Nah, it's just for analysis. I'd like to do imports/exports to and from Lightwave to see exactly what's going on during the conversion process to understand what I would need to "fix" before doing an export to Blender (and from there to the engine). When the demo is released, I'd like to test a few things out to get a proper workflow going, and be able to create a "Lightwave/Blender/Outerra Mod Tutorial" in place so that others using the application would understand the pratfalls I've been encountering so far.
Lightwave is very particular about its hierarchies for animation purposes, and I'm afraid it may not be "lenient" with Blender. I'd hate to have to learn yet another 3d application

Thanks, this will help. Hopefully this weekend I can get Lightwave reinstalled on a 64-bit OS to gain a little faster rendering times and conversions.