The location in the last video was Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington State.
Here is another video, showing different types of missiles being launched, AGM-65E Maverick and AIM-9M Sidewinder. The mass and drag of each external store is accounted for dynamically in the flight model. When the script initializes, it checks what the loadout configuration is, and sets the mass and drag-area for each station. When the store is launched, the mass and drag are set accordingly. There are also empty fuel tanks in the flight model at Stations, 3, 7 and 11. When a 1000 liter drop fuel tank is loaded on the wing, that tank is set to full. When you drop the tanks, both the mass of the empty tank and the mass of the fuel is zeroed. You can select between air-to-ground and air-to-air mode, select the weapon to fire, and toggle Master Arm on/off. I am working on a number of external stores for the EF-2000, including ASRAAM, AMRAAM, AARGM, IRIS-T, GBU-16 PAVEWAY II, LITENING III/AF laser designation pod, and either the Taurus or Storm Shadow stand-off cruise missile. I'll also add a sensor pod with FOV zoom levels, and a number of sensor modes (DTV, LLTV, FLIR) and tracking modes (rate/point/feature) for engaging targets. Also, expect the MiG-29 and a few other aircraft to be upgraded with the same systems, and of course the AH-64 Apache Longbow!

bongodriver, would you be able to add the BONE_stations to the package when you have some time? It will make it profoundly easier for me, because currently I had to guess the locations of each station to set the position of each object when it is loaded, which is not optimal and makes the system far more complex than it needs to be. Also, it is more difficult for me to set the rotation of each store, so as you see in the videos, they are not aligned correctly. Each BONE_station_## can be rotated in model so stores are automatically mounted at the correct angle.