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Author Topic: Panel of the Cessna 172 is too far away  (Read 8752 times)


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Panel of the Cessna 172 is too far away
« on: September 02, 2013, 10:24:31 am »

I've just jumped into Anteworld due to the Rift support. Thank you very much for that. It works perfect to me. The only think I need is a reminder at the beginning to look around to do the autocalibration. I often forget about that and it drifts wildly later. Another option is not to use autocalibration because if you build with the latest Oculus SDK (0.2.4) the Rift will always use the calibration made with the oculus configuration utility automatically when the sensor is attached.

One of the first things I noticed is that the instrument panel of the Cessna 172 is just too far away. The real one has the panel very close to the pilot and feels very cramped. With the Rift it becomes very apparent as you see everything with a real sense of scale.
The eye-point seems to be at the right spot, so the reason seems to be that the 3D model has the instrument panel displaced forward several cm compared to a real Cessna.
Can I fix it for myself or the 3D models are not accessible to the users?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 10:27:13 am by crim3 »


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Re: Panel of the Cessna 172 is too far away
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 10:57:40 am »

Next update will not start autocalibration, so it will use the pre-configured calibration from the utility.

The Cessna model - we bought it a long time ago at a 3D model site, but the license doesn't allow us to redistribute the model, just the compiled package. The model was quite poorly made though, we have been fixing it a couple of times already.



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Re: Panel of the Cessna 172 is too far away
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 01:35:39 pm »

That's OK, then, and thanks for the prompt reply

EDIT: a2a has just release their Cessna 172, and from the screenshots of their cockpit it looks like I was just wrong. I have confirmed that with pictures of the real one (I should have done that before instead of relying in my memories of things lived years ago). So forget about my complains about the 3D model of the Cessna that you are using in Anteworld.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 05:25:17 am by crim3 »


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Re: Panel of the Cessna 172 is too far away
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2014, 05:31:36 am »

Have you tried adjusting the fov?
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