He-he, du Witzbold.
Nö, hab nüscht dagegen was selbst zu versenken bzw. aus paar mächtigen Geschützen auf irgendwas zu feuern.
p.s. aber zuerst mal die Focke auf die Beine bekommen.Das ist das Hauptziel!
Ja, ich muss nen Schuss-ziel mit meinem foto machen ...

Und den Mechaniker-simulator !

... halte beide Daumen auf den Fusen fur die Focke !
( Yes, i should make an practice-target whyte my photo on it ...
And the Mechanic-sim !

... hold my foot fingers for your Focke to get done ! ) - just for non-german speakers discrimination.

P.S.: - whyte the model, i just wanted to make sure the guns are set properly whyte the gun-mesh-origins and see the names for them for the script - will try to get the multiple turret handling get working, if it can work how i imagine it. Doe its true, that such big things would probably need something like a vehicle white-in vehicle structure, so you could get into the turret by approaching it and taking over manually that way. (also controls would be just the same). Doe, also, i just thought, maybe we could use a script, that would swap the rotation-scripts for the turret and its guns, so that each time you hit "o" you would control another turret ... hmmm. That might be much better than my previous idea. - something like the counter i have on the grad for firing and hiding rockets, just each number would set a different turret (mesh-rotation script) to be used by the turret-movement script. Setting the XY-rotation values as variable, that will be determined separately for each and changing it for the actual gun trough the number. I have to try that ... this baby deserves this.