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Author Topic: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead  (Read 44089 times)


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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2014, 11:27:28 am »

Boss, BOSS.. Da Planes!
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 11:58:02 am »

Is it odd that I had a dream I was flying through the clouds in what appeared to be Outerra, then you post this? :3

Anyways, this is great! :D


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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2014, 11:59:59 am »

Thanks for the heads-up! Amazing news, especially about team growing and flight simulator :)
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2014, 12:31:11 pm »

extended road system capabilities - separate properties for the left/right side, configurable road profiles, markings

polygonal vector mode for larger overlays - large rivers with well defined bank shapes, lakes, but also for fields, pastures, artificial trees or tree removal, terrain leveling etc

YES and YES!!!  ;D

Still, I'd prefer to build it myself use pre-generated roads n stuff I think.
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2014, 12:31:24 pm »

 Thast some fantastic news , i am really excited about all of it :)
 great job so far  i am especially looking forward to animations of character , maybe not the 81 bones including face tho ;)


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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2014, 01:24:36 pm »

Animations looking good ! ... dual quaternion - fine addition there. Hope the wiki comes whyte the bone-structuring explained too - cant wait to jump into that stuff a little deeper. Also - SHOOTING! I will finally put my BTRs KPVT to some action.  :D

  .... fingers crossed Angry and Cameni !
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2014, 03:41:11 pm »

Sniff! :')
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2014, 05:05:46 am »

This is great news!  :D
The animations system video is nice also. Cool thing the feet are visible in first person mode.

Out of curiosity, is there a rough ETA for a potential Kickstarter campaign?

And the 3D trees, are they on the backburner for now?

Thumbs up and its awesome what you are creating there!
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2014, 06:44:40 am »

The work on 3D trees has been resurrected, or better they are being reworked using the knowledge we gathered in the mean time. Screens of tree skeletons would not be likely taken warmly, necessarily compared to the old 3D trees, so we'll show something when we get past the mark :)

Kickstarter - well, that's still an open question. Presuming we are speaking about a KS for a simulator stuff: over the time we have been approached by several companies inquiring about the use of OT for a flight simulator, and a couple of them also for a railway simulator. Most of these companies had their own plans to make a simulator, and looked at OT for the engine. While it's true that OT is still in development and lacks a lot of features for this and that, developing a simulator is a huge amount of work in itself as well, and actually both things should be developed in parallel, providing feedback to each other and shaping up the tech both ways.

However, while there are still some of these contacts open, most of them eventually trip not on the OT tech state, but because of funding issues, lack of expertise once they start to see the extents of the work, and not the least lack of confidence (usually because of the former two). Interestingly most of these companies have little SW development experience, but they are somehow connected to the business - making HW or content for existing simulators. With the demise of MS they are facing a bit of decline but also a bit of chance, and they are basically the first ones probing the grounds, but not yet strong and sure enough to actually do something.

On the other hand there are small developers who are willing to go into an experiment, aware of the amount of work and the quality required, doing it for the love of sim stuff. However, without funding from an investor, this would rely on crowd funding. A successful campaign basically requires either a proven name, a promise of future success, or a good prototype. Winning the support of (flight) simulator fans will be especially hard, and the prototype will have to go into depths.
So that's where we are now - planning and discussing what would be needed for the prototype and for the campaign. Looks there will have to be a prototype of the prototype to get some devs support us as well :)

As for a non-simulator game project, that's similar, except the thing to show would be the gameplay. Once we are there, there are other options to get the support, for example Steam early access.
Both projects share a lot of common engine functionality, together with our other activities, so we are still moving on without having to face tough decisions, but I guess that time comes later this year.


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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2014, 07:28:19 am »

Thanks for the reply Cameni.
Looking forward to where this is all going.  :D
Steam early access for the non-simulator game sounds like an interesting option.
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2014, 08:05:43 am »

Kickstarter - well, that's still an open question. Presuming we are speaking about a KS for a simulator stuff: over the time we have been approached by several companies inquiring about the use of OT for a flight simulator, and a couple of them also for a railway simulator. Most of these companies had their own plans to make a simulator, and looked at OT for the engine. While it's true that OT is still in development and lacks a lot of features for this and that, developing a simulator is a huge amount of work in itself as well, and actually both things should be developed in parallel, providing feedback to each other and shaping up the tech both ways.

However, while there are still some of these contacts open, most of them eventually trip not on the OT tech state, but because of funding issues, lack of expertise once they start to see the extents of the work, and not the least lack of confidence (usually because of the former two). Interestingly most of these companies have little SW development experience, but they are somehow connected to the business - making HW or content for existing simulators. With the demise of MS they are facing a bit of decline but also a bit of chance, and they are basically the first ones probing the grounds, but not yet strong and sure enough to actually do something.

What about bringing them all to a common place to discuss their special needs in a greater picture of things. After all, it seems many of those have something to do whyte aviation simulations. One may be pure military, other pure civilian, other on a special brunch. May be a bigger bunch of people, but if they work part-timey in those numbers on something, might come to interesting ends(kinda like the spin tires group, that tried to see, how much people it interests) - that also means hawing some (even if few) skilled people too and others getting something from them in knowledge, also progressing step-wise whyte anyone's little hand-work. 

      ---- maybe something else in legal dev. sense.
Kick-starters do have the "need to be finished" line. What if a Bunch of people just said themselves to get on a risk and investment in the future skills of those people instead - a "try-start project" so to say. Where the end-product may not come up at all - doe the real aim is in a little else thing - in one, the promotion of the skills of those people, witch may not end this project but will gain the oversight of a kick-start-like projects to get into in the future (many just dont think they would handle it on their own) and also partially promoting the OT engine itself, as at one hand - those people get it well known and be more viable to reach for it when choosing one in future endeavors and at the second - during the project-duration development screens and vids. showing its capabilities.
... its a well known dead-end risk investment in now-days view, but actually, many technological industries (witch have such capabilities) do that kind of future-tech/product investments daily, mainly whyte ending and out-coming students. Just think how many people just started in an industry engineer-board house, whyte a free hand-project from the general-director and ended up making new revolutionary stuff (they laughed at rotary-wings so long ago and see what people like Bell, Sikorsky, Kamov and Mil ended up like). Except, it would be a crowd-based and not industry/state/school-grant promotion.

 -- The idea needs a more idealistic and trust-based thinking, doe, i think, in the end it could prove its potential for all three parties ... (just that you know, im a Venus project fan guy - so i wrote it in that kind of thought) ... you may just give them a glimpse of this - i would definitely support them if those guys decide to get together in that fashion. 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 08:08:49 am by PytonPago »
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2014, 12:03:14 pm »

Yeah, a kickstarter has to be a very cleanly defined goal and if it can help support the overall development of the engine that is even better. So you have to make a promise you can keep with relative ease. Create SDK in conjunction with developer X so a Flight sim platform can be made and implemented in Outerra.  Seems legit but you have to sort of mention with the completion of the SDK for Outerra for this particular flight sim also comes the public release of the SDK for "INSERT MONTAGE OF ALL THE OTHER THINGS POSSIBLE IN OUTERRA HERE".

You can probably even mention in the video that the kickstarter is for the flight sim mods development but the work helps all aspects of the engine for development from users and modders like you!

Steam greenlight you just have to have something pretty with some guns and you are golden. That can come like 2 weeks later. But 3d trees, clouds and terrain shadows first. I miss those.
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2014, 12:17:44 pm »

The thing I liked about the Blog post is that it was like:
We did this and that and that.
We are going to make a fiew adjustments.
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Re: 2013 retrospective, 2014 look ahead
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2014, 12:20:43 pm »

Steam greenlight is a must ,
 considering i have paid £19.99 last month on steam greenlight for a very very very early Alpha , i would value this  Engine with the 2014 Blog commits in as equally worthy and would even goto £25 but £19.99 with a Dayz /Dead Linger type warning for buyers would for me give great value /resource for you as developers and not put any massively OTT commitments beyond your blog promisses .
 I came from the Arma 3 scene and there is 1000s of disolusioned people there who are craving co -op , that would also be a great thing to look to aim for if you get enough revenue for the Alpha .

 anyway ill be happy giving you a bit more if you add the blog stuff and ask me for another £10 direct on top of what i paid for the Alpha no problem

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