Running on the newest update, looking good! You guys really made some progress from last time I played. I finally managed to learn how to fly that Mig on my gamepad, but I'm missing one thing. The ability to bind view controls on it. Is it possible? I'd like to also use POV keys on my gamepad, since using mouse and gamepad is bit hard when flying...
I'll probably have to steal the gamepad from Angrypig and check how it works, and how it should work - I never had one myself.
Also, are any major updates planned? I guess this was asked hundreds of times already, but what about lakes?
We'll get there, lake support depends on the vector layer engine, which is used also for lots of other stuff - currently the roads and craters, later rivers and fields and other civilization changes of the default biome distribution. That's still some work, but we went through some successful simulation demos lately and we'll be likely expanding our team very soon to be able to cover all these things faster.