coloring
  • true geographic and mercator projection for full-screen map overlays (ctrl+shift+G,M), road/object editors work on top of that mode
  • adjustable gmap opacity in full mode
  • enhanced stars rendering (some issues with MSAA remain)
  • fix for audio gaps on youtube when using built-in video capture, LZ4 compressed video frames (lower disk throughput needed)
  • fixed TPS camera orientation restore
  • fixed vehicle camera toggle
  • fixed grass animation
  • adjusted forest brightness and color in distance
  • adjusted biome colors, suppressed erroneous blue component in source data
  • fixed misplaced trees/biome bug
  • fixed download "freezing" after location jumps
  • fixed crash with trackir plugin
  • fixed perf issues on old Nvidia cards (<400 series, apparently NV drivers SW-emulate seamless env map, glBlendEquationSeparatei ...)
  • configurable simulation pausing with sandbox menu, shift+esc doing inverse of the configured pausing mode
  • fixed F11 env window shortcut
  • fixed F12 opening wiki & issue reporter in-game
  • added model with doors animation
  • vehicle doors can be open from outside using the open key, AOpen script action param changed to contain the door id (TODO define&detect doors)
  • HUD working in sandbox
  • fixed axis_integrator in vehicle scripts with zero bound
  • fixed tps camera glitch when switching between cameras, last tps camera position preserved
  • camera height in simple fps mode set to 1.8m, in UFO mode 1m
  • camera toggle supports shift modifier for backwards enumeration
  • removed default binding to the camera control axes
  • enlarged video frame buffers, fixed sound skipping
  • fixed space flying boats
  • fixed saving of joystick configuration files
  • fixed spherical/cylindrical projection in RFP depth mode
  • fixed COLLADA importer bug
  • automatic detection of the rotation and steering axis in vehicle wheels
  • fixed auto-parking brake
Version (22 Feb 2014)
  • mappable axis for camera rotation control (in addition to the mouse)
  • ufo controllable smoothly by joystick
  • default xbox mapping in secondary settings
  • changed ufo modes with Rift - normal (free look), follow camera, flight (free look)
  • new pkg format with unlimited length of mesh/material names
  • fixed material name in COLLADA importer
  • added log about HOTAS wa activating
  • raw axes ignored in scan_event (HOTAS)
  • video mode reset to 1280x720@60 after a failed attempt to initialize video mode
  • fixed intel driver version detection, driver error boxes made always continuable
  • fix for possible crash on invalid HID data
  • fixed crash on exit with JSBSim querying height when app is quitting
  • fixed crash in importer when object is not created
  • hero gun fire blocked when running
  • corrupted world.cfg & eng.cfg are moved to *.bak so that the next load succeeds
  • fixed handling of corrupted default.cam
  • fixed crash after world.cfg fails to load
Version (15 Feb 2014)
  • animated character FPS/TPS mode (key 8, full version only),
  • updated object material system, environment reflections
  • env map created at startup, added alt+F8 shortcut to recompute them at run time and after location jumps
  • builder move operation keeps the height above terrain, shift keeps height above sea; moving objects in builder doesn't jump into pivot, ctrl to move vertically, shift to lock to radius from center, alt - rotation around z, alt+ctrl - pitch, alt+shift - roll
  • sandbox keys inherit ufo controls
  • sandbox object z-rotation is done in world space
  • builder - hold shift to place a non-persistent object, ctrl to place vehicle as a static object
  • RFP depth buffer used on cards/drivers that support the required GL extension (all Nvidia cards, AMD Catalyst >=13.12), faster & fewer artefacts
  • driver version error box with a clickable link to the latest drivers for the current vendor
  • enabled MSAA on newer AMD drivers, added warning about MSAA and <13.4 AMD drivers
  • disabled object rendering for AMD <12.10 drivers because of crashes
  • updated intel version check & warnings
  • faster startup - preloading starts during the login
  • flight path recorder using the speed vector for tangents instead of the look vector
  • fixed ambiguous sea_level entries in world.cfg
  • water rendering fixes, better sun&atmo reflection (TODO: break wave pattern)
  • water splash when firing to water
  • fixed joystick axis detection
  • fixed possible crash on malformed data from non-standard HID devices
  • removed clamp on vehicle suspension code that caused sinking on too soft springs
  • fixed truck steering wheel
  • ufo basic movement actions merged with fps actions
  • fixed ufo camera able to sink into ground when starting from atmo & fast
  • boats unbraked by default
  • added boat wake foam
  • fixed vehicle parking when controlled by joystick
  • fixed crashes on ~ key for aircraft settings
  • fixed dirt roads
  • removed old lukla runway code
  • catching memory exception & displaying out of memory msgbox instead of a crash
  • added global scattering modifier to atmo (can be used to reduce haze)
  • white balance effect reduced with dwindling atmo density (fixes weird colors from space on the day/night boundary)
  • fixed ocean color on the dark side of planet
  • fixed fog on trees, grass, water
  • oculus enabled by default if present
  • stereo SBS mode fix
  • fixed video capture buffer allocation when disk can't keep up
  • fixed video recording when wait for vertical refresh is off in drivers
  • fixed initial refinement check
  • fixed -demo mode to not check the terrain data updates
  • fixed crash when version server doesn't respond in time
  • fixed openAL performance issues on invisible objects
  • disabled smoke on older NV cards
Version (27 Dec 2013)
  • fixed snow biome colors
  • boat contact points not added when there are wheels
  • fixed intel shader compilation
  • workaround for terrain broken on intel
  • fixed installer icons and shortcuts
Version (25 Dec 2013)
  • hmd_refpos configurable in the control config ui
  • quick spawn mig on key 5
  • material rendering enhancements
  • fixed crash in Rift mode on ATI and with multiple objects
  • workaround for trees missing on older Catalyst drivers
  • videomaker not crashing when opened without path argument, finds the path in registry
  • explicitly require admin privileges in installer
  • removed fatal exception when given a wrong sound file name in script
Version (15 Dec 2013)
  • biomes enabled in demo mode
  • terrain data download from cloud servers (US east and EU) in full mode¹
  • Y4M raw video capture + webm video converter, automatically launched upon exiting OT to convert captured raw videos²
  • adjusted ufo speed profile to handle high elevation better
  • sandbox camera movement sync with ufo
  • vertical movement of objects in builder scaled by the distance
  • fixed vehicle physics, separated & adjusted dampening of falling and emerging objects
  • extra damping on vehicle when wheels are underground
  • fixed directory selection in otx export
  • fixed ocean waves not moving, adjusted default ocean parameters, larger sun reflection, fixed boats rocking
  • fixed auto fullscreen when Rift is detected & enabled
  • fixed HUD horizon rendering (orientation), working now in Rift mode
  • distance & elevation HUD entries hidden when in vehicles
  • fixed laser range checking in stereoscopic mode
  • fixed material shaders transparency reflections etc
  • added ambient BRDF
  • fixed materials in OT packages c172, t813, mig29 (not finished but usable)
Version (8 Nov 2013)
  • wad data aren't deleted when only the timestamp of base.desc is changed
  • fixed synchronized map modes
  • adjusted ufo speed profile with multiplier converging to 1 with altitude
  • faster ufo rotation filter
  • fixed crash when apache is positioned in space
  • simple fps mode speed clamped to 10m/s
  • fixed ufo hud horizont
Version (3 Nov 2013)
  • biome colors & vegetation density (full mode only)
  • basic flight path recorder (ctrl+P), replay (alt+P)
  • raised the ufo speed limit 10x
  • added simple FPS mode to ufo camera mapped to slash (/) key
  • added precise video recording with swap_interval==1
  • simple demo mode fire (space key)
  • using filtered angles from trackers
  • turned off head sim when positional tracking is available
  • adjusted forest shading for sparse forests
  • fixed ocean reflected light from above the atmosphere
  • workaround for AMD 13.11 beta driver bug with black terrain

« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 04:26:27 pm by cameni »


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2013, 04:18:11 pm »

Yay! :D
Great work, now we need clouds!


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2013, 04:51:28 pm »

TREEEEEES! OMG That's frickin' amazing.  Can not wait until they're 3D.

Now I'm gonna have to, like... Take a roadtrip around my town again to look at the scenery.
It's even got clear spots where the corn field and cow pastures are (kind of)... Holy crap.

Tatra handling changed again I see.  Really heavy now.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:15:53 pm by Jagerbomber »
"Perhaps this speaks to some larger trend within society today...  A prevailing desire on the part of indie developers to recreate the entire world into one where you can charge more than $15 for your game design degree coursework." - Yahtzee ;) :P


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2013, 05:17:46 pm »

I was surprised to find that the lake is full of trees.  I think the grass is tinted more blue there, like I expected, but it's kind of hard to tell under the tree shadows.

But again, I was surprised that the lake was full of trees.  Was kind of expecting it to be clear like where the corn fields are. ?

And, I'm getting vertical blue-green lines along the paint lines on the roads.
Reminds me of an issue that Read Dead Redemption and FUEL both had near the edges of snow-covered objects.  Vertical lines like these (except they were white).

lol uummm... My dirt roads are green now.  :P
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:47:40 pm by Jagerbomber »
"Perhaps this speaks to some larger trend within society today...  A prevailing desire on the part of indie developers to recreate the entire world into one where you can charge more than $15 for your game design degree coursework." - Yahtzee ;) :P


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2013, 05:33:49 pm »

The biomes are very nice!  I'll explore some more later when I'm not so busy.

Great work, now we need clouds!

Yes I can't wait for clouds too!
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Re: Dev version
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 11:42:56 pm »

Bring it on. All of it.
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Re: Dev version
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2013, 04:51:09 am »

Thank you!!!!¨This is looking so good! Can't imagine how this all will look when the engine is finished.
Thank you again! :D


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2013, 04:58:12 am »

Good grief that is gorgeous. I still forgot to purchase the full version. Time to give my GTX 670 a run for its money!


  • Brano Kemen
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Re: Dev version
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2013, 05:01:10 am »

I was surprised to find that the lake is full of trees.  I think the grass is tinted more blue there, like I expected, but it's kind of hard to tell under the tree shadows.

But again, I was surprised that the lake was full of trees.  Was kind of expecting it to be clear like where the corn fields are. ?
They should be clear .. we are using a separate value that tells the ratio of vegetation on the tile, and the sensors used for it usually can differentiate between the signatures of a forest or grassland and a lake.
Maybe it's so full of algae ... :D

And, I'm getting vertical blue-green lines along the paint lines on the roads.
Reminds me of an issue that Read Dead Redemption and FUEL both had near the edges of snow-covered objects.  Vertical lines like these (except they were white).
Maybe I'm vertical-blue-green color blind but I don't see 8)


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2013, 05:33:41 am »

Nice job guys good work!

I found myself going in antartic and I see red and yellow snow. Is it a known bug? I have GTX 670.

Is there any way to just walk in outerra?

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 05:35:17 am by Khaos »


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2013, 05:43:02 am »

Some extreme biomes will have various color bugs at this stage, but it would be good to capture a screenshot so we have the location - the problem may be in the data or in the data compiler.

There's a simplified walking mode toggle on the slash / key in this version.


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2013, 06:58:26 am »

does this version run with new planetary datas ?
I see it's creating datas/earth/_cvd with new x,y,z .wad files ?
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Re: Dev version
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2013, 07:36:59 am »

Some extreme biomes will have various color bugs at this stage, but it would be good to capture a screenshot so we have the location - the problem may be in the data or in the data compiler.

There's a simplified walking mode toggle on the slash / key in this version.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 07:41:59 am by James »


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2013, 07:47:15 am »

Hmm, I thought I fixed that ....

does this version run with new planetary datas ?
I see it's creating datas/earth/_cvd with new x,y,z .wad files ?
It downloads extra data for colors and vegetation density. These are ~2.7GB for the whole world.


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Re: Dev version
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2013, 08:03:51 am »

Thanks for the update, nice work! Is there a place to download all the color data? Also the Grand Canyon is now look weird, it covered with red snow for some reason
i7 3930K 3.50 (3.80) Ghz, 32Gb RAM, GTX980 4 Gb VRAM, Windows 7 64-bit

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