How do I texture objects I've added?
I'm using Blender to make stuff and can do colours via the materials thing in blender (like this house: but textures don't work. I get a series of errors when I try and add a texture, most seem to be about .dds files. The textures I'm adding are all .jpeg and .png
Do I have to convert them to .dds and if so, how do I do that? Irfanview can open .dds but can't save (even with plugins). I have a castle I'm working on now but it looks pretty average without textures.
Any help appreciated.

Just a couple of other questions. Don't worry about these, but if you happen to know, it would be interesting to know.
* I've seen a few screenshots where people have hands and a gun in front of them, as in a FPS. How did they do that?
* Is there any word on when full biome support, rivers/lakes, object collision, and weather will be added? I feel like biomes and water features could really make this stunning!
* Are there plans to give us terrain shaping tools? I would like to be able to clear forested areas (I can do it with roads, but it's not perfect) and to raise/lower land as I see fit.
Thanks again.