Well understanding that a tool should do it's job and no more, in the same way that a chissel isn't a screw driver, or a screw driver a hammer... I'd want a tool that's simple and does what it says on the label..
The first tool i'd want to be able to introduce to a fellow moder that wishes to do flight modelling would be mass/ballance tool.
In JSBsim this section can be filled in with a couple of numbers... Empty mass, CoG and moments of inertia.... And it's great if you've got them or are defining a new plane.. But try getting them for a 1917 bi-plane. I'd say 95% of planes built on JSBsim have these numbers guessed.
But here's the thing if someone's doing bi-planes, trawling through documents, over a period of time they've an idea as to how much 'generic' items weigh....
And after a period of study, from the overall weight of the plane minus these individual elements the mass of a planes 'structure' can be narrowed down.
Wing structure has it's own density, that being it's material plus air contained within it's shape.. the internal make-up of one wing to the next is pretty similar, the weight difference being it's plan form and thickness differences...
So the tool I'd want is one that allows me to enter the planes total weight plus on individual tabs add 'point masses' for the objects I know and point masses based on density, area and volume for wings and fuselage.. outputting these values as a complex mass ballance JSBsim section or a collated JSBsim mass ballance section.