thankfully you had some great community suggestions in your cancelled airbus thread.. great add on, are there any other planes that are currently work in progress at the moment?
Actually, this particular aircraft posted here was one of my favorite FSX add-on's, so I remembered about it when you started suggesting aircrafts.
No WIP at this moment, but, I've read a suggestion on the cancelled airbus thread about
The Project Airbus, and i'm taking a look at that, and who knows, maybe when I have some free time, I put my hands on it

Nice job, Levi!
She looks and fly's great! 
What an awesome plane to fly. It is so friendly, stable and easy to land. Keep up the good work Levi, looking forward to some of those instruments working when ya get around to it.
Yeah, I used info/data/measurements from the real aircraft, so maybe that's why it's stable... Working instruments coming with the next update (maybe not all of them, but some).