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Author Topic: Alaska scenery  (Read 243724 times)


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Alaska scenery
« on: August 18, 2014, 09:03:07 am »

Alaska test scenery

New dataset (earth2) version, Talkeetna airport only
[Download full version] v2 - 97mb

Old dataset (earth) versions:
[Download update version - from 0.7 or 0.8] v0.9 - 3mb

[Download full version] v0.9 - 461mb

Full package includes models, with the agreement of their creators.


This is a work-in-progress test scenery on Alaska.
Two main airports are included :

  • Ted Stevens, with a fairly low detail level. No surroundings, only the runways and taxiways layout and some placeholder buildings. I have created this basic airport for Levi's A380. Since Anchorage is a very dense scenery, working on it with current tools will be really hard so I'm just gonna keep this basic version for big airliners, and will focus on smaller density airports.
  • Talkeetna is one of these. More detailed, located in a fairly nice landscape, not far away from Denali park. There is a lot of smaller airstrips around this airport.

I have started to create this scene mostly because I was under the impression that, without human made landmarks, it was really hard to get a true perspective of distances in Outerra. The engine only allow for the moment creation of roads and buildings placement. There is no terrain modification tool, no possibility to modify the vegetation distribution. Everything is hand made. As a result, you can expect a more accurate rendition of this area than you can have with any autogen system.

Even limited, the current tools are extremly powerful : Ted Stevens scenery was made in less than 3 hours. I hope you will enjoy it, this is a work in progress and updates will come!

The .otx file is an auto-installer for Outerra mods.

Please note that the included cache folder will erase all roads and object placement you may have done in this specific area of the world. Files included are : cache/earth/object/+z/11, 12 and 13.  I included a map in the .zip wich show what region of the world is modified. I strongly recommend to make a backup of you own cache/earth folder before installing this scenery.
I will try to update this scene when I have time, so I don't recommend you to add your own roads in this region, any new update using my cache will erase them.


This folder only contains roads data and buildings position data.
It does not however, come with these buildings. I have listed below all the models used in this scene. You can install them and thanks their creators  :) .

Most of the models use the .otx format. You just need to click on the file, follow the instructions and the content will be installed in the proper location.
If you load the scenery without having installed these buildings, the console will pop-up and show a wild number of red errors (and these models won't be here, of course). You can close the console using the "p" key. Even with all the models installed, you will still get errors messages, from a broken model. This is gonna be corrected in the future.

Most used models are in bold. KW71 water mesh should be considered as mandatory for this scene.

Buildings and objects list (v0.6)

New in 0.3 :
ProfessorX package is no longer required.

New in 0.4 :

New in 0.5 :

New in 0.6 :
/!\ Mandatory : KW71's water mesh : <http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3104.0>

New in 0.7 :
Talkeetna airport now use Rudeboy's buildings. You can check Rudeboy website here: http://rdesignx.weebly.com/. Please consider leaving a donation :)

New in 0.8 :
Several new Rudeboy's buildings and objects. I have also updated and fixed some of the airport roads.

New in 0.9 :
Extended area to the north area including several new airfields
  • Extended roads network, railways and rivers
  • AK, Denali airport + campos
  • Added Summit airport + campos
Note: tree were not removed in some water area. Too much work for a temporary solution.

Videos: -

« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 12:31:22 pm by Acetone »


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 09:44:53 am »


You placed a lot of roads there! especially around Talkeetna airport! very nice job!


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2014, 04:29:34 am »


You placed a lot of roads there! especially around Talkeetna airport! very nice job!


I will probably post an update today. It will improve the Talkeetna buildings density and add a whole area in the west side of the river (well, the river bed  ;D). Mostly farms, fields and a small airstrip!

« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 08:44:57 am by Acetone »


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 05:07:32 am »

Well done Acetone. It looks awesome. The visibility gives it more realism, especially mountains. Your placement of objects are really good. At first i thought it is a real picture then saw outerra logo. Great work


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 05:32:53 am »

That's some very nice and detailed work! It does point out the need for better tools in Outerra though, like maybe some flattening brushes, tree brushes, road merging tools, etc.
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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2014, 06:48:02 am »

That's some very nice and detailed work! It does point out the need for better tools in Outerra though, like maybe some flattening brushes, tree brushes, road merging tools, etc.

Yep. It's pretty hard to combine multiple roads layers (road on a field for example) and get a nice result. However, roads merge nicely if you understand the logic : you have to make the last section go directly inside of the other road vector. That way (if the terrain is flat), the two roads will be perfectly merged together. Last updated road always go under the other one by the way :)

Biggest problem ATM is transition between two close parallels roads vectors. There are conflict between them at transitionnal level, so you end up having huge "steps" wich doesn't look nice. You can tweak that by reducing borders and transitionnal for the two roads but it's a lot af work to do :(


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 09:10:11 am »

v0.2 - 26mb [Download]

Talkeetna modfications

  • Improved roads and additional buildings.
  • Added a few missing locations at the east of the city.
  • Added roads, buildings and fields on the west bank of Chulitna River
  • Two dirt runways on the west bank of Chulitna River
  • An easter egg

Please note that Planets's radio telescopes are now required too : http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=2655.0

That's all for today :)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 09:14:32 am by Acetone »


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 09:43:07 am »

For me,  the installation went fine except i dont get professorx buildings to show, except one. The outerra building are fine though. I tried to copy professorx content  to C:\Program Files (x86)\Outerra\Anteworld\packages\m7c7  and to C:\Program Files (x86)\Outerra\Anteworld\packages

Looking at the pic, it looks like the path to the object is not correct with that way of installing.


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2014, 09:48:22 am »

Awesome work! and so much patience considering the available tools!


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2014, 09:56:32 am »

For me,  the installation went fine except i dont get professorx buildings to show, except one. The outerra building are fine though. I tried to copy professorx content to C:\Program Files (x86)\Outerra\Anteworld\packages\m7c7  and to C:\Program Files (x86)\Outerra\Anteworld\packages

In my install, ProfessorX buildings are located in Acetone/Outerra/packages/ProfessorX. If Outerra use an absolute path for these packages, it is possible they cannot be located if you put them in the installation directory (Program Files/Outerra) and not in the data directory (Your_name/Outerra) :)

Looking at the pic, it looks like the path to the object is not correct with that way of installing.

It seems that none of the other packages (NewS, Morikubo, etc...) are found by the program. Have you tried to install them already?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 09:59:38 am by Acetone »


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2014, 10:04:48 am »

I just downloaded News scandinavian buildings directly from his thread and drop it in the package folder and it worked. So what is missing from the professorx_pack.rar is the name of the user that created these buildings in the path. It's not a big deal to download them directly from their respective thread but i would be cool if we could install eveything at once with these packs.

Oh and thanks for starting what maybe a new trend in outerra... location sharing  ;D


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2014, 12:21:23 pm »

So what is missing from the professorx_pack.rar is the name of the user that created these buildings in the path.

But... It's in! If you open the .rar file you'll see that all the buildings folders are inside a ProfessorX folder. You just have to copy this main folder inside your package directory :)

It's not a big deal to download them directly from their respective thread but i would be cool if we could install eveything at once with these packs.

I agree, but I don't really want to distribute all these files if they are avaiable directly since they are not my creation. If model creators want to team up to make such a thing it would indeed make things a lot easier :) And not just for me, if anyone want to work on an other location, it would be way more simple to say: "to use my Ireland scenery, please install Ultimate_Outerra_community_model_pack.zip v.1.38". One package for all the locations !

Oh and thanks for starting what maybe a new trend in outerra... location sharing  ;D

Thanks :) And I hope other people will join in, even if the current system is not really perfect. It's just a temporary solution while waiting for an OSM import tool  :D


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2014, 01:36:13 pm »

My bad, i just failed to properly read the instructions  :-[  Everything works as intended now.

But yeah i think you could include all models you use in your scenery so that the lasy like me could have everything in one clic  :P Or have all models  on a separate zip to make it a 2 clics process  :D People would just have to merge folders if they already have models from a specific user.


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 05:13:37 pm »

No problem, my original instructions were not completly clear about this point, I have updated them :)


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Re: Alaska scenes
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2014, 03:27:14 pm »

Awesome work! and so much patience considering the available tools!

Thank you Levi ! I noticed you are using the airport for the glider preview, it's awesome  :D
I will be away from my main computer for the next couple of weeks, so there will unfortunately be no update for a (limited) moment.
A small snapshot of the work done today : more roads, more farms, more (buggy) fields  ;D

By the way, if anyone is interested to work on some additionnal buildings, he will be welcome ! NewS's Scandinavian houses are great but I'm afraid this little town in Alaska is starting to look like a remote Norway village  ;D
« Last Edit: August 20, 2014, 03:30:28 pm by Acetone »
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